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1、山东省临沂市沂水县2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编阅读表达2023年山东省临沂市沂水县中考二模英语试题四、 阅读表达。 (共5小题, 计10分)阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答下列问题。Joey was happy because he had many special friends. four squirrels, two rabbits, and many colorful birds. At the meal time, these wild animals came near to the family and they would feed these special fr

2、iends. In the large yard stood thirteen trees of different sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under the trees, he noticed that a tree trunk(树干) had a sad look. He ran into the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason why it was sad. So Joey went into the y

3、ard, ran to the sad tree and asked, Why are you unhappy?I am the smallest tree around. The birds dont fly to me. The rabbits dont eat grass under me. The squirrels dont climb to my top. Nobody needs me or loves me, replied the sad tree. After knowing the reason, the family had a meeting. Joey sugges

4、ted making a seat under the sad tree. Joeys father said he could help make a seat around the tree. The family would sit under the tree and the tree wouldnt feel sad anymore. When Joey told his special friends the tree was sad, they decided to do what they could to help make the sad tree happy again.

5、 Early the next morning, when Joey woke up, he noticed birds singing happily in the little tree and saw squirrels running up and down in it. Rabbits were eating the fresh grass around the tree. The little tree was happy again. Joey ran inside to tell the good news to his family. Joeys mother and fat

6、her went into the yard and saw the happy tree. Let s start to build the seats around the trees. I will need help to build them. Get the nails (钉子)for me, Joey, said the father. I can help you hold the nails, Dad, said Joeys sister. 56. How many trees were there in the large yard?57. Why did the tree

7、 feel sad?58. Who helped the sad tree?59. Is the text a story, an interview or an introduction?60. What do you think of Joeys family?2022年山东省临沂市沂水县中考二模英语试题六、阅读回答问题阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答下列问题。Have you ever visited Longmen Grottoes(石窟) or Yungang Grottoes? Around 1, 800 years ago, Chinese artists made grotto s

8、tatues(雕像)in mountains. These statues have gone through earthquakes, floods and wars. In the 21st century, however, they are facing a new danger: tourism. Too many tourists go to visit those grottoes every year and this really does harm to the grotto statues. How?According to a study, the CO2 , that

9、 visitors breathe out has made the air more acidic(酸性的). Also, researchers have pointed out that visitors often bring in microorganisms(微生物). Even their body heat can increase the grottoes temperature. All of these things can harm the grotto statues.Behaving badly can cause harm to the grotto statue

10、s as well. Too many visitors touch the grotto statues, and this causes their surfaces to change color.When we visit grottoes, we can often see a sign saying “No Flash!” or “No Photos!”. This is because the strong light can be bad for the statues, especially those with color. The light can make it ea

11、sy for them to lose their color.To protect those ancient cultural treasures, recently China has asked the workers who take care of those grottoes to control the number of visitors. Tourists are also encouraged to book tickets on the Internet and stay away during busy hours. Every visitor should play

12、 a part in protecting those old grottoes, right?36What is the new danger grotto statues are facing in the 21st century?_37How can visitors body heat influence grotto statues?_38What will happen to grotto statues if too many tourists touch them?_39Why shouldnt visitors take photos of grotto statues?_

13、40What is the last paragraph mainly about?_2021年山东省临沂市沂水县中考二模英语试题十一、阅读回答问题In China, writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study. Among the high-quality(质量)treasures, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, the ink stick produced in Huizhou, the xuan paper m

14、ade in Xuancheng and the ink stone made in Duanxi are the best-known.The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries(陶器). They are mainly made of the hair of animals. Those made of wool are called yanghao and those made of the weasels(鼬) tail hair are called langhao. Their

15、artistic effects(效果) in writing and painting cannot be copied by any other pens.The ink stick is the pigment(颜料) used in writing and painting. The ink stick produced in Huizhou is of high quality. A story goes like this: Two famous skilled men Xi Chao and his son produced a kind of high-quality ink stick. As a result, the Emperor Li Yu in the Southern Tang Dynasty agreed to give them the family name “Li”. From then on, the fame of the Li Ink Stick was widespread. In the


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