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1、 英语学科教学设计课题Unit 2 Health eating(Come and eat here(1)课型Reading教材分析Analysis of Teaching Material Healthy eating is a heated issue nowadays. Many brands were reported to have added food additives in their products and made foods poisonous. Thus it is very important for students to learn about healthy e

2、ating. This unit is close to our real life and its materials are quite interesting, making students enjoy their learning.教学目标The Main Task:The students will be helped to improve their reading ability through scanning and skimming, and obtain more information about the development of computers.Langua

3、ge Focus:In this period, the students will learn and master the following words and phrases: calculator, technology, intelligence, applications, over time, at that time, from then on, as time goes by, as a result, and etc., and comprehend the using of the Present Perfect Passive Voice.Language Skill

4、s:In this period, the students will be guided to use skimming and scanning skills to obtain and analyze the needed information.Learning Strategies:1. Cognitive Strategy: In this period, with the help of timeline and chart, the students will be able to find out the topic sentences and the supporting

5、details.2. Communication Strategy: In this period, the students will be organized to cooperate with others to express their own opinions about computers in English.3. Adjusting and Controlling Strategy: The students will have a chance to make self-assessment by understanding the progress of computer

6、s development. Affection:In this period, the students will be cultivated to hold a positive attitude towards using computers.Culture:In this period, the students will be inspired to appreciate the advanced science and technology in the world, and learn the relationship between human and computers.教学

7、重难点1. The students should have a clear picture of the development of computers in the order of time.2. The students should find out the supporting details of each topic of computers.教具准备The blackboard, the multi-media and a tape recorder教学活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming Up1.A guessing game -“Who Am I

8、 ”Present a following English riddle, and ask the students to guess it out.“Hello, I am your friend. I can help you to learn English, invite you to play games, and find information for you. Moreover, I can allow you to listen to music and see films, take you outside and see the world. But I never fe

9、el tired. Who am I?”(supported by the multi-media)2. Task I: visiting an IT museum in the World Exposition Imagine an IT museum is open in the World Exposition. The students are visiting it. (supported by the multi-media) Show some pictures of calculation tools, and ask a students to act as a guide,

10、 introducing them. The guide may start like this: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our museum” Offer some pictures of hardware, and ask another student to play as a guide to introduce them. The last question is “How do computers develop over the time?”. Encourage the students to discuss in pairs.St

11、ep 2 A Resume of ComputersDraw a timeline on the blackboard. Ask the students to skim the first paragraph, and find out: Who is the speaker? How do computers develop according to the timeline?After completing the timeline, ask the students to compare it with their previous answers. TimeWhat happened

12、 to computers?16421822The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.1940The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970NowStep 3 Listening and ScanningPlay the tape, ask the students to scan the text and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Step 4 Careful Reading1. Draw a cha

13、rt on the blackboard titled The Structure of the Text, ask the students to read the text carefully, and find out the supporting details of each paragraph.Para 1Para 2Para 3Topic sentenceSupporting Details1.calculating machine1.tubes1. communication2. Encourage and instruc

14、t the students if they meet difficulties. Pay attention to the new words and phrases: calculate, intelligence, over time, at that time, from then on, as time goes by, and etc. Ask the students to underline the Present Perfect Tense & its Passive Voice.Step 5 Task II: Interviewing Bill Gates1. Show a

15、 picture of Bill Gates, and ask the students who he is.(supported by the multimedia)2. Imagine the students meet Bill Gates when going out of the museum. Invite a student to act as Bill Gates, the others may ask him the questions like these: “Mr. Bill Gates, could you tell us in what ways computers are used now?” “Mr. Bill Gates, what do you think the future computers will be like?” Inspire them to be creative.Step 6 Task III: A Mini-debateHold a debate “Is it good for students like us to surf the internet?”Divide th


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