2022年高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit1 Lifestyles 3沙场点兵能力自评练习 北师大版必修1

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2022年高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit1 Lifestyles 3沙场点兵能力自评练习 北师大版必修1_第1页
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1、2022年高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit1 Lifestyles 3沙场点兵,能力自评练习 北师大版必修1.完形填空You Are Going Places湖北部分重点中学起点考试One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier, seater and waiter. I went to work feeling_1_ . And to make matters worse, I was bus

2、y that evening. Its the same thing over and over again._2_ with customers who plain about their food and where they are_3_ is too big or too small. Little things like that tend to_4_ a lot of us _5_ but we manage to deal with it. Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the window. It happened to b

3、e the very_6_ near where I keep the dirty_7_in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and ing in and_8_ running all over the house, it was crazy._9_ these elderly women were watching_10_ I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next custom

4、ers. When they_11_ their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, what_12_ I was in and what I planned to do in the future._13_they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a _14_ and gentle voice,“ You are go

5、ing places.”And that was it. They left the _15_ and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me_16_ to believe in myself. They_17_ my spirit from being down and gave me a(n)_18_ to keep on working hard.People used to tell me that I couldnt have a career in_19_ until I had a degree. Im now a coancho

6、r(联合主持人)of a studentproduced television_20_. And the best thing is: Im only 17 years old and I am a senior in high school.1. A. tiredB. excited C. up D. down2. A. Dealing B. Helping C. Talking D. Meeting3. A. sat B. seated C. laid D. seating4. A. attract B. avoid C. adjust D. annoy5. A. employees B.

7、 customers C. boss D. employers6. A. room B. box C. spot D. kitchen7. A. dishes B. rooms C. clothes D. chairs8. A. men B. women C. servers D. people9. A. And B. Otherwise C. But D. So10. A. what B. how C. where D. why11. A. finished B. pleted C. ordered D. got12. A. place B. grade C. mark D. positio

8、n13. A. Before B. While C. As D. After14. A. confident B. loud C. low D. pleasant15. A. kitchen B. house C. restaurant D. table16. A. ability B. courage C. imagination D. time17. A. put down B. picked upC. took over D. pointed out18. A. excuse B. reason C. present D. permission19. A. television B. g

9、overnmentC. school D. hospital20. A. pany B. stationC. show D. advertisement答案:作者利用空闲时间打工。一天,在作者感到沮丧的时候,一位顾客的一句话使作者对自己的前途重燃希望。那句话是:You are going places.(你前途无量。)1. D 我去上班的时候心情非常不好。feeling down是现在分词作伴随状语,意为”闷闷不乐”。倒数第二段的“my spirit from being down”是线索提示。2. A 应付那些抱怨食品、座位的顾客deal with表示“对付,应对”。3. B 顾客抱怨他们就

10、座的位置。be seated意为“坐下,就座”;sit是不及物动词,应为where they sat。4. D 诸如此类的小事容易使很多雇员感到厌烦。annoy表示“使生气”。5. A 见上题解析。第二段讲述的是我在餐厅打工的情况,空处指包括我在内的雇员,故选A项。6. C 他们碰巧坐在我存放用过的盘子附近的地方。spot表示“地点”。7. A the dirty dishes指“客人用过的盘子”。8. C 此处是对餐厅里场景的描写:顾客们进进出出,服务员在餐馆里来回走动,为顾客提供服务。9. C 虽然餐馆处于一片忙乱的状态,但是这三位女士却在观察我工作。该空前的crazy是答案提示。10.

11、B 此处表示她们看我是如何工作的。11. A 此处表示她们吃完饭的时候。根据下文的“I took their plates back to the kitchen”排除C、D两项;plete表示“结束,完成(尤指经历长时间之后)”,不符合语境。finish在文中表示“吃光,吃完”。12. B 她们询问我上几年级。通过上下文可知作者是个打工的学生,故B项符合语境。13. C 当她们离开的时候,她们走过我身边。由语意排除A、D两项;while引导时间状语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应是延续性动词。as在文中表示“(正当)的时候”。14. A 她们从我身边走过时,其中一位女士用肯定和温和的语气说由下文的

12、“You are going places.”可推知说话者的语气。confident“有信心的,肯定的”。15. C 说完后她们就离开了餐馆。由上下文可知,they指代three elderly ladies,她们来餐馆用餐。16. B 由下文可知她们给予了我自信的勇气。17. B 她们让我振作起来。pick up表示“使振作精神”。put down“记下,镇压”;take over“接管”;point out“指出”。18. B 她们给了我继续努力的理由。reason表示“原因,理由”。19. A 由下一句内容可知,此处表示“有人曾经告诉我,没有学位,我就不能从事电视台的工作”。20. Ca

13、 student produced television show表示“学生制作的电视节目”。.阅读理解SHANGHAIYao Ming is likely to make it official on Wednesday, announcing what is expected to be his retirement from the NBA.The 7foot6 center(中锋)for the Houston Rockets played eight seasons in the NBA, but has missed 250 regularseason games over the

14、 past six years. His career, including frequent appearances for the Chinese national team at Olympics and world championships, has included leg and foot injuries.On Wednesday, a large reception hall at a hotel in the Pudong section of ShanghaiYaos hometownhas been booked for what will likely be the

15、countrys media event of the year. Hundreds of media have been permitted to attend the restricted event and are expected to arrive hours early to go through security checks. It is expected to be broadcast live in China and in many countries around the world.Selected to the NBA AllStar team eight times aft


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