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1、2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Couples blessed with strength and aggression( )looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.问题1选项A.other thanB.rather thanC.rather tooD.in spite of【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项other than“除了,不同于”;B选项rather than“而不是”;C选项rather too“稍微一点

2、”;D选项in spite of“尽管”。句意:与长相相比,体力强、有进取心的夫妇更容易生男孩,与长相相比,因为这些特征对男性更有用。这里表达的意思是“体力和进取心才是决定孩子性别的重点,而不是长相”,因此B选项符合题意。2. 翻译题The intimacy between man and nature begins with the birth of man on the earth and becomes each century more intelligent and far-reaching. To nature, therefore, we turn as to the oldes

3、t aim most influential teacher of our race, from one point of view once our task-master, now our servant, from another point of view, our constant friend instructor and inspirer. The very intimacy of this relation robs it of a certain mystery and richness which it would have for all minds if it were

4、 there ward of the few instead be being the privilege of the many. To the few it is in every age, full of wonder and beauty; to the many it is a matter of course.【答案】从地球上出现人类开始,人与自然之间的亲密关系也随之诞生,而且不断地被发扬光大,这种关系每一世纪都比以前变得更为明智而深远。所以,我们求助于自然,并把自然视为人类的最年长和最有影响力的老师。从某一个观点来看,自然曾一度是我们的监工,现在却变为我们的奴仆。但从另一个观点来

5、看,自然一直是我们最忠实的朋友、教导者和启发者。这种和谐紧密的关系,如果仅仅是少数人的特权,而大多数人并不能享有,那便会在人们心目中引发一种神秘和情趣。但是事实上,这种亲密关系是被天下所有的人共享的,这就使那和谐紧密的关系失去了神秘和情趣。对于少数人来说,这种关系在每个时代都充满了奇妙和美好;对于多数人来说,这种关系只是理所当然的一件事。3. 单选题According to zoologists, animal populations at a given time are( )by food supplies at that time.问题1选项A.governedB.sustainedC.

6、restrictedD.manipulated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项governed“管理,统治”;B选项sustained“维持,持续”;C选项restricted“限制”;D选项manipulated“被操控的”。句意:根据动物学家的说法,特定时间内的动物数量是由当时的食物供应( )的。这里表示的意思是“这些食物决定了这里可以维持的动物的数量”,因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题In the 1700s North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social( )by wearing elaborate stoc

7、kings.问题1选项A.responsibilityB.eventsC.organizationD.status【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项responsibility“责任;职责”,B选项events“事件;大事”,C选项organization“组织;机构”,D选项status“地位;状态”;根据句意我们知道穿长筒袜是殖民者炫耀自己地位的一种手段,因此答案为D。句意为:在18世纪,北美殖民者通过穿着精心制作的长筒袜来展示他们的财富和社会地位。5. 单选题If this kind of fish becomes( ), future generations may never t

8、aste it at all.问题1选项A.minimumB.shortC.seldomD.scarce【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项minimum“最小化(一般指数据之类的)”,B选项short“短的;短小的”,C选项seldom“很少;不常(一般指频率)”,D选项scarce“稀少的,稀缺的”;原句意思是说如果这种鱼变得稀缺,其余选项代入均不符合题意,因此D选项符合题意。句意为:如果这种鱼变得稀缺,未来的几代人可能再也吃不到它了。6. 单选题It is our( )policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.问

9、题1选项A.consistentB.considerateC.certainD.decisive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项consistent“始终如一的,一致的,坚持的”;B选项considerate“体贴的,体谅的,考虑周到的”;C选项certain“某一,必然的”;D选项decisive“决定性的,果断的,坚定的”。句意:通过和平方式实现团结是我们_政策。这里表达的是“一贯的政策”,因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题“Hello, Bob, I didnt know you( )jogging.” “Oh, yes George, Ive been doing it for

10、over a month now.”问题1选项A.went forB.went outC.went on withD.went in for【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项went for“去找,被认为,主张,拥护,努力获取”;B选项went out“出去,熄灭,过时”;C选项went on with“继续,进行,暂时使用”;D选项went in for“爱好,参与,从事,追求,赞成”。句意:“你好,鲍勃,我不知道你( )慢跑。”“噢,是的,乔治,我已经跑了一个多月了。”可以看出,提问的人是不知道鲍勃“爱好慢跑运动”,因此D选项符合题意。8. 单选题Frank stormed into

11、the room and( )the door, but it wasnt that easy to close the door on what Jack had said.问题1选项A.slashedB.slammedC.slippedD.slapped【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项slashed“削减”;B选项slammed“砰地关上,猛烈抨击”;C选项slipped“滑动”;D选项slapped“侮辱,拍击,掴耳光”。句意:弗兰克冲进房间,_的一声关上了门,但要把杰克说的话关起来可不容易。这里是“砰的一声把门关上的意思”,只有B选项可以表达这个意思,B选项符合题意。9. 单选题

12、It all started in 1950, when people began to build their houses on the( ) of their cities.问题1选项A.paradisesB.omissionsC.orchardsD.outskirts【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项paradises“天堂,至福境地”;B选项omissions“疏忽,遗漏”;C选项orchards“果园,果树林”;D选项outskirts“郊区,市郊”。句意:这一切都始于1950年,那时人们开始在他们城市的( )盖房子。本句表示“在城市的郊区盖房子”,因此D选项符合题意。10.

13、写作题Directions: “Stay hungry, stay foolish” was quoted by Steve Jobs, the former CEO of APPLE, at commencement address at Stanford University. Write an essay with 300 words to present your understanding of the statement.【答案】略11. 翻译题现在西方国家的有志之士都认识到,不同文明之间应学会共存,而不应因文化上的不同而走向冲突以致战争。他们认为,不同民族和国家可以通过文化交往与

14、对话取得某种“共识”,也即有一个从“不同”到某种意义上相互“认同”的过程。这种相互“认同”是在两种不同文化中寻找交汇点,并在此基础上推动双方文化的发展,这正是“和”在不同文化中所起的作用。【答案】Aspirants in Western countries have realized that peaceful coexistence among all civilizations should be upheld, while conflicts or even wars caused by cultural diversities should be avoided. They think

15、 different nations and countries can reach an agreement by cultural communication and interaction, which represents a process from “difference” to “agreement”. Reaching an agreement is the process of searching for the common point in different culture and it is the coexistence that promotes the development of different culture.12. 单选题There is supposed to be a safety( )which makes it impossible for t


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