高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills 含解析【精校版】

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《高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills 含解析【精校版】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills 含解析【精校版】(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版精品英语资料(精校版)Section Integrating Skills根据提示写出下列单词1_ adj.混乱,失调;紊乱2_ v. 证明是;被发现是3_ v. 揭示,揭露;显露4_ n. 魅力,吸引力5_ v. 一瞥;迅速看一眼6_ v. 赞成;同意7_ n. 费用8_ v. 开始,(积极有力地)着手进行9_ adj. 潮湿的10_ n. 关卡;障碍11_ v. 警告;劝小心12_ n. 启程;上路13_ adj. 欢快的14_ adj. 任意的;随机的15_ v. 满足需求16_ v. 通信17_ n. 周年纪念日18_ v. 捐;提供19_ v. 更新,刷新20_ v. 装点;美

2、化21_ n. 独立22_ n. 想象;空想23_ adv. 典型地;有代表性地;一向;向来24_ v. 反映,显示,表达【答案】1.disorder2.prove3.reveal4.appeal5glance6.approve7.expense8.launch9damp10.barrier11.caution12.departure13.merry14.arbitrary15.cater16.correspond17anniversary18.donate19.update20.decorate21.independence22.imagination23.typically24.refle

3、ct根据提示补全下列短语1_ at once突然2learn._ heart 记住;背诵3fire _ 开始说;开始问4_ second thoughts 转念一想5have _ 玩得开心6deal _ 处理7face _ face 面对面8be addicted _. 沉溺于9glance _ 一瞥;扫视10approve _ 赞成11take _ 呈现12cater _. 满足的要求13correspond _ 与通信【答案】1.all2.by3.away4.on5.fun6with7.to8.to9.at10.of11.on12.for 13with根据提示补全下列教材原句1Poets

4、use language as a way of expressing their feelings,_ positive ones of love,happiness and hope,_ negative feelings like anger and fear.诗人把语言作为一种表达自己感受的方式,不管是爱、快乐和希望这些积极的感觉,还是愤怒和恐惧这些消极的感觉。2_ people could see me inside.要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。3The English Romantic poets,_,were very interested in what was happ

5、ening in the rest of the continent.正如人们对英国浪漫主义诗人了解的那样,他们对大陆其他地方所发生的事情很感兴趣。4The poems provide a channel _,and express their feelings.诗歌给人们提供了跟世人沟通和表达思想感情的渠道。【答案】1.whether;or2.If only3.as they are now known4.through which they can communicate with the world阅读P79教材课文,判断正(T)误(F)1People can express their

6、 feelings by writing poems.(T)2Poetry can be used as a way of therapy to help sick people.(T)3Students at a special school in Dudley write poems every day to raise funds for other patients in the world.(F)阅读P81教材课文,判断正(T)误(F)1In the past,there were only advertisements on the Underground.(F)2Poems ca

7、n be seen anywhere in the world now.(F)阅读P83教材课文,从四个选项中选择最佳答案1Who devoted his life in the war to gain independence?AWordsworth.BByron.CKeats.DColeridge.【答案】B2What was the typical feature of the Romantic poets?ALiving hard and dying young.BTravelling a lot.CBeing addicted to drugs.DBeing interested i

8、n politics.【答案】A on second thoughts经过再三考虑(教材P77)I dont mind letting you read my poem.Well,on second thoughts I dont want you to see it!我不介意让你读我的诗。但是进一步考虑,我不想让你看了!He had intended to go,but on second thoughts,he gave up the idea.他本来想去,但进一步考虑后,打消了这个念头。give a thought to想一想;考虑一下have second thoughts 重新考虑后

9、;改变主意in thought 左思右想,在沉思We had second thoughts(think) about buying the house when we discovered the price.在我们知道了房价以后,对买这所房子一事又另有想法了。He spent several minutes in thought before deciding.他考虑了几分钟才做决定。 prove v证明是;被发现是;证实(教材P79)The book has proved very popular,giving students a sense of motivation and ach

10、ievement.这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成就感。prove sth.to sb.向某人证明某事sb.prove that. 某人证明Its proved that. 已经证实prove sb.(to be)n./adj.证明某人是On the long journey he proved himself to be an amusing company.在这次长途旅行中,他证明了自己是一个有趣的同伴。Your computing experience proved useful(use)你的计算机经历证明是有用的。It proves that the book is of gr

11、eat value.这本书证明是有价值的。名师点津当prove作系动词表示“证明是,结果是”时,不可以使用被动语态,要用主动形式表示被动意义。 appeal n魅力,吸引力v.呼吁;恳求;上诉(教材P81)Anyone who is addicted to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of Poems on the Underground.任何沉迷于阅读公交车票或麦片纸袋(上的文字)的人都会理解地铁上的诗歌的吸引力。appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力appeal to sb.for st

12、h. 向某人呼吁某事appeal to sb./sth.against sth. 上诉;申诉appeal to sb.to do sth. 恳请某人做某事make an appeal to sb.for sth. 向某人恳求某事She appealed to us to_go(go) with her.她恳求我们和她同行。The idea of camping has never appealed to me.对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣。We appealed to him for help.我们向他求助。语境助记Martin Luther King appealed to the bla

13、cks to appeal to the highest court against racial discrimination,which greatly appealed to the whole world.马丁路德金呼吁黑人向最高法庭上诉反对种族歧视,这引起了全世界极大的关注。 glance vi.& vt.一瞥;迅速看一眼n.一瞥;扫视;匆匆一看(教材P81).instead of just glancing upwards at the tiresome advertisements.而不仅仅只盯着头顶上无聊的广告。glance at扫视;瞥一眼take/have a glance at 对匆匆一看;瞥一眼at first glance 乍看起来I glanced at my watch.我看了一下手表。John took a glance at the beautiful woman.约翰瞄了一眼那个美丽的女人。At first glance,the problem seemed easy.乍一看,这个问题似乎很简单。



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