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1、2022年班级圣诞晚会主持词一,全班同学唱英文歌曲我祝愿你:圣诞节快乐。the whole class sing a song named:we wish you a merry christmas 二,主持人闪亮登台 (hosts appear!)老师,各位同学:大家下午好!在班主任和班委的精心策划和全体同学的帮助下,我们迎来了今天这个狂欢的节日圣诞节!在此,我代表班委衷心的祝福大家:圣诞节快乐!good afternoon! my respectful teachers and dear classmates.under mr.an and whole class cadres caref

2、ul design and my classmates help, we are meeting the e_citing day finally- the christmas day! here, i honorably represent class cadres to bless everyone: merry christmas!现在, 我宣布: 圣诞晚会开始!now, i declare: the christmas day begins! 首先,我很荣幸的向各位介绍一下今天的佳宾, 杨老师, 巩老师, 同学们,让我们用热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎! 感谢你们的到来! first

3、of all, let me introduce todays guests to all: mr.yang, mr.gongeveryone, in order to wele their visiting, give them warm applause! thank you ing!接下来, 让我们用热烈的掌声来邀请安老师致开幕词.ne_t, lets invite mr.an to give us the opening address.谢谢! thank you! 现在, 开始我们今天的节目 now, please enjoy todays programs.下面,请欣赏小合唱 表演

4、者: 一号女生宿舍.ne_t, please enjoy a small chorus named :, performed by no.1 girls dormitory.感谢他们精彩的表演! 接下来,请欣赏小品, 表演者: 晁亚玲, 汪娜, 王玮, 李梦昭.thanks for their splendid performance! then, please enjoy a short: performed by 多有趣的节目! 谢谢你们! 下面由我来给大家带来一段京剧, 希望大家喜欢! 来点掌声! what an interesting short! thank you! the fol

5、lowing program is performed by me, named, i hope you can like it, give me some applause! 下面,我们邀请赵老师和巩老师老师给我们表演个节目,大家说好吗? now, lets invite mr.zhao and mr.gong to perform a program! am i right? 感谢他们的精彩的表演! 再一次的感谢他们! thanks for their graceful singing! thank you again! 接下来,我们玩个游戏,名为:.now, its time for u

6、s to play a game :/现在, 继续我们的节目, 让我们看看我们班的帅哥们是如何演绎这首流行歌曲的! 来吧, 帅哥们! now, continue our programs! lets look at these handsome boys to sing a popular song! e on, guys! 刚才帅哥们的表现不俗! 我想现在轮到我们班的美女来闪亮登场了! 下面有请张佳, 她为大家带来一首! just now, these handsome boys did a good job! now i think it is time for a beauty to e

7、 here.lets invite zhangjia to sing a song :.下面, 请欣赏诗朗诵, 表演者: 苏小兰.ne_t, please enjoy a poem recitation, recited by su _iaolan.多么美妙的诗歌啊! 接下来我们邀请几位同学做个有趣的游戏: how beautiful the poem is! then, we will invite several people to play a game: .今天是圣诞节,现在让我们再来听听关于圣诞节的一些动人故事吧! today is christmas day! now we wil

8、l listen to some moving christmas stories! 下面欣赏女声独唱, 表演者:王丽and then lets enjoy a female solo performer: wangli.最后, 让我们来看看安老师给我们带来了什么样的惊喜? at last, lets see what mr.an bring us! maybe a surprise!现在让我们签名_留念! 请在这里留下你的名字, 让历史记录下这精彩的瞬间! now, please sign your name on this red cloth! make history remember

9、the wonderful moment! 时间过地真快了,不知不觉我们晚会接近尾声! 现在让我们一同唱响这首! 再次感谢各位佳宾的到来! 祝各位老师和同学: 圣诞节快乐! 身体健康! 万事如意!how time flies! our party is ing to the end without perceiving.now lets sing this song together.thanks for ing again! bless teachers and students: merry christmas! to be healthy! and everything goes smoothly! thank you! 第 页 共 页


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