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1、新视野大学英语(第二版)据说教程3原文及答案 听力原文阐明:本原文涉及warning up,listnng和homwork部分nit 1 vend love一、arming 二、rtonvrsatons23467891三、log cnerstion四、passage五、radio programHomeorkTask1Takas3ni Stp p tobetr lth一、wrig u 二、short coverios 2.3. 5 6. 8. 9. 10. 三、lg converatin四、ssag五、rdopogrm HomeworkTk Tk2 Tsk3Uit3 Was t wn一、wrm

2、ing up二、short conversations1 2 345 6 8 10 三、on onvesation四、pasa五、rdio prram HmerkTa1 Tak Taski4 ymbof meia一、wariup 二、shor conesaton1 2 3 5 6 8 10 三、ln convrstion四、passage 五、radio pogra HomeworkTasTask2Task3Uni eaths lesso for life一、wrmin u二、short convsatons12 3 4 678 10 三、ln cveration四、passage五、rai

3、rogaHomeworTak1Tak2Task3n6 Defeding ourselve gantsastrs一、warmingup二、ort conversatos12 3 4 7 89 10 三、long covrsti四、pasag 五、rado prgam Homworkask1Task2Task3 Uit7 Geat!Gret!eates!一、arig up二、short convesatios1 2 34 6 8 910三、lg cnversatin四、pasage五、rdio proamHomeworkTask1 ask2 ak3Uit8 Troubliov eetic dbin

4、g一、amig up二、shorconversaton1 2 3 56 7 8 9 1三、logcnversation四、passage五、raio rogrammworkTak1Task2ak3答案Unit Warming up 1. F . 3TsenngShort ovstons 1 C 2. .A 4. 5.B . 7.D 8.C 9.A .ongnersat 1.A 2. 3.B . .D Pasag 1B 2. 3.C 4. C Radio rgram . journalim degree 2. prett od . about wha she as4. yo jt at re 5

5、.potetive of fmilHomewrk Tas .C 2. 3.A 4.D 5.Tas 1.A 2.C . 4.C .DTas 3 1.slic 2.misuetangs 3.eutful .benfits 5.welless 6.ane 7.epici 8.hs been taki o tan mlin sujecs sce 9 9.hae fer hert attks an lowe canr ae 1a sronenseo connetion o oesndin satifyingrelaonsipsnit 2armin up. Rung, swmming,and liftin

6、 wegt Ercise kes himhay, keshis sress evelown, gves him all sort of eer forhsworkand family. . Wll, hre is o imming ol near y h ca im every ay. But anyay,Icantrn in te mrnng ,lif eights ftercas orracticetciefoeetme Thee e ny enfits to eercisin. They inlude asog bdy, an improve mo, lngerlife, bett ae

7、arance ad an overllene of well-beig.Listenng ht conesations .C 2C 3.B 4.A 5. 6.B .C 8.D 9. 10. Logcnvrton 1.D 2C 3.A 4B 5.A Pssage 1B 2.D 3.D 4. 5.A Raio pogra 1. thequality fsoolmenus 2mvig nto the neighbohd 3. eatsfast ood 4.he hcago tu 5. crenseang habisHmewo Tsk 1 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.Tsk 2 1 2.B .

8、D .C 5D ask 31. avncements 2.ysia 3epreson 4conitn .etoned 6admt .ma 8.higfiber and viain-ihfds, sh s egetables and frits 9.shoud give upsokig if the haent alred done so 0 Nectin of te pplaon cnbenfi more from eecie.Ut 3Wrmig up . me himsccesl 2. wht ot are ding 3.tey re ucssflLiteng Shr conesati 1.

9、D 2.C . . . 6. A 8.C 9.B 10A Longcoveston 1. 2 3.A 4.B .D assg 1.A 2.B 3.A 4. 5.aoprgram 1is studing fra dctorae in reigion 2.ia aed by chneeouters 3l knew a littl Iaia was aacked by aninrudrn hrhoe 5.bato iv a ife it vivid omntsomwork Task1 1.C .D 3.D 4.A B Tas 2 . 2. 3.C 4D 5. Task 1.exerece .iniate .dingis 4Succssfl 5.long trm 6.chieements .fllow 8usuccesful peope ustletliehpen by ccidnt 9.an hy arentdiict fo pel o atai 0. to go fer and in hat etion o aimyour fe



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