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1、Unit3 Getti ng Together一、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)1. Who has the (最多的)apples in your baskets?2. The maths (难题)arent easy. I n eed your help.3. I go to see my (父母亲)once a mon th.4. This is the teachers(办公室).5. The (餐馆)is next to the river.6. Alice is Mr. Greens(女儿).7. Look at those people(打)beach

2、 volleyball. They are myfrien ds.8. - Whats your favourite(饮料)?Cola.9. She gets up and the n has milk for(早餐).10. - What would you like to(点菜),madam?-A hamburger and a cup of coca cola.11. -(许多)stude nts want to study En glish well.12. Its his duty to solve the(问题).13. Whatre your (父母亲)names?14. Our

3、 teacher is in the(办公室).15. Li Ho ng, lets have lunch in the(餐馆)today.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)16. Please t me someth ing about your family.17. What do you o do?18. Many stude nts in my class lin a small village.19. I v the old man yesterday. He was so happy.20. My pare nts work in a hospital. The

4、yre d.21. Mrs. Gree n is a nu rse. She works in a h.22. Her father t math in this school.23. Susa n usually has some pieces of band a bottle of milk forbreakfast.24. Most of the stude nts have lat school.25. We u have dinner at six oclock.26. We like to t stories after school.27. He o goes to KFC. H

5、e likes hamburgers very much.28. The elepha nt l in Africa.29. My pare nts want to v Japa n one day.30. His father is a d; he works in a hospital.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共15小题;共30分)31. 每年这个时候都下很多雨。It usually rains at this time of year.32. 我们所有的人在学习上都应该互相帮助。(词数不限)All of us.33. 我想和詹姆斯打篮球。Ibasketball with Jam

6、es.34. 我爸爸经常在周日和朋友们外出。My father ofte n with his friends on Sun days.35. -猴子喜欢爬树吗?-是的。(词数不限)- the mon key climbi ng trees?Yes, .36. 在中国南方,夏天雨水充沛。in South of China in summer.37. 她要我们两个彼此重新做朋友。She wan ted us two to aga in.38. 你想给他买一张 CD吗?(词数不限)Do you him?39. 我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐。(词数不限)My daughter TV and to mus

7、ic.40. 这只狮子是生活在森林吗 ?this lio n ?41. 他对电脑知道很多。He knew about the computer.42. 老师常常告诉我们朋友之间要相互学习。Teachers ofte n tell us that friends should.43. 这个年轻人想周末和朋友出去吃饭。The young man wants with hisfriends on weeke nds.44. 这只大象是来自欧洲吗?(词数不限)this Europe?45. 难道你不是每天骑自行车去上学吗?go to school by bike every day?单项选择(共15小

8、题;共15分)on weekends?-What your father oftenHe ofte n watches TV at home.四、 do; doesB. does; doesC. do; doD. does; doHelike readi ng the book.A. isB. does ntC. dontD. do-Where the boys ofte n play games?-In the park.D. doare my new frien ds.D. TheirsD. Isa horse h

9、as and howD. teeth; footA. isB. areC. doesDad, this is Tom and this is Mike.A. TheyB. ThemC. Theiryour brother like singing?A. AreB. DoesC. DoDo you know how many manya bee ( 蜜蜂)has?A. teeth; feetB. tooth; footC. tooth; feet-What he the sitcom?-He likes it very much.A. does; think ofB. does; thinks

10、ofC. do; thi nks ofD. do; thi nk ofUncle Wang bought two for me yesterday.A. breadB. milkC. dictio naryD. watches-The nu mber of the stude nts in our classfifty-six.-How many of are girls?A. is; themB. are; themC. is; theyD. are; they-Who is the lady in red over there?- Oh, she is new teacher. Shete

11、aches En glish.A. our; usB. us; ourC. our; ourD. your; usMiss. Li is a new . She us En glish.A. teaches; teachesB. teacher; teachC. teaches; teacherHow does JaneD. teacher; teachesthe river?-By boat.A. crossB. crossesC. acrossD. go cross58.- Where a bank clerk work?In a bank.A. doB.isC.doesD. am59.H

12、elen and Maryaregood friends.often go to schooltogether.A. TheyB.ThemC.TheirD. Theirs60.your brotherbasketball?-Yes, he does.A. Is; likeB.Do; likeC.Does; likesD. Does; like五、完形填空(共10小题;共15 分)In many En glish homes, people eat61meals( 餐)a day: breakfast,lun ch, tea and dinner. They62breakfast at any

13、time63seven64nine in the morning. They 65tea or coffee66eat breador eggs. 67comes at one oclock in the after noon.68tea isfrom four to five inthe after noon,and dinner is about7:30. First, they havesome soup; the n they have meat(肉)or fish with vegetables(蔬菜).After that, theyeat some other thin gs,

14、69banan as, apples or oran ges. But not all En glishpeople like that. Some 70them have their dinner in themiddle of the day.Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and these meals are very simple(简单).61. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four62. A. hasB. haveC. eatsD. eat ing63. A. toB. onC. fromD. i n64. A. inB. toC. fromD. at65. A. drinkB. drinksC. cookD. cooks66. A. butB. andC. orD. with67. A. BreakfastB. LunchC. SupperD. T



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