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1、2022年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so called digital dividethe division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor. And the divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. Wha

2、t was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to

3、universalize accessafter all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments, afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. As a re

4、sult, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we have ever had.Of course, the use of the Internet is not the only way to defeat poverty. And

5、the internet is not the only tool we have; but it has enormous potential. To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished counties will have to get over their outdated and anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of t

6、heir sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structure foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it did not have the capital to do so. And that is why Americas Second Wave infrastructureincluding roads, h

7、arbors, highways, ports, and so onwere built with foreign investment. The English, The Germans, The Dutch and the French were investing in Britains former colony. They financed them. Immigrant Americans built them. Guess who owns them now? The Americans. I believe the same thing would be true in pla

8、ces like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter. The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you are going to be. That does not mean lying down and becoming fooled, or letting foreign corporations ru

9、n uncontrolled. But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures need to take full advantage of the Internet.17. Digital divide is something _.18. Governments attach importance to the Internet because it _.19. The writer mentioned the case of

10、the United States to justify the policy of _.20. It seems that now a countrys economy depends much on _.问题1选项A.getting worse because of the InternetB.the rich countries are responsible forC.the world must guard againstD.considered positive today问题2选项A.offers economic potentialsB.can bring foreign fu

11、ndsC.can soon wipe out world povertyD.connects people all over the world问题3选项A.providing financial support overseasB.preventing foreign capital controlC.building industrial infrastructureD.accepting foreign investment问题4选项A.how well developed it is electronicallyB.whether it is prejudiced against im

12、migrantsC.whether it adopts Americans industrial patternD.how much control it has over foreign corporations【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】17.推理判断题。根据第一段第三句My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago.(20年前,我和妻子曾就这个逼近的危险发表过演讲。),可知数字鸿沟带来消极影响,应该受到重视,所以C选项“全世界必须防备的”正确,D选项“被视作积极”错误。A选项“

13、因为互联网而变得更糟”:根据第二段第二句和第五句As the internet becomes more and more commercializedI now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead.(随着国际互联网越来越商业化现在我认为,在未来几年,数字鸿沟将会缩小而不是扩大),可知数字鸿沟因为互联网而缩小,故错误。B选项“由发达国家造成的”:文中没有提到。因此C选项正确。18.事实细节题。根据第二段第三句More and more governments, afraid th

14、eir countries will be left behind, want to spread internet access.(越来越多的政府担心自己的国家会落后,想要普及互联网接入。),可知互联网可以帮助发展国家经济,所以A选项“带来经济发展潜力”正确。B选项“可以将资金从国外流入”和D选项“连接世界各地的人”:不是互联网能为国家带来的重要作用,故错误。C选项“能快速消除世界贫困”:根据第二段最后一句because the internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we ha

15、ve ever had.(因为互联网很可能是对抗我们曾经拥有的世界贫困的最强大的工具。),可知互联网不能快速消除贫困,故错误。因此A选项正确。19.事实细节题。根据第三段第四句Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structure foundations of a society) in the United States.(那些仍然认为外国投资是对其主

16、权的侵犯的国家,最好研究一下美国基础设施(一个社会的基本结构基础)的历史。),可知作者就外国投资的话题以美国为例,所以D选项“接受国外投资”正确。A选项“提供海外经济支持”,B选项“防止外国资本控制”和C选项“建设工业基础设施”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此D选项正确。20.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三句The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you are going to be.(你拥有越多的外国资本


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