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1、2022年科教版人教PEP版二年级英语春季学期填空题专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 将下列图片和句子配对,连一连。 A. swing B. climb C. flower D. swim2. 根据要求写出单词。1. big(反义词) 2. tall(反义词)3. white rabbit(汉语) 4. brown dog(汉语)5.我的叔叔(英语) 6.可爱的猫(英语)3. 词义配对,连一连。 Its for you. A. 它是光滑的。 I like flowers. B. 祝你生日快乐。 Touch and guess. C. 这是给你的。 Its smooth. D. 摸一摸,猜一

2、猜。 Happy Birthday to you. E. 我喜欢花。4. 找出不同类的单词,把答案编号写在前面括号内。( )A. summerB. spring C. winter D. windy( )A. cool B. summer C. warm D. hot5. 圈出不同类的单词。A. sun B. slide C. moon D. starA. evening B. afternoon C. day D. morningA. box B. bright C. big D. small6. 根据要求写出单词。1. long(反义词) 2. tall(反义词)3. small(反义词)

3、 4.长脖子(英语)5.look at (汉语) 6.一条短尾巴(英语)7. 写出字母的左右邻居。(1)Vv (2)Yy(3)Xx (4)Ss8. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Mike_(go) to the zoo tomorrow.2David and Tom_(be) in Class One.3Today he isnt_(play) football.4Now we are_(help) Uncle Wang.5Today my mother is_(go) shopping.6_they_(like) the World Cup?9. 图文配对,连一连。 A. I like eatin

4、g chicken. B. I like noodles.10. 图文配对。 A. Its very cold in winter B. My favourite season is spring. C. It is summer.11. 从下列单词中选出与图片符合的单词,填在横线上。deerdogcat1.This is _.2. This is _.3. This is_.12. 根据汉语意思选择合适的单词。theredrinkingtalkingnoisegame1.Whats that _.( 噪音)2.Youre not _. (喝)3.Im _ (谈话) to you.4.Hes

5、_ (在那里)5.Lets play a _ (游戏).13. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. coat B. new C. blouse( )A. winterB. spring C. cold14. 读一读, 选择正确的答案, 将字母代号写入前面的括号内。( )pink A. 彩虹( ) see B. 颜色( )colour C. 窗户( )window D. 看见( )rainbow E. 粉色15. 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1.A: Whats the weather like today?B:Itsa_(rain)day.2.A:What will the weather be l

6、ike next week?B:It_(be)snowyandcold.3.There _(be)a strong wind in the southeast.4.What a _(worse) day it is!5.How_(storm)the weather is!16. 选词填空。lightItsbig(1)Look at the. Its green. Lets go.(2)nine.(3)I have ahead.17. 选词填空。stopgowait(1)Look at the light. Its yellow. Lets.(2)Look at the light. Its red. Lets.(3)Look at the light. Its green. Lets.页码 / 总页数


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