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1、期末综合检测(时间:100分钟满分:120分).听句子,选出与所听内容相符的选项。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)1.A.experimentB.explain C.environment B.sort C.bought offB.turn on C.put on forB.hear from C.look after Ming has ever rung up Jenny.B.Li Ming has already woken up Jenny.C.Li Ming and Jenny work in the same office.听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5

2、分)6.A.Yes, I can. B.No, I dont.C.All right. at all.B.Not too bad.C.Im fine, thanks. cookies.B.One dollar for four cookies.C.They are delicious.s cheap.B.By creating an ad.C.By making some friends.s broken.B.I like it.C.I go to school by bike.听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话及问题读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话和问题,完成第11至12小题。

3、football.B.A pencil-box.C.A big cake. the table.B.On the table.C.On the bed.听第二段对话和问题,完成第13至15小题。 is cooking in the kitchen.B.She is working on the computer.C.She is reading in the room. study hard.B.To cook dinner.C.To wash the dishes.s father.B.Alices mother.C.Alice.听短文,完成句子。短文读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)16.The

4、 East Beach is about away from the writers city.17.The sand there is fine, and clean.18.The water there is clean with .19.The East Beach is a good place for swimming and .20.There are toilets, and shops.单项填空 (每小题1分,共15分)21.Whats the of your country,Tim?More than thirty-five million.A.value B.nameC.a

5、dvantage D.population22.Why not consider the Internet for interesting information?Good idea!A.search B.searchesC.searched D.searching23.It was of you to fight against the robber(抢劫者) just now.Were all proud of you.A.brave B.foolishC.crazyD.pleasant24.The writerin translating this book into Chinese l

6、ast month.A.succeeded B.createdC.divided D.appeared25.Tina has lived in China for two years,and she knows Chinese.A.a little of B.a littleC.a bit of D.both B and C26.Mark didnt wake up his friend called him this morning.A.before B.whileC.until D.after27.Jack the empty bottle on the floor and threw i

7、t into the dustbin.A.opened up B.picked upC.rang up D.moved up28. Jenny I believe Toms words,because he always tells lies.A.Either,or B.Neither,norC.Both,and D.Not only,but also29.The boys parents since he was three years old.He has to live with his grandparents.A.died B.deadC.were dying D.have been

8、 dead30.Its difficult the poor man that new house.A.for,afford B.of,affordC.for,to afford D.of,to afford31.Judy seldom goes to the history museum, she? A.isB.isntC.doesD.doesnt32.My friend told me that she for Shanghai on June 5th.A.leave B.leavesC.will leaveD.would leave33.Where is your mother,Kim?

9、She Hangzhou.Shell come back this weekend.A.goes to B.has gone toC.will go toD.has been to34.If you drive too fast on the road,it an accident.A.cause B.causesC.causedD.will cause35.Do you know ,Li Ming?Of course! In 2012.A.where were the 30th Olympic Games heldB.when London hosted the 30th Olympic G

10、amesC.which record was broken at the Olympic GamesD.how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games .完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Winter becomes colder and colder.People begin to wear more36 themselves against the cold.But37 do animals get through the long cold winter?A number of animals,especially birds,trave

11、l to 38 places to get away from the cold.Wild geese,for example,fly south.Other animals,such as bears,snakes and squirrels,39 most of their time eating or storing food.After enough food and energy preparation,they go to safe places to hibernate(冬眠).Hibernation is a special and deep sleep.When animal

12、s hibernate,their body temperature drops,and their heart beat and breathing become very 40 .They look like dead ones.The largest hibernators are bears.41 other hibernators,bears do not eat or drink while hibernating,which can last as 42 as six months.For some cold-blooded animals,43 gives them a goo

13、d place to keep warm.44 the weather gets cold,they move to the bottom of lakes or ponds.For insects(昆虫),most of them dont 45 during the winter,which is called diapause(昆虫生长的停滞期).B.protectingC.protects D.to protect B.whatC.where D.why B.warmerC.colder D.windier B.spendC.take D.pay B.strongC.slow D.no

14、isyB.ExceptC.Unlike D.Without B.muchC.many D.far B.waterC.air D.space B.WhenC.For D.Even B.talkC.grow D.stop.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AZac,a first-grade student,was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer last June.He is undergoing treatment(进行治疗) but still goes to school every day,because at school he can play with Vincent.Five-year-old Vincent found out his best friend was sick,and he wanted to do everything he could to help.He wanted to show his friend that he was always wit



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