牛津高中英语模块六第三单元Task 部分第一课时的教学设计及反思

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《牛津高中英语模块六第三单元Task 部分第一课时的教学设计及反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津高中英语模块六第三单元Task 部分第一课时的教学设计及反思(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津高中英语模块六第三单元Task 局部第一课时的教学设计及反思扬州市第一中学 唐玉芳一、教材内容分析牛津高中英语Task板块是要求学生在课堂内进行的开放式任务型的学习内容,设计的主要目的是引导学生在完成任务的过程中使用英语,并以任务的形式,培养学生听、说、读、写的综合技能。该板块以单元话题为主线,让学生在教学活动中用英语参与和完成各种真实而有意义的与生活、学习、工作有关的活动。学生可以通过结对、小组合作或是班级内合作的方式, 亲历语言实践,实现其任务目标。模快六第三单元的话题是different cultures and traditions。Task就以这话题为主线,分成了三大步骤。第一步

2、骤是showing foreign visitors around。Part A Your school has some visitors from abroad. Your headmaster asked you and your classmate to show the guests around. Something puzzled you during the trip. Listen to the conversation between you and your classmate and complete your diary entry below .Part BA fe

3、w days after you and your classmate had taken the visitors around Beijing your classmate found this article in a magazine. Circle the taboos that help explain some of the strange incidents that happened when you showed the visitors around . Part CYou want more information about cultural habits, so y

4、ou go to one of your teachers, who has traveled to the USA and Japan, for help. Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks in your notes below .第二步骤是 asking about cultural differences。这一步骤是就前面的diary entry 提出一些问题并解决这些由文化差异引起的puzzles。第三步骤是 writing a letter of apology to the foreign visitors to expl

5、ain the misunderstandings。二、教学设计思考新课程提倡“材料式的教材观,即教材是教师教和学生学的材料,是教学资源之一,其根本特征是“范例性。教材作为课程资源的核心局部,承载着课程设计者的课程理念。从某种意义上说,教材是课程改革的“代言人。但无论教材编写得如何尽善尽美, 其内容和结构都蕴涵着整齐划一的教育需求,无法满足教学多样化和个性化的需要。教师只有针对所教学生实际,对教材有所取舍和调整,才能提高教材对具体教育情景的适用性。我所教的高二8班是普通班。根据学生实际情况,本人对书上的Task这一局部的步骤和内容进行了整合和改编,分成两个课时完成教学任务, 使之更加符合学生的

6、需要和贴近课堂实际。重点放在让学生尽可能多的通过听,阅读获取信息,了解各国的文化差异,知道在不同的国家哪些可以做,哪些不可以做。为下一堂课写抱歉信提供信息资源。设计学生获取信息的活动形式多样化,让学生有所获,有兴趣的完成各项任务。在第一步骤里完成填词后,把第二步骤提出的puzzles调整到了Part A 后, 让学生带着疑问,带着好奇完成任务。最后将知识拓展,衔接高考。三、具体教学设计:Step 1 RevisionGroup reports about what we have learnt about cultural differences这一步骤中,笔者课前把学生分成四组进行了讨论总结

7、所学的有关文化差异的内容。(Group 1 is about ways of greeting. Group 2 is about different customs at weddings. Group 3 is about celebrating different festivals. Group 4 is about borrowed words.)在笔者的指导下,四个小组的报告形式多样,生动活泼。有两人表演问候方式,让其余同学猜出国家名;有小组自己制作的PowerPoint 课件介绍各国的不同的节日;还有English idioms 的中文翻译比赛等。使得同学们对学习外国文化充满了热

8、情,自然导入了新课主题。 (设计目的: 通过分享各小组报告,既复习所学内容,又激发起学生了解更多外国文化差异的愿望。)Step 2 Part A (p.42)这一步骤对于大局部学生都无法完成教材上所规定的任务。如果就按照教材上的指导步骤进行教学,不仅很难激发学生听的兴趣,反而会使学生对听力训练望而却步。 笔者就先呈现要填的词,让学生听后挑选。这样减轻了局部学生在听力过程中的焦虑感,同时也兼顾到吸引英语根底教差的学生。例如:Listen to the conversation and choose the following words to complete the diary.OK, spa

9、ce, beef, strange, gifts, shake hands, upset, business cards, crowded, three设计的目的: 简化教材内容,让学生主动地获取信息。笔者在这一步骤中增加了听后活动,以听促读,帮助学生理解这篇日记,由学生pair work 总结出在跟外国客人交往中出现的puzzle。,笔者提出:Can you solve the puzzles using what we have learned about different cultures? 引起了学生阅读Part B 的兴趣。Step 3 Part B (p.43)这一步骤中,笔者把

10、书上的要求改成了match 练习。Match the name of the countries in the left-hand column with appropriate behavior in the right-hand column. Write the correct letters in the blanks.India _ a Greet each other bowing slightly withpalms pressed together.Japan _ b Shake hands or give someone something with your right h

11、and.In North America and the UK c Look at the business cards carefully _ d You may not eat beef because of your religion.Thailand _ e Put the business cards in your pocket without looking f Greet one another with a firm handshake g Shake hands or give someone something with your left hand.设计目的: 练习形式

12、多样化,使学生对different taboos 更加一目了然。Step 4 Part C (p.43)在这一步骤中,笔者请班上一个同学朗读两遍。把填词简化成判断正误练习Exercise 2: Decide which ones of the statements below are true (T) or false (F).1. People from the USA often feel comfortable if people are in their personal space.2. In the USA gift-giving is not part of the cultur

13、e but in Japan giving gifts is very important.3. The OK sign is a positive sign in Japan.4. In France, the OK sign means zero or worthless and in Japan it is a request for small change.设计目的:让学生熟悉不同背景下的听力内容。降低难度,让根底较差的学生也有所收获。Step 5 Knowledge Extension Task-based Reading (Read and fill) Different cou

14、ntries and different people have different manners . We must find out their customs , so that they will not think us ill-manners . Here are examples of the things that a well- educated person does or does not do . If you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first . When the door opens

15、 , you will not move before the host says “Come in, please . After you enter the room , you should not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat . When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hand , you will say , “Thank you . And receive it with two hands , not one hand , or they will think you are ill-mannered . Before entering a house in Japan , it is good manners to take off your shoes . In European countries , even though shoes sometimes become very dirty , this is not d


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