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1、股权代持协议Entrusted Shareholding Agreement本协议由以下双方于 年 月 日签订:The agreement is signed by both sides on _Day, _ Month, _Year.委托方Entrusting Party: 受托方Commissioned Party: 鉴于In consideration of:(1)委托方在 投资成立一家公司以下简称“公司,公司名称为 ,注册资金为 ,其中委托方认缴注册资金 ,拥有公司的 的股权。The entrusting party has invested to set up a company (

2、hereinafter referred to as the company) in with the name of , and its registered capital was , in which the entrusting party paid in registered capital of , and owned 100% stock equity of the company.(2) 根据本协议的约定,委托方委托受托方以受托方名义持有公司的 股权,委托方是该 股权的实际拥有人,受托方作为其 股权的名义持有人;受托方同意接受委托方委托,名义上持有公司的 股权。Accordin

3、g to the provisions of this agreement, the entrusting party entrusts the commissioned party to hold a stock equity of the company in the name of the commissioned party, where the entrusting party is the actual owner of the stock equity, and the commissioned party as its stake holders in name; the co

4、mmissioned party agrees to accept the entrusting of the entrusting party, and to hold a stake of the company nominally.双方经平等协商,根据?中华人民共和国公司法?、?中华人民共和国合同法?以及其它适用的法律和法规的规定,达成如下协议:Through equal consultation, according to “the Peoples Republic of China Company Law, “the Peoples Republic of China Contrac

5、t Law and other applicable laws and regulations, both parties reach the following agreement:1. 委托代持Entrusting1.1双方确认,公司注册资金为 美金,该款由委托方实际缴付。因此,双方确认,受托方是公司的 股权以下简称“代持股权的名义持有人,委托方是代持股权的实际拥有人。Both sides confirm that the companys registered capital is 、, which is actually paid by the entrusting party. Th

6、erefore, both sides confirm that the commissioned party is the nominal holder of of companys shares (hereinafter referred to as the entrusted stock equity), and the entrusting party is the actual owner of stock equity.1.2委托方委托受托方以受托方的名义在代持期限见本协议第3条内持有代持股权。受托方同意接受委托方委托,在代持期限内以受托方的名义代委托方持有代持股权。The ent

7、rusting party entrusts the commissioned party to hold the stock equity in the name of the trustee during the period (see Section 3 of this Agreement). Trustee agrees to accept the entrusting, and to hold the stock equity in the name of the trustee on behalf of the entrusting party during this period

8、.1.3 委托方为代持股权的实际拥有人,就代持股权而言,除本协议另有规定外,委托方享有公司章程以及中国法律、法规和其他标准性文件所规定的全部股东权利并承当相应的所有义务。受托方并不实际取得公司股东地位,不享有任何股东权利。The entrusting party is the actual owners of the stock equity. As for the stock equity, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the entrusting party is entitled to all the rights provi

9、ded in the Articles of company, Chinese laws, regulations and other normative documents as well as to the corresponding obligations. Trustee do not actually get the status of the Companys shareholders, and does not enjoy any rights of the shareholders.1.4 受托方不享有代持股权所对应的收益权,公司就代持股权支付的任何和全部股息、红利以及代持股权

10、产生的其他收益均应归委托方所有,受托方应采取必要和可能的措施保证上述股息、红利以及代持股权产生的其他收益被及时支付给委托方。Trustee is not entitled to the corresponding right to earnings of the share, and any and all dividends, gains and all other bonuses paid by the company on the entrusted share shall be owned by the entrusting party, while the trustee shall

11、 take necessary and possible measures to return all of these dividends, gains and other bonuses produced by the entrusted share to the the entrusting party promptly.1.5 委托方委托受托方以受托方名义就代持股权行使除股东收益权以外的其他股东权利,包括但不限于股东的知情权、股东会召集权、提案权和表决权。但受托方应当在事先已经得到委托方的同意,或者系根据委托方指示的情况下,方得行使上述股东权利。受托方并应准确、有效、不迟延地行使上述权

12、利。受托方应当将其根据委托方的同意和指示就代持股权行使上述股东权利的结果,及时告知委托方。The entrusting party entrusts the commissioned party to exercise other shareholders rights on the entrusted shares except the right to earning in the name of the commissioned party, including, but not limited to the shareholders right to information, the

13、right to convene the shareholders meeting, proposals and voting. However, the trustee shall have the prior consent of the entrusting party, or based on the indication of the entrusting party, so as to exercise the rights of shareholders. Trustee should exercise these rights accurately, effectively,

14、without delay. The trustee should promptly inform the entrusting party of the results about the entrusted shares under the entrusting partys consent and instruction.1.6 委托方作为代持股权的实际拥有人,有权利行使代持股权对应的人事任免权,包括选举、指派和撤换公司董事长、董事、总经理、副总经理、财务负责人和其他管理人员的权利。受托方不享有前述权利,但受托方应根据委托方要求,签署必要的文件包括但不限于股东决议和任免文件,从而配合委托

15、方行使前述人事任免权利。As the actual owners of the entrusted shares, the entrusting party has the right to exercise the corresponding personnel management right, including the election, assignment and removal of companys chairman, director, president, vice president, finance managers and other management personnel. Trustee is not entitled to the foregoing rights, but the trustee should sign the necessary documents based on requirements of the entrusting party (including but not limited to, the shareholders resolution and the appointment and


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