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1、.takeMEANINGS 义项1.MOVE移动Tto move or go with someone or something from one place to another带走;拿走;取走;搬走Would you mindtakingSusiehome? 请你带苏茜回家好吗?When he refused to give his name, he was taken into custody. 他拒绝说出自己的名字,于是就被拘留了。My job has taken me all over the world. 我的工作让我走遍了世界各地。take sb/sth to/into etc

2、sthBarney took us to the airport. 巴尼把我们送到机场。take sb/sth with youHis wife went to Australia, taking the children with her. 他的妻子带着孩子去了澳大利亚。take sb sthI have to take Steve the money tonight. 我今晚得把钱带给史蒂夫。take sb to do sthHe took me to meet his parents. 他带我去见他的父母。2.ACTION行动Tused with a noun instead of us

3、ing a verb to describe an action. For example, if you take a walk, you walk somewhere.做某个动作;和名词连用代替某个动词Would you like to take a look? 你想看看吗?Mikes just taking a shower. 迈克正在淋浴。Sara took a deep breath. 萨拉深深地吸了一口气。I waved, but hedidnt take any notice . 我挥挥手,但他没有理会我。Pleasetake a seat . 请坐。take a picture

4、/photograph/photoWould you mind taking a photo of us together? 你帮我们拍张合影好吗?3.REMOVE拿开Tto remove something from a place拿开,把移开THESAURUSSTEAL take awayPolice say money and jewellery were taken in the raid. 警方说钱和珠宝都在这次抢劫中被抢走了。take sth off/from etc sthTake your feet off the seats. 把你的脚从座位上挪开。Someones take

5、n a pen from my desk. 有人从我的书桌上拿走了一支钢笔。4.TIME/MONEY/EFFORT ETC时间/钱/努力等I,Tif something takes a particular amount of time, money, effort etc, that amount of time etc is needed for it to happen or succeed花费时间、金钱或努力等Howlongis this going totake? 这要花多长时间?Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of

6、energy. 成功举办一次街头聚会要花费很多精力。It tooka few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark. 过了几分钟他的眼睛才适应了黑暗。take sth Repairs take time to carry out. 修理要花时间。take ages/foreverIt took me ages to find a present for Dad. 我花了很长时间才买到一样给爸爸的礼物。take some doing需要花费大量时间努力Catching up four goals will take some doing. 追上四分

7、是要花大力气的。take courage/guts It takescourage to admit you are wrong. 承认错误需要勇气。have what it takes有所需的素质天赋Neils got what it takes to be a great footballer. 内尔具备成为一名伟大足球运动员的潜质。5.ACCEPT接受Tto accept or choose something that is offered, suggested, or given to you接受某人给的东西、提议等Will you take the job? 你接受这份工作吗?Do

8、 you take American Express? 你们接受美国运通信用卡吗?If youtakemyadvice, youll see a doctor. 如果你听我的意见,就去看医生。Our helplinetakes 3.5 millioncalls a year. 我们的求助热线每年接听350万个电话。Some doctors are unwilling to take new patients without a referral. 有些医生不愿意接收没有转诊单的新病人。Liz found his criticismshard to take. 利兹觉得他的批评很难接受。I ju

9、stcant take any more . 我再也受不了了。Staff have agreed to take a 2% pay cut. 员工同意接受2%的降薪。take a hammering/beating遭到失败/重挫Small businesses took a hammering in the last recession. 在上次的经济衰退中,小企业遭遇了困境。I take your point/point taken我接受你的观点take sbs word for it/take it from sb相信某人所说的话Thats the truth - take it from

10、 me. 这是事实相信我。take the credit/blame/responsibilityHes the kind of man who makes things happen but lets others take the credit. 他是那种自己做事却让别人领功的人。take it as read/given相信某事属实It isnt official yet, but you can take it as read that youve got the contract. 这虽然还是非正式的,但你可以认为你已经得到这份合同了。6.HOLD STH拿着某物Tto get ho

11、ld of something in your hands拿着Let me take your coat. 我来帮你拿着外套吧。Can you take this package while I get my wallet? 你帮我拿一下这个包裹好吗?我把钱包拿出来。take sb/sth in/by sthI just wanted to take him in my arms. 我好想把他拥在我的怀里。7.TRAVEL旅行Tto use a particular form of transport or a particular road in order to go somewhere乘

12、坐某种交通工具,走某条道路Lets take a cab. 我们坐出租车吧。I took the first plane out. 我搭乘第一班飞机走了。Take the M6 to Junction 19. 走6号高速公路到第19号交叉口。8.STUDY学习Tto study a particular subject in school or college for an examination攻读,研修某一课程THESAURUSSTUDYAre you taking French next year? 你明年修法语吗?9.TEST测试Tto do an examination or tes

13、t参加考试或测验SYNSITBrE 英Applicants are asked to take a written test. 申请者被要求参加一个笔试。10.SUITABLE合适的T not in progressive or passive,不用进行式或被动态to be the correct or suitable size, type etc for a particular person or thing接纳,容纳;使用,穿用a car that takes low sulphur fuel 使用低硫燃油的汽车What size shoe do you take? 你穿多大尺码的鞋子?The elevator takes a maximum of 32 people. 这电梯最多可以乘32人。11.COLLECT收集Tto collect or gather something for a particular purpose收集Investigators willtake samplesof the wreckage to identify the cause. 调查人员将从残骸上取样以确定事故的起因。take sth from sthThe policetookastate


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