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1、一, 与市场,运营情况有关的形容词小结形容市场活跃, 繁荣1 dynamic 有活力的,有生机的2 prosperous 繁荣的3 brisk 兴隆的4 volatile 不稳定的, 活跃浮动的形容市场萧条,不景气5 bleak 惨淡凄凉的6 declining 下滑的,衰退的7 slump 委靡的8 sluggish 不景气,萧条的9 stagnant 停滞不前的, 萧条的二, 关于是“商品”的小结10 merchandise 商品(集合名词)(是单数)11 goods 货物(复)12 commodity 商品, 期货futures 13 product 产品14 produce 农产品15

2、 freight 运输的货物 ; 运费16 cargo (船,飞机) 装载的货物三, 和会议,集会有关的词小结17 convoke 召集18 rally 集合19 gathering 聚会20 function 集会,仪式event, happeningOur sports day is the most important function of the year.运动会那一天是我们一年里最盛大的活动。21 adjourn 延会,休会22 confer 商谈四, 常见犯罪小结23 mug 抢劫,(从背后袭击)24 steal 偷25 loot 抢夺26 pickpocket 扒手27 bur

3、glary 夜盗28 smuggle 走私五, 常见支付方式小结29 by cash 现金30 by check 支票31 by credit card 信用卡32 by money order 汇票33 by installment 分期伏款34 by mail 邮寄六, 关于性格的描述小节35 outgoing 外向活泼36 sociable 善于交际37 adaptable 适应性强38 ambitious 有野心39 hard-working 工作努力40 energetic 有活力41 enterprising 富于进取,有创业精神42 honest 诚实43 reserved 保守

4、,稳重44 responsible 负责45 optimistic 乐观46 independent 独立七, 名词1 inflation 通货膨胀2 deflation 通货紧缩3 feasibility 可行性4 overhaul 彻底检查5 custom 海关6 bruise 擦伤7 indices 是index的复数注意读音是 /indisi:z/ 8 commotion 暴动,骚乱9 interest rate 利率10 disposition (1)性情气质 (2) 处理11 carat, karat 克拉12 hallmark 品质证明, 纯正之证明13 asylum 收容所,

5、养老院14 orphanage 孤儿院15 morale 士气,人心16 pennant 锦旗17 vicinity 附近, 短语是 in the of 18 interrogation 询问,审讯短语是 put sb under 19 intersection 交叉点20 intermission 休息时间21 physician 内科医生22 surgeon 外科医生, 军医,船医23 breadwinner 养家糊口的人24 recipe 食谱,方法25 tender 招标,短语是 a public , ask for tender26 syllabus 课程纲要27 Spaniard

6、西班牙人28 dispassion 冷静客观29 levity 轻率30 expulsion 开除,除籍31 defamation 诽谤32 payroll 薪水册,工资表33 contraction 收缩34 renewal 更新35 deduction 扣除(额)36 escalator 电动扶梯37 elevator 电梯,升降梯(美)38 lift 电梯(英)39 emblem 象征标志同logo symbol 40 dereliction 玩忽职守 of duty41 milk shake 奶昔42 endorsement 背书保证,找明星代言43 approbation 批准许可4

7、4 probation 试用 trial 45 deference 顺从尊重46 minor infraction 轻微违法major violation 重大47 vacate 疏散 evacuation 48 anarchy 无政府49 collusion 共谋,勾结50 downturn 下滑take a sudden downturn 51 spa 温泉52 freelance writer 自由撰稿人53 articles 用品,商品54 management 资方 union 工会55 turnover 运转,周转56 turnout (集会)出席者a large turnout

8、57 annuity 养老金 pension 58 extension 分机59 innovation 革新翻新, renovation装修60 dosage 剂量61 rash 疹子62 clientele 顾客,老主顾63 leave 请假 He is often absent without leave 64 partition 隔间,区分65 junk 垃圾 punk 朋克66 menopause 更年期67 razor 剃刀68 crop strains 作物品种69 headphone 耳机earphone70 automated teller machine 自动提款机ATM71

9、 civilians 听力中注意与surveillance区分72 subsidiary 子公司73 strip mining 露天采矿74 national?名词:(某国的)国民we employ various nationals at our local companies. 75 mortgage 抵押76 compartment 隔间Ask the flight attendant if we can put our things in that compartment 77 helping (食物的)一分I had a second helping 78 subcontractor

10、 转包商79 speculation 投机 in real estate80 avocation 副业81 kickback 回扣82 spectator 观众 audience 听众83 stroller (1)四轮婴儿车 (2)漫步者84 seniority 年长,资深 has priority 85 toner 调色剂86 luncheon 正式午餐,下午餐会87 fa?ade 建筑物正面(法)88 decoy 欺骗,引诱 envoy 使者,代表alloy 合金 convoy 护送陪伴89 interface 交互界面 (desktop 桌面) desktop video confere

11、nce 桌面视频会议90 boutiques 小店精品店 banquet宴会 bouquet 花束91 casino 俱乐部,游乐场92 complex 整套设施 (an office complex) Oedipus complex93 commencement ceremony授学位典礼inception开始 induction 入伍94 modem 调制解调器95 fraud 诈骗96 magnate 工业巨头97 gourmet 美食家98 ordinance 法令99 cursor 光标100 liaison 交流合作101 portfolio 公文包,文件夹102 corrosiv

12、es 易腐蚀品103 corporation 企业, (听力中注意和cooperation区分)104 minute 会议录105 recreation 娱乐,休闲 = relaxation八, 动词1 strand 使搁浅,陷入困境2 relate 叙述3 facilitate 使便利4 excel 优出胜出 in ; 名词: excellence 5 exceed 超过6 remit 汇款,宽恕7 highlight 强调8 inoculate 接种9 vaccinate 接种疫苗10 remedy 补救11 undermine 诋毁12 reverse 颠倒 the verdict 判决

13、13 slam 使劲关.,猛力抨击14 equip 配备15 capsize 倾覆(船)16 simmer 炖,煨17 retrench 减少,节约18 discredit 使失去权威性,破坏名誉的19 curb 阻止,控制 the use of marijuana 20 process 加工21intercept 中途拦截22 segregate 隔离,分开分离23 quarantine 隔离检疫24 seclude 隔绝,隐退,隐秘25 appeal 呼吁,恳求,上诉26 lift 解除,提起精神27 rescind 废止,取消28 audit 查帐29 condemn 非难,判罪30 condone 宽恕,容忍31 deviate 偏离,跑题 from 32 disabuse 解惑,矫正33 disavow 否认34 transfuse 输血35 mingle 交往,混合36 forfeit 没收 confiscate 37 staple 用订书器钉?adj.主要的,重要的38 deregulate 解除对-的管制39 block 阻挡N 楼40 launch 推出新产品,实施 (an investigation into the scandal) 41 house


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