自流平弹性环氧塑脂耐磨地坪 中英文简介[运用参照]

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自流平弹性环氧塑脂耐磨地坪 中英文简介[运用参照]_第1页
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1、 自流平弹性环氧塑脂耐磨地坪Elastic epoxy resin self-leveling floor一、 施工工艺construction technology1、 检测原素地情况:素地耐压、抗冲击、强度、平整度、有无松动、油污、干燥(含水率小于8%)The detection of the original floor: pressure-tolerant , impact resistance, strength, smoothness, whether loose, oil, dry (moisture content less than 8%)2、 素地处理:首先用磨机对素地进行

2、打磨,凸凹不平处需磨平,潮湿的地方烘干,然后清理吸尘,使其达到:平整、无松动、无油污、干燥(含水率小于8%)。Orihinal floor to deal with: First of all, to grind uneven floor with mill, the drying of damp places, and then clean up the floor to reach: smooth, no loosening, no oil, dry (moisture content of less than8%).3、 底涂:加入密着剂和渗透剂再搅拌均匀,使树脂具有低粘度和高渗透性,使

3、底涂渗透到地下,对地面增强附着力。First coat: Mix adherence promotors and penetrant and then Stir the resin with low viscosity and high permeability, so that the first coat seep into the ground to enhance adhesion to the ground.4、 刮砂处理:为增加强度和平整度,以及有损坏的地面进行补修、采用石英砂和封底漆按比例搅拌均匀,用刮片均匀涂抺在打磨底涂上,以封闭不平整的素地。strike-off: In or

4、der to increase the strength and flatness, also repair the damaged floor, quartz sand priming paint would be mixed and applied on the floor. 5、 待石英砂和封闭漆干燥后再进行打磨处理,使表面平整、坚固。After dried, the floor would be polished to be flat and strong.6、 面涂:用滚筒喷涂彩色面涂,要均匀涂装1-2遍(视表面平整度为准),并进行收光,达到色泽一致美观。Paint: Colorfu

5、l paint would be sprayed well-distributed 1-2 times, also the light would be controlled to make the color no difference.二、 特点:Feature:1、 使用寿命10-15年Working life is 10-15 years2、 颜色可无限制调配Any color without limit.3、 厚度:无刮砂实际厚度1.0-1.5mm范围 刮砂可达1mm厚度Thickness: The thickness could be 1.0-1.5mm without strik

6、e-off.It could be 1mm with strike-off.4、 具有耐磨、防潮、防滑、防尘、耐污抗腐蚀、防水防渗漏、不易老化,色彩鲜艳、日久常新。是普通耐磨地坪的2.5倍。Have wear-resistant, moisture-proof, non-slip, dust, stain, corrosion-resistant, waterproof and leakage, not aging, colorful, long time, new. It would be 2.5 times that of ordinary wear-resistant floor. 2012.07.15 1建筑土木b



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