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1、AW进阶手册: ISSUE破题经典策略 来源: 太傻论坛 时间: 2007年08月02日 网友评论所谓破题,即分析题目,掌握题目的侧重点,进而做到发展自己的分论点,组织文章结构,最后写出一篇完整的文章。千里之行,始于足下,AW之行,始于破题。相信大家不管上没上过新东方,只要稍微入门应该都对ISSUE的破题有一个大概的认识,即从某几个方面去说一道题目,然后加一两个让步,进而发展出3、4个分论点,组成文章。可以说这个通用法则十分好用,对于再恶心的题目也能生挤出几段来,如果论证功底到家的话写个600字还是没问题的。以第一高频ISSUE51为例 Education will be truly effe

2、ctive only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. 。一个典型的新东方式破题思路为:观点:平衡论点,有保留反对1、让步兴趣很重要,有了兴趣才能认真学2、学生不知道兴趣在哪里,所以基础教育还是很必要3、让个人都满足兴趣的教育制度效率低,不可行相信不少人都写过这篇,而且思路也跟这个差不多的确非常好用,一般看题目都能想出一个出发点,然后费劲点想出令一个出发点,接下来让步点几乎是自动生成的,所以一道题破起来10秒搞定。那么我们就先对这种平衡结构进行


4、是充实文章内容;2、显示你思维的全面性,对问题多方面考虑。首先第一条,因为为了保持题目的公平性和辨证性,所有ISSUE题目都是正反都能说的,不会象高考作文一样你不和谐就和谐掉你,而一个题目从正或反去考虑肯定有一到两个出发点是非常好想的,所以此时让步点就是从反面去想的一个最好象的点,因此在破题时跟正面主论点几乎同时生成,因此对快速破题有好处。很明显,第一条好处对拿高分没有什么帮助。主要说第二条,思考全面的用来干什么的?用来支持你的论点。Issue的出发点要求develops a position on the issue with insightful reasons and/or persua

5、sive examples, 也就是说你的所有原因和例证是用来支持position的。很让步点从反面出发点,怎么能用来支持正面观点?当然可以,它是用来堵反面出发点的。还是刚才的例子,我在承认了建楼的优势出提出自己的论点,这时前者只是对提议者的尊重,但我如果接下来补充说:“建楼带来的经济效益相比起地震的风险实在太低了,我算了期待值差了30个百分点。”这个时候承认建楼优势等于是把对方的嘴提前封上了。写AW的时候没人跟你辩论,所以你不能在别人提出置疑后再反驳,此时就是“没有困难创造困难”,主动出击进行观点完善。然而很多考生在写作时忽略了自己的reason都是要支持同一个position的目的,以完成

6、写作为目的,提纲+模版+例子直接凑出一篇文章,没有发挥让步的作用,于是让步点就废了,再严重点还会出现跑题、自相矛盾、立意不明的致命伤。举个板油的习作例子,首页随机选的:QUOTE:TOPIC: ISSUE94 - Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the students field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become

7、truly educated.QUOTE:I agree with the speaker that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the field of the students major for comprehensive knowledge could make the education more effectiveness.I concede that the major course of the college student is signific

8、ant to the students.However, just study the major courses may not the best way of truly educated.What is more, more knowledge out of the major of the students could help the students to solve their major problems.这是一个典型的让步段无意义的错误,题目中只说Universities should require every student to take a variety of co

9、urses outside the students field of study,没说学校不应该让学生学主课,即修专业以外的课程不等于修主课质量下降。因此作者在这里提出的让步和题目没有直接的逻辑关系。但这个让步确实是反面观点的出发点之一,不能放弃主课但这其中需要一种联系,即戴云教主所讲的“恶劣影响法”。诚然,修非专业课和不修主课没有关系,但如果前者做过头了,会产生“恶劣影响”,把这种影响说清楚了,就能连上让步点了,即“学生精力有限,修了太多专业课以外的课就不能认真修主课了,而主课很重要”,可能只是一句话,就能把跑题的让步点带回正确的道路,但考生往往会忽略这些关键句,进而变成靠幻觉破题。再来看

10、个例子,随机抽取:QUOTE:ISSUE155 - Contemporary society offers so many ways of learning that reading books is no longer very important.QUOTE:Thanks to the development of the science and technology we are provided with many means of learning. No matter which way to use when we learn the world as well as ourse

11、lves, television, newspaper, internet, or radio, magazine, etc, we are introduced in the sea of the knowledge. However, as the maxim states, a good book is a light to the soul, reading books is still and will continue to be an important way of learning which can not be replaced.Admittedly, other mea

12、ns of learning have many superiorities over the book. Internet is convenient in searching whatever you want to know, but the information will not be very profound and most of the time the valuable information is available only to certain group of people. Besides, the long time users always have trou

13、ble with their eye sight and the health conditions. Let alone we can not carry a computer to wherever we go, that is it can not be portable. As to newspaper and magazine, they are good at informing readers with latest information, but the information remains little and sometimes not very accurate en

14、ough. Moreover, most of the information they provide are something related to entertainment. The price of certain magazine is too high to reach everyones consumption. Lets look at television now. It is undoubted that television do play an important role in our life and in our education. In recent ye

15、ars, it is common for many adults to further their education through by taking part in TV university or by means of television. But on the other hand, the information they provide can not be used more than once. If we want to watch or review the material again, it almost impossible.这里让步了书籍以外的学习方式的优势

16、,作为对题目的回应。题目中提到由于大量其它媒体的出现使书籍不再重要,这道题其实就是一个其它媒体的优势和书籍优势的辨证分析,因此提出反题目观点时即承认书籍的重要性,因此让步应为承认其它媒体的重要性。那么来看看作者的论证这个是让步么?通篇在说网络、电视、杂志的害处,忽略了题目中对其它媒体优势的辨证承认,这时让步段已经不是让步段了,而是自己的论点段。问题是作者偏巧又用了让步的关键词“Admittedly”和一个让步的主题句,于是这段的内容就成了相互矛盾的,而让步的优势又得不到体现。以上内容是有关经典平衡结构的一点想法,初学者可以多加注意。这种结构最为出色的一篇文章,个人强烈推荐北美范文的ISSUE11,它很好的利用了让步论点对自己观点支持性,在结尾处用了两个As long as结构把让步点的优势变成了自己的优势,四两拨千斤



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