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1、招远市第二学期初二第二学段测评英语试题说明:本试卷满分100分,其中书写质量3分,卷面安排2分;考试时间120分钟。第卷(满分70分)一、听力测试(共25小题, 25分)(一)听句子,从ABC三个选项中选出与画面内容一致的选项。每个句子读一遍。每小题1分。1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC 5ABC(二)听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。每小题1分。6ABlue Water Aquarium great BNot badCI went there7ANo,you dontBYes,you didCWelcomeThanks8AIts far BBy bikeCAbout fifteen mi

2、nutes9AShe is LucyBShe is tallCShe has short hair10AThats a good idea BSorry,I wont do that againCThats all right(三)听下面五组对话和对话后面的问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。每小题1分。11AHamburgers BSandwiches CNoodles12AIn a bookshop BIn a store CIn a library13ABecause he wants to travel to HainanBBecause he wants to look aft

3、er his brotherCBecause he wants to visit his brother in Hainan14ACleaning the table BDoing sortie dishes CDoing the laundry15AGo hiking BGo shoppingCGo swimming(四)听一段长对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。每小题1分。16How was the girls day off?AIt was great BIt was not bad CIt was awful17What was the weather like on the

4、 gifts day off?AIt was sunny BIt was rainy CIt was windy18How did the girl go camping?AShe went for a drive BShe went by bike CShe went on foot19Why did the boy sleep late on his day off?ABecause he was very lazyBBecause he studied hard for his math examCBecause he had nothing to do20So what did the

5、 boy do on his day off?AHe went to the beach BHe washed TVCHe helped his parents clean the yard(五)听短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空词数不限。短文读两遍。每小题1分。What pet?Jacks pet is a _(21)Where to go?Jacks family will go to _(22)for vacationHow many times?Sandy can feed the pet _(23)a dayWhat to do?Jack asks Sandy to _(24)the

6、 pct to the parkWhen?Sandy should change the water _(25)二、基础知识运用(共15小题,共15分)26-Im going m visit my friend in Hong Kong for four days-Well,_!Agood luck Bhave a great time Ca good place DI agree27-I dont get your postcardWhen did you _ it?-Last FridayAshow Bsend Cgive Dmake28- _ are you staying in Now

7、 York?-For about a monthAHow soon BHow long CWhat DWhen29- _-I went to a movie with my friendsAHow was your weekend?BWhat did you do yesterday?CHow are you? DWhat do you usually do on weekend?30Its _ beautiful day and the children are watching _ interestingAa;an Ban;a Can;an Da;a31I want m be a repo

8、rter because I _ talking with peopleApractice Bkeep Cenjoy Dgo on32-Must I finish all the math exercises this afternoon?-No,you _AcantBmustntCmay not Dneednt33-Could you stay here a little longer?- _,but I have to go back home tomorrowANo problemBIm afraid notCId love toDNo,thank you34Mike _ finish

9、the work at onceHe can finish it tomorrowAmust Bhave toCshouldnt Ddoesnt have to35-Do you like English?-YesBut I think its _ subject of allAthe easiest Bthe most difficultCthe most interesting Dthe most boring36In my hometown its _ in July,bat its even _ in AugustAhotter;hottest Bhot;hot Chotter;hot

10、 Dhot;hotter37You are _ nowSo you should wash your clothes by yourselfAyoung enough Benough oldCold enough Denough young38Did she have a hard time _ these new words?Amemorizing Bto memorize Cmemorize Dmemories39-Do you think the heavy rain will stop tomorrow morning?- _I want to fly my kite in the p

11、ark tomorrowAso do I BI hope soCI hope not DIt doesnt matter40-Have a good day to Sandy Beach!- _ANever mind BThe same to you CIm not sure DThanks a lot三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)In the United States,people enjoy entertaining(招待)guests at homeSo they often _41_ friends over a meal,a party,or just _42_ coffee

12、People often _43_ their invitations by saying,“Would you come over for dinner this Saturday evening?” “Hey,were having a party on FridayCould you _44_ us?”If people accept(接受)the invitation,they often say,“Yes,thank you” If they can not go,they may say,“Im sorry,” and give a(an)_45_ for itSometimes,

13、people use some other expressions(表达,说法)They _46_ like invitations,_47_ they are not real invitationsFor example:“Please come over for a drink sometime” “Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon?”In fact,these are not real invitations _48_ they dont have a specific(具体的)time or dateThey just show that the person is trying to be _49_,and he is trying to end a conversation in a polite wayWhen people reply(答复



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