八上U8复习 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake

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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a -4) 【单元写作目标】能简单介绍某种事物的制作过程。1. 能用步骤连接词“first, next, then, (after that), finally”等表示做某事情的先后顺序;2. 能用本单元的动词短语表示做某件事情的指令;3. 能准确使用可数名词和不可数名词;4. 写作微技能:利用wh-questions充实写作内容。一、语言积累1. 剥香蕉_2. 把牛奶倒入搅拌机_3. 切碎苹果_4. 把火鸡放入烤箱_5. 打开搅拌机_ 6. 煮15分钟_7. 还有一件

2、事_8. 别忘记加盐_9. 主菜_10. 传统食物_11. 用覆盖_12. 用填充_二、句子积累(一)用“how many/ how much”填空。1. _ rice do we need? Four cups.2. _ meat do you want to buy? I just need three kilos.3. _ chicken is enough? We need four slices of chicken.4. _ orange would you like? A little.5. _ orange would you like? May I ask for five?

3、(二)写作微技能:利用wh-questions充实写作内容。根据上下文,将下列内容补充完整。Anna, an American girl is asking Daming about how to make zongzi. They are in the kitchen.Anna: Daming, the Chinese zongzi is so delicious. Can you tell me _ to make it?Daming: Sure. We need to have rice, leaf and some meat.Anna: How _ rice do we need? A

4、nd how _ meat do we need?Daming: Two kilos of rice and one kilo of meat are enough. _, wash all the things. Remember to keep the rice in the water for at least a few hours.Anna: Then?Daming: _, you need to cut up the meat, _, mix together all the ingredients and add some salt.Anna: Whats next? Can I

5、 put something delicious into the rice? What about eggs or beans?Daming: Either is OK. Its up to you. _, put the rice and meat together into leaf. _, fold the leaf. Dont let the rice out of it. You must be careful.Anna: OK, I see. Thats it?Daming: Yes. Just put zongzi into the hot pot and cook for a

6、bout an hour. _, you can enjoy the special food zongzi.Anna: Special food? Why do you say so?Daming: Zongzi is the m_ dish on the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese _(传统的) festivals. Now it is the legal(法定的) holiday.Anna: Do you _ (纪念) anything or anyone on this day?Dam

7、ing: Yes. It brings to remembrance of Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese poet. On this day, people all over China, including some overseas Chinese _ (庆祝) the festival.(三)佳句欣赏与模仿1. In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.【special day 特殊的日子 traditional food 传统食物】在特殊的日子里吃传统的

8、食物是一个传统。_2. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 【a time to do sth. 做某事的时刻】端午节在农历五月初五,是全家团结的时刻。_3. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. 【remember sb. 纪念某人】

9、人们在端午节这天纪念屈原。_4. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.【celebrate sth. by doing sth. 通过做某事庆祝某件事或某个节日】人们通过吃粽子、观看龙舟的方式欢度端午。_5. Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. 【here is one way to do sth. 这是做(某道菜) 的

10、一种方法】这是端午节制作粽子的一种方式。_三、篇章训练假如你上周末做了一种美食,而且做得很成功。你想把这一件快乐的事情在口语课上与你的老师和同学分享。请用英语写一篇短文为你的发言做准备。80词左右,可适当发挥。 要求:描述食物的制作过程时注意使用表示顺序的副词。_单元重难点题组训练题组一. how many与how much辨析I. 单项选择。( ) 1. _ sugar do you want? Two spoons, please. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often ( ) 2. _ are these oranges and pears? About thirty yuan. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How far ( ) 3. _ sheep are there on th



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