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1、sharpadj.p( sharper; sharpes )双解释义锋利的,尖锐的 having a fine edge or point; capable of cutting or piecing; not blunt急转的,陡峭的; 突然的,急剧的 changing direction suddenly; abruptly轮廓鲜明的,明显的,清晰的 well-defined; distinct; clear刺骨的,凛冽的; 剧烈的 producing a physical sensation of cutting or piecing; keen灵敏的,机警的 quickly aware

2、 of things; acute; alert蓄意中伤的,尖刻的,严厉的 intended or intending to criticize, injure, etc.harsh; severe过分精明的,狡猾的,不择手段的 quick to take advantage of sb/sth; unscrupulous时髦的,漂亮的 smart or stylishP偏高的,升半音的 above normal or correct pitch; raised half a tone in pitch基本要点1.sharp的基本意思是“锋利的,尖锐的”,也可作“急转的,陡峭的”“突然的,急剧

3、的”“尖锐的,刺耳的”“强烈的,辛辣的,刺鼻的”“刺骨的,凛冽的,剧烈的”“蓄意中伤的,尖刻的,严厉的”解; 指人时,强调精明,不易受骗,指动作时强调机警、敏捷等,可作“灵敏的,机警的”“迅速的,敏捷的,活跃的”“过分精明的,狡猾的,不择手段的”“时髦的,漂亮的”解。2.sharp在句中可用作定语或表语。词汇搭配 +名词 sharp agony极大的痛苦 sharp attention密切注意 sharp bend急转弯 sharp blade锋利的刃 sharp cry of distress凄厉的尖叫声 sharp dagger锐利的匕首 sharp ears灵敏的听觉 sharp eng

4、ineer精明的工程师 sharp fellow寡廉鲜耻的人 sharp flash of light强烈的闪光 sharp flavour辛辣味 sharp grief极度悲痛 sharp insight敏锐的洞察力 sharp intelligence聪明 sharp lawyer精明的律师 sharp nose尖鼻子 sharp outline鲜明的轮廓 sharp peak尖尖的山峰 sharp pencil削尖的铅笔 sharp pin尖利的大头针 sharp razor锋利的刮胡刀 sharp retort刻薄的反驳 sharp scolding严厉的责骂 sharp sense

5、of smell灵敏的嗅觉 sharp sight敏锐的目光 sharp smell刺鼻的气味 sharp soap苛性皂 sharp sword利剑 sharp temper易怒的脾气 sharp tongue快嘴利舌 sharp trader精明的商人 sharp weather严寒的天气 sharp whistle刺耳的哨声 +介词 sharp at擅长,善于 sharp at a bargain精于讨价还价 sharp at arithmetic精于算术 sharp at figures算得快 sharp with对严厉的 sharp with the secretary对秘书严厉 常

6、用短语as sharp as a needle非常聪敏的 very intelligent and quick-wittedYoung though he was, the child was as sharp as a needle and sensed the disharmony between his parents.虽然这孩子还小,但很聪明,他觉察到他父母之间不和谐。have a sharp tongue非常生气地说,讽刺,挖苦 talk angrily or sarcasticallyI usually get on well with my uncle, although he

7、can have a sharp tongue occasionally.虽然有时叔叔待我态度很生硬,但我与他相处得还是很好的。I dislike the man, he has such a sharp tongue.我不喜欢这个人,他爱说刻薄挖苦的话。sharp practice欺诈手段 dishonestyThis sale sounds like sharp practice to me and I want nothing to do with it.这笔买卖在我听来像是不实在,我不想沾边。Just because we underbid our rivals and got a m

8、ajor order, they have accused us of sharp practices.只是因为我们投标时出价低于对手得到了一个大数量的订货单,他们便指责我们有欺诈行为。sharps the word赶快 be quickhurrySharps the word!Weve only got ten minutes to get to the station to catch the train.快!我们必须在10分钟内到达车站赶上火车。句型例句用作定语+n.He scraped at the wound with a sharp blade of stone.他用一块锋利的石头

9、刮伤口。Well need a sharp knife to cut the beefsteak.我们需要一把快刀来切牛排。The road is full of sharp turns.那条路有许多急转弯。The General Motors Corporation had reported a sharp drop in profits on Tuesday.通用汽车公司曾在星期二报告说该公司的利润急剧下降。There had been a sharp rise in the patients temperature during the night.夜间病人的体温曾急剧上升。There

10、were sharp differences of opinion between the two.两人的意见存在着明显的分歧。Black hair is a sharp contrast to fair skin.黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。The branch broke with a sharp crack.树枝折断时发出刺耳的噼啪声。This salad dressing has a sharp taste.这种生菜的调味品味道辛辣。Sharp stomachs make short graces.衣食足然后知礼仪。The mountain climbers struggled

11、 against the sharp wind.登山队员们冒着刺骨的寒风前进。He felt a sudden sharp pain in his heart.他突然感到心脏一阵剧痛。She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.她经历了失望的巨大痛苦。Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.鸟有敏锐的视力,而狗有灵敏的嗅觉。It takes sharp eyes to see the flaw.要有好的眼力才能看见这条裂缝。The company keeps a sharp watch o

12、n the market.这家公司很注意市场的情况。I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.两年前我和他最后一次谈话的情景仍历历在目。She got a sharp reproach from her boss.她受到了上司的严厉申斥。In the face of sharp criticisms the young scientist still stuck to his colours.面对着尖锐的批评这位青年科学家依然坚持自己的主张。The boxer gave his opponen

13、t a sharp blow on the head.那位拳击手给了对手头部迅速而有力的一击。His sharp business dealings earned him a bad reputation.他靠欺诈经商,名声很坏。Hes a very sharp man.他是一个衣着非常时髦的人。He was always the sharpest kid in the block when he was dressed up.他打扮起来总是街区里最帅的小伙子。用作表语S+be+This knife is very sharp.这把小刀很锋利。The point of a needle is

14、sharp.针尖是锐利的。I cant cut with a knife that isnt sharp.我不能用钝的刀子切削。He is ninety years old, but his mind is sharp.他虽然90岁了,但头脑还很灵活。That photograph isnt very sharp.那幅照片色彩不很鲜明。We must be sharp if we are to catch the train.如果我们要搭这班火车,必须赶快走。It was late autumn and the night wind was sharp.已经是深秋了,晚风刺骨。Their hu

15、nger pangs were sharper than my pangs of conscience.他们饥饿的剧痛比我内疚的痛苦更强烈。Sometimes the customer may be sharper than the dealer.有时候顾客可能比商人还要精明。That note sounded sharp.那个音调听起来偏高。S+be+prep.-phraseHe was sharp about money.他对钱是很精明的。The girl is sharp at music.这个女孩对音乐的感受力很灵敏。She is too sharp for me.她比我精明多了。He is sharp upon his son.他


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