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1、杭州,中国最休闲的城市Hangzhou, the Most Leisure City in China杭州位于中国东南沿海,是浙江省省会,也是长江三角洲经济圈两个副中心城市之一。杭州是中国历史文化名城,有着8000年文明史、5000年建城史,被意大利旅行家马可波罗赞为“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。杭州拥有独特的休闲氛围和休闲文化,被誉为“东方休闲之都,品质生活之城”,2006年被世界休闲组织授予“东方休闲之都”称号,2011年被中国社会科学院评为“全球十大休闲范例城市”,是中国最休闲的城市。Located in the southeast coast area of China, Hangzhou

2、, the capital city of Zhejiang province, is one of two sub-central cities in Yangtze River Delta economic circle. Built 5000 year ago, Hangzhou is a historical city with more than 8000 years of civilization. In the past, it once was applauded as “the most splendid and luxurious city in the world” by

3、 Marco Polo, the Italian traveler in the 13th century. At present, it is renowned as the “Oriental Capital of Leisure, City of Quality Life” with its unique leisure atmosphere and culture. It was also awarded as the “Oriental Capital of Leisure” by the World Leisure Organization in 2006, and one of

4、the “Top Ten Global Leisure Model Cities” by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2011. It is now the most leisure city in China.一、杭州,追求品质与创新的“东方休闲之都” Hangzhou, “Oriental Capital of Leisure”, Pursuing Quality and Innovation1、杭州是浓缩世界之美的山水之城。杭州地处中国东南沿海,风光秀丽,景色迷人,是中国最佳旅游城市。水是杭州这座城市的神韵所在,“江、河、湖、溪、海

5、”五水兼备的城市特质,使杭州完美浓缩与诠释了世界之美。新安江、富春江、钱塘江,一江春水东流,两岸景色奇丽。纵贯中国南北的京杭大运河穿城而过,承载了悠久的中华文明。列入世界遗产名录的西湖与湘湖、千岛湖等秀美湖泊如珍珠般散落城间,各具风韵,景色万千。西溪湿地公园是中国首个国家湿地公园,是极为罕见的城中湿地。蔚为壮观的钱塘潮,被誉为“天下第一潮”。美丽的杭州也让古代中国的大文豪苏东坡、白居易,当代中国的风云人物毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平,外国政要尼克松、克林顿、蓬皮杜、尼赫鲁、金日成、西哈努克等诸多名人驻足,为杭州的青山秀水所打动。Hangzhou, a City of Water and Hills

6、with Worlds Beautiful SceneryLocated in the southeast coast of China, Hangzhou is bestowed with beautiful sceneries, and becoming one of the Best Tourism Cities in China. Its charm is best shown in various water landscapes with rivers, lakes, creeks and oceans, which display almost all kinds of beau

7、tiful water sceneries in the world. For example, the Qiantang River, Fuchun River, and Xinan River enjoy marvelous scenery along their banks; the Beijing and Hangzhou Grand Canal, running through the north and south China, sees Chinese long history; the West lake which has been listed as the World H

8、eritage, together with the Xianghu Lake and Thousand-Isle Lake are just like pearls scattering in different parts of the city with their unique beauty; the Xixi Wetland Park, as a rare wetland located in a city, is the first national wetland park in China; the Spectacular Qiantang River Tidal Bore i

9、s known for the worlds largest tidal bore. The beauty of Hangzhou has attracted a lot of celebrities from home and abroad, such as Su Dongpo, Bai Juyi, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Richard Milhous Nixon, William Jefferson Clinton, Georges Pompidou, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kim Il Sung, and Norodo

10、m Sihanouk.2、杭州是中国休闲的汇聚之城。杭州是中国七大古都之一。早在距今800年前的宋朝时期,杭州就有了“人间天堂”的美誉。当时的杭州,酒肆茶楼、艺场戏院、驿站旅舍布满御街,已成为一座典型的休闲城市。历史的传承,文化的浸润,使杭州人不仅崇尚休闲,追求休闲,更以东方的智慧创造休闲。在杭州方言中,“划西湖船”、“坐三轮车”,都形象反映了杭州人悠闲安逸、恬静优雅的生活方式。进入新世纪以来,杭州把休闲作为一个新兴产业加以培育和发展,使杭州成为中国第一个将休闲产业定位为主导产业的城市。目前杭州休闲产业已具备相当规模,并呈现出加速发展态势,真正进入了发展“黄金期”,成为了中国休闲发展的汇聚地。

11、Hangzhou, a City of Aggregation with Leisure ActivitiesHangzhou, one of the seven ancient capitals in China, has been renowned as the Paradise on Earth since more than 800 years ago in the Song Dynasty. Hangzhou was already a leisure city at that time with teahouses, theatres and hotels. With the in

12、fluence of the long history and culture, people in Hangzhou worship leisure, pursue leisure, and whats more, create leisure with oriental wisdom. Taking a boat on the West Lake or riding a tricycle, as what is always mentioned in the Hangzhou dialect, best depicts the leisure, comfortable, quiet and

13、 elegant life in Hangzhou. Since the beginning of the new century, leisure industry is taken as a new industry to be nurtured and developed, which makes Hangzhou the first city to position leisure as a leading industry. Now its leisure industry is showing the trend of accelerated development with a

14、considerable scale, and has entered into the development of the golden period, while at the same time Hangzhou has become the land of leisure development in China.3、杭州是休闲产业的蓬勃发展之城。杭州发展休闲产业具有得天独厚的优势:一是经济实力雄厚。杭州是中国综合经济实力最强的城市之一。2011年,杭州实现地区国内生产总值7011.8亿元人民币,按当年平均汇率计算,约为1113亿美元,人均GDP达15679美元。二是城市环境宜居。杭


16、州发展休闲产业,政府支持,社会投资热情高涨,旅游基础设施日趋完善,全市各类旅行社达562家、星级宾馆230家,并已连续十一年成功举办西湖国际博览会,2011年,杭州全年接待入境游客306万人次,接待国内游客7180万人次,旅游总收入1191亿元,其中旅游外汇收入19.57亿美元。Hangzhou, a Thriving City with Leisure IndustryHangzhou has its unique advantages in developing leisure industry. Firstly, Hangzhou is outstanding in its strength of the economy. It is ranked as one of the Top Ten Cities with Outstanding Comprehensive Economic Strength. In 2011 the regional GDP of Hangzhou reached


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