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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2013年高三英语词汇竞赛试题 命题 : SHIRLY 总分 100 时量: 60分钟 班级 _姓名 _考号_ 得分 _一 英汉互译(共40小题,每小题0.5分,共20分) 1. abandon _ 2. aggressive _ 3.annual _ 4.beneficial _ 5.cancel _ 6.conflict _ 7.cooperate _ 8.deliver _ 9.donate _ 10. enormous _ 11. evidence _12. financial _ 13. generous _14. historic _ 15.ignoran

2、t _16. intention _ 17.landscape_18. phenomenon _19.significance_20. original _ 21足够的;适当的(a.) a_ 22两者择一(n.) a_ 23态度;看法(n.) a_ 24平衡(a.) b_ 25消耗;消费;吃完(v.) c_ 26装饰;装潢(v.) d_ 27应该得到(v.) d_ 28文件;证明(n.) c_ 29失败(n.) f_ 30熟悉的(a.) f_ 31大多数;过半数(n.) m_32材料(n.) m_ 33疏忽;忽略(v.) i_ 34工作;职业(n.) o_ 35谚语;格言(n.) p_ 36推

3、荐;介绍(v.) r_ 37(使)放松;松弛(v.) r_ 38取代(v.) r_ 39敏感的(a.) s_ 40受害者(n.) v_ 二. 从所给的1-25个单词中找出同义词,将该词的序号填在横线上(25)备选词1.effect 2.position 3.acknowledgement 4.reach 5.adjust 6.access 7.establish 8.affection 9.argument 10.belief 11.reply 12.convince 13.courage 14.pressure 15.dispute 16.capacity 17.criterion 18.p

4、urchase 19.option 20.ignore21.require 22.private 23.respond 24.fault 25.talented 41.shortcoming _ 42.individual _ 43.standard _ 44. alternative _ 45.faith _ 46.love _ 47.build _ 48.entrance _ 49. adapt _ 50.answer _ 50.demand _ 51.neglect _ 52.buy _ 53.debate _ 54.gifted _ 55.ability _ 56.stress _ 5

5、7.bravery _ 58.persuade _ 60.achieve _ 61.recognition _ 62.status _ 63. influence _ 64.react_ 65.conflict_三. 根据汉语及词性选出正确的英文单词(10分)6667686970717273747566. n. 个体,个人;adj. 单独的,个别的 A. inappropriate B. inclusion C. industry D. individual67. n. 集邮簿,相册 A. angel B. award C. album D. agency68. n. 头脑风暴 A. brai

6、nstorming B. shortcoming C. shortening D. overcoming69. n. 成分,基本组成部分,元素 A. elderly B. engrave C. entertain D. element70. adj. 经常的,频繁的 A. frequent B. frequently C. fuel D. furniture71. n. 飓风(尤指西大西洋的) A. hurdle B. hurricane C. intense D. javelin72. n. 病人,adj. 有耐心的A. pacific B. partially C. patient D.

7、peaceful73. n. 哲学家A. scholarship B. philosopher C. persevere D. pattern74. n. 相似处,类似 A. similar B. similarity C. single D. symbol75. n. 变化,多样性 A. vary B. various C. variety D. vision四、完成句子 根据情景,填出所缺的单词,并使句子的意思完整(1x10=10) perfect choice attitudes addicted managedmental stress concentrate heated figur

8、ed 76. People hold different _ toward 3G technology. What do you think of it? 77. Due to the loud noises from the neighborhood, he could not _ his mind on his books. 78. We are going to Shanghai next week and I have _ out how much the trip will cost. 79. In the old days, a number of women were force

9、d to make a _ between family and career. 80. After its publication, the books ideas created a _ debate among scholars. 81. His problem is not physical but _. 82. Mr. Li is a heavy smoker, that is, he is _ to smoking. 83. Practice makes _. You should take more exercises. 84. Under great study _, he c

10、ould hardly fall asleep. 85. He _ to take the first prize in spite of all the difficulties.五 补充词汇 (1x15=15)86make _ for 让位于 87. be _ by 被环绕 88. to ones _ 使人欣慰的是 89. quit _ sth.停止做某事90. _ sb. _ sth. 就某事向某人祝贺 91._ up 占据92. make a _ 有作用(关系) 93. _ from 受益于94._ for 对某事负责 95. _ to 同意,赞成96.in large _ 大量地 9

11、7.wear _ 使筋疲力尽98.in _ of 支持,赞同 99.live _ to 达到,符合100. _ for 申请六、选择最佳答案 (1x20=20) 12345678910111213141516171819201. Schools must ensure that most young people _ the skills and knowledge once reserved for a few. A. acquire B. learn C. achieve D. fulfill 2. When the result of the vote was announced, the Prime Minister _ defeat. A. acquainted B. assured C. notified D. acknowledged 3. She _ blood when the Red Cross had a blood d


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