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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar第三课时 Section B (1a1f)名校讲坛当堂训练1 乐器名词小结I .根据句意及图片提示填写单词。(1) guitar(2) pia no(手),piano(3) drums吉他钢琴,pianist的复数形式为鼓钢琴家pianos。(第1题)(第2题)(第3题)(第4题)(第 5 题)(4)trumpet 喇叭#(5)violin 小提琴,violi ni st 小提琴家2 演奏某种乐器的表达 常用“ play + the +乐器名词” 表达。eg:play the guitar 弹吉他play the pia no弹钢琴p

2、lay the drums击(敲)鼓play the trumpet吹喇叭play the violin拉小提琴3. can情态动词can的一般疑问句结 构为:Can+主语+动词原形+?1 Emily can play the.2. Jane cant sing, but she can play the.3 Can you play ?No, I cant.4. Jim likes playing thevery much.5. My brother plays thevery well.n .根据句意用恰当的冠词填空,不需要的填“/”。6. Joe likes playingdrums.7

3、. Can your sister playchess?8. Who can playpiano?9. Alan playsping-pong for an hourevery day.10. Lets go to the music room to playviolin.川.单项选择。A. Yes, I canB. No, I dontC.Yes,I do D . No, I cant()12.Fra nk does nt like play ing the violi nthe pia no.A.andB . butC .orD . so()13. does Kate want to jo

4、in the music club?一She likes singing very much.A.Where B . Why C. When D.What()14. Can Li Ming play the guitar?一No, he cant. But he.A.cant play the guitar B.can play the guitarC.cant sing D. can sin g()15.My grandmother hasoldpia no.She canitwell.A.an; play B . a; play C .a; plays D.an;playsIV.按要求完成

5、下列句子,每空一词16.Lily can play the pia no.(改为否定句)()11. Can you play the violi n?.But I can play the pia no.肯定回答为:Yes,主语+ can. 否定回答为:No,主语+ can t.egCan he play the guitar? 他会弹吉他吗?Yes, he can ./No , he cant. 是的,他会。/不,他不会。情态动词can的否定句结构为: 主语+ cant +动词原形+eg:Mike cant swim. 迈克不会游 泳。4 .辨析 also 与too二者都作副词,意为“也”,

6、 都用于肯定句中。also常位于be动词、助动词、 情态动词之后,实义动词之前;而 too则位于句末,前面用逗号隔开。eg:Ann can also play the violin. =Ann can play the violin , too. 安也会拉小提琴。Lilythe pia no.17. Grace can play the guitar.(改为一般疑问句)Gra cethe guitar?18. Bill can do_kung_fu _.(对画线部分提问)Bill ?19. Can Tom and Jim draw pictures ?(作肯定回答)Yes,.20. Jack can sing and speak English.(改为否定句 )Jacksingspeak En glish.第三课时 Section B (1a1f)I .l.piano2.violin3.chess 4.drums 5.guitarn .6.the7./ 8.the9./ 10.the川.11 15DCBDA; orIV .16.cant play 17.Can ; play18.What can ; do 19.they can2O.cant


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