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1、新目标九年级英语教材分析“话题模块教学模式”(以下简称“话题法” )是在遵循外语教学基本规律的基础上,采用“同类归纳”的方法,围绕话题对初中各年级学习内容进行“同题聚合”。教师可按照 “创设话题情境归类基本词汇积累功能句子、提炼典型句式、梳理基本语法拓展语言任务训练话题写作”的流程进行教学,帮助学生全面梳理与巩固所学知识。功能句是指人们在特定的交际场合用来表达某种交际功能的特定句子。九年级分册的语言功能可分为以下15类:谈论怎样学习、谈论过去的性格、谈论规章制度、谈论虚拟的情况、进行合理推论、谈论偏好、谈论想去的地点、提供帮助、谈论发明的历史、叙述过去发生的事情、问路指路及介绍场所、谈论风俗习

2、惯、谈论事物对情绪的影响、谈论近期发生的事情、就保护动物展开辩论,其中每种分类又详细地划分为若干项目。“话题法”以上述分类为依据,通过归纳、梳理相关话题内容,总结同一话题下的功能句,以便学生总体把握和灵活运用。表1 新目标九年级话题、功能和结构一览表UnitTopicFunctionsStructuresUnit 1. How do you study for a test?语言学习语言学习的策略方法分析学习困难谈论学习方法提出学习建议verb + by with gerundUnit 2. I used to be afraid of the dark.家庭、朋友与周围的人谈论过去的外貌、性

3、格、爱好谈论过去经常做的事谈论变化used toUnit 3. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.社会规章制度谈论允许和不允许做的事表达自己观点并阐述理由should + be allowed toUnit 4. What would you do?计划与愿望谈论假设、虚拟的情况为他人提建议并阐述理由Second conditional should for adviceUnit 5. It must belong to Carla.节假日活动经历与偏好推论物品归属并阐述理由描述事件合理推论must, might,

4、could and cant for making inferencesUnit 6. I like music that I can dance to.兴趣与爱好关于爱好谈论自己和别人的偏好Relative clauses with that and whoUnit 7. Where would you like to visit?计划与愿望观光旅游谈论喜欢或不喜欢去旅游的地方谈论假期的旅游计划would and hope to for expressing desiresUnit 8. Ill help clean up the city parks.人际关系志愿者服务向别人提供帮助做公益

5、活动规划Phrasal verbsUnit 9. When was it invented?科普知识与现代技术近现代发明谈论发明的历史谈论发明的用处与特点Passive voice (questions and statements)Unit 10. By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.日常活动过去的事情叙述过去发生的事情Past perfectUnit 11. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?旅游与交通场所介绍问路和指路介绍场所Indirect questio

6、nsUnit 12. Youre supposed to shake hands.社会礼仪与文化不同国家的风俗习惯supposed to + infinitiveUnit 13. Rainy days make me sad.个人情感情感描述谈论事物对情绪的影响make + sb + infinitivemake + sb + adjectiveUnit 14. Have you packed yet?日常活动近期发生的事情谈论近期发生的事情Present perfect with already and yetUnit 15. Were trying to save the manatees

7、!自然动物保护就动物保护展开辩论保护环境的措施Review of structures新目标九年级教材每个单元都列出所属话题、功能项目、语法结构、目标语言、话题词汇以及学习策略,并分为A、B两部分: 第一部分为Section A,包含本单元对话型语篇和叙述型语篇所需要的基本语言内容,即围绕特定话题、功能所需要的基本词汇和语言结构,前两页侧重于听、说的感知训练,第三页侧重于读、说的巩固训练。 第二部分为Section B,包括对本单元语篇教学的扩展和综合的语言运用,第四页侧重于听、说的拓展训练,第五页侧重于读、写的拓展训练。每个单元还附有Self Check部分,包括对词汇知识和语言运用能力的评

8、价等。为了加强学生的阅读能力,编写人员还增加了具有跨文化内容的Reading,进行语篇阅读策略训练与综合语言运用。这种编写体系给教师创造性地整合、运用教材提供了无限的空间,使教学具有较大的灵活性新目标九年级Unit 12 You are supposed to shake hands.The First PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularybow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs(2) Target LanguageWhat are peopl

9、e in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?Theyre supposed to bow.2Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students communicative competence.3Moral ObjectsBefore you meet foreigners, you should some customs. In this way, you can act politely and properly.Teachi

10、ng Key PointsTarget languageTeaching Difficult Points1How to train students listening ability.2How to train students communicative competence.Teaching Methods1Scene teaching method2Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.Teaching Aids1A tape recor

11、der2A map of the worldTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: Yesterday we finished Unit 11. In this unit, we learned some ways of asking for information politely. Now if you want to go to a library to get a book, how can you ask?S1: Do you know where I can get a book?S2: Could you tell me how to get to

12、the library?S3: Can you please tell me where I can buy a book?T: Very good. Youre right. From today on, well learn Unit 12.Write the two column headings on the board: Right and Wrong.Say, Please tell me things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.Write each suggestion

13、under the appropriate heading on the board.T: Is it a good idea to come to class late?S1: No.T: Thats right. Its not a good idea to come to class late. Youre not supposed to come to class late. Class repeat. Youre not supposed to come to class late.Ss: Youre not supposed to come to class late.T: (Wr

14、ites come to class late under wrong) What are some things you shouldnt do?S2: We shouldnt eat in class.T: Right. Youre not supposed to eat in class.Ask students to repeat this example. Then ask students to tell about some things that are good to do in school. They may say things such as, You should

15、do your homework every day; You should raise your hand before you talk. Rephrase each of these sentences using supposed to and ask students to repeat; Youre supposed to do your homework every day. Youre supposed to raise your hand before you talk.Step 1aThis activity introduces some target language.Let students read the instructions.Point to the two lists of words. Read each word and ask students to repeat it.Put up a map of the worl


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