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1、GOLDRATT SATELLITE PROGRAM高瑞特卫星节目SESSION 7第七讲MANAGING PEOPLE RESPECT管理人员尊重Good day! Good to see you again. 大家好!很高兴又见面了。Managing people.管理人员。This is probably the most difficult thing to master. 这可能是最不容易精通的一个主题。I dont think that I am saying anything new to you about it. 我认为自己无法为你提供新的见解。Lately there ar

2、e some good work that is published, the best that I know of, is the Seven Habits- excellent book with excellent ideas. 最近市面上有一些很不错的书,我觉得最好的一本是与成功有约,这本书里面提到的观念非常好。And still something is missing. 但是仍然遗漏了某样东西。If I am to summarise whatever everybody knows about managing people, I would summarise it all

3、in one word. 如果要我对每个人所熟知的管理人员内容做摘要,我会把它浓缩为一个词。It all boils down to respect. 那就是尊重。All the Seven Habits, everything boils down to one word respect. 整本与成功有约的内容可以浓缩为一个词尊重。You have to give respect and you have to gain respect. 你必须给予尊重,也必须得到尊重。Well, so far everybody is saying it, everybody agrees, how do

4、 you do it? 嗯,到目前为止,每个人都这么说,每个人都同意,但是你要怎么做呢?Is it easy? 很容易吗?We have to be polite, we have to consider other people, we have to listen to them even though they are talking not to the point. 即使其它人的谈话内容没有切中要点,我们仍然要有礼貌,把他们的想法列入考虑,聆听他们的意见。And if I continue on, it means we have to be angels. 如果我再继续说下去,就代

5、表我们必须是天使才做得到。Wait a minute, something is missing here. 等一下,这里遗漏了某样东西。What is really the problem? 真正的问题是什么?If it all boils down to respect why is it so difficult to give and get respect. 如果整个人员管理浓缩为尊重这个词,为什么很难给予尊重和得到尊重呢?What are the conflicts that block us from doing it in spite of all our good inten

6、tions? 纵使我们的出发点很好,究竟是什么冲突让我们无法达成呢?Lets start to look on it and then you will see what is the Theory of Constraint way, the TOC way to manage people. 让我们开始看一下,然后你就会发现限制理论中人员管理的方法是什么。Even though it looks like that it is quite impossible to take rigid cause and effect logic and imply it on subject whic

7、h is totally based on peoples emotions. 虽然以严谨的因果关系来作分析,然后将结果应用在完全以人的情绪为基础的主题上,看起来不太可能。Nevertheless lets see whether or not it is possible and what is coming out of it. 然而,让我们看一下究竟是否可行,以及产生出来的结果。One thing that should come out is the conclusions of what we know, the conclusions of the Seven Habits are

8、 correct, we know it intuitively. 第一个应该产生的结果是我们已经知道的结论我们凭直觉就知道与成功有约一书提出的结论是正确的。But it should cover also the how to reach it, practical ways. 但是也应该涵盖如何达到这项结论的具体方法。If it succeeds to do that then it is powerful, if not then it is another riff-ruff session about motivation, all of that, I am not exactly

9、 in that.如果能成功地做到这一点,那么这个结果就非常强而有力,如果不能,那么就只是另一个讨论激励的讲次,毫无用处,因此我并不打算这么做。So lets start with one of the things that: “it is obvious that we dont give or get respect.” 让我们从其中一件事开始:“很明显地,我们没有给予或得到尊重。”I claim that a rude form of disrespect is to ignore somebodys opinion. 我认为忽略别人的意见是一种不尊重的表现。Lets check it

10、 ourselves. 我们检视一下自己。Somebody comes with opinion, with an idea, you are saying your opinion about it and you are totally ignored. 某人提出意见、想法,你说出自己的意见,但是完全被忽略。How do you feel then? 此时你觉得如何呢?Or even worse than that - you are coming with an idea, explaining it and the reaction is - nothing, ignored. 或者更

11、糟糕的是你提出一个构想,加以解释,得到的反应是根本没有反应,完全被忽略。How do you feel then? 此时你觉得如何呢?Lower than grass.比小草还卑微。Which means ignoring someones idea is a rude form of disrespect. 这意谓着“忽略别人的构想就是一种不尊重的表现。”Do we have a consensus on that? 关于这一点我们取得了共识吗?That is not a big deal to understand.要了解这一点并不困难。Now, so what is the conclu

12、sion? 现在,结论是什么呢?The conclusion is so lets not ignore someones idea?结论是所以我们不要忽略别人的想法吗?If it would have been so simple we would have done it long time ago. 如果这么容易的话,我们在很早以前就能做到了。Because we dont, excuse me, because most of us dont like to be rude, unless, of course you are an Israeli, but that is anoth

13、er story.因为我们大多数的人都不喜欢失礼,除非你是以色列人,不过那又是另外一回事。What is the conflict that in spite of our good intentions, in spite of the fact that all of us understand very well that respect is essential in managing people and that ignoring someones ideas is a rude form of disrespect, nevertheless how come that we h

14、ave a problem of doing it? 纵使我们的出发点很好,都充分了解尊重是人员管理的要素,忽略别人的想法是一种不尊重的表现,然而,为什么我们没办法做到呢?冲突是什么呢?For that what I want to do is to present to you the full analysis of cause and effect that explains what is the conflict that is blocking us from really listening carefully, of really not ignoring someones i

15、dea, or at least not giving the impression that we are not ignoring. 因此,我想分析整个因果关系,解释一下究竟什么冲突阻碍我们真正仔细倾听,说明如何不忽略别人的想法、或者至少不要让别人觉得被忽略。This is the first time that what I will show you is the cause and effect tree, the current reality tree which is totally dealing with human relationships, 100%. 这是我第一次呈现出这张百分之百处理人际关系的现况图。You will have to be the judge whether or not it is feasible to use rigid cause and effect relationship even when we are talking about human relations. 即使我们讨论的是人际关系,你也必须评估一下使用严谨的因果关系来做分析是否有效。So dont agree with me


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