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1、六年级湘少版下学期英语语法填空专项过关题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用词的适当形式填空。1What sports do you need_(play)?2Do you want_(have) any pingpong balls?3Can you_(show) me the ball?4Why do you like to_(play)basketball?5Do you like these T-shirts_(or /and)those?2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What_(do) you often do on the weekend?2I_(am) ill last weekend.

2、3Mike_(see) a film tomorrow.4I_(wash) my clothes last weekend.5_(do) you go for a walk yesterday?6Sarah_(clean) her room every weekend.7I_(drink) tea this morning. It was nice.8I_(stay)at home and slept yesterday.3. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1We want_(go) on a trip this summer.2My father and I_(swim) in the s

3、ea last summer.3Do you like_(play) in the park?4Jenny_(go) to the park last Sunday.5I_( help) my mother clean the rooms next Saturday.4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What do you want_(be) in the future?I want to be a teacher.2That boy is a football_(play).3Everyone_(have) a dream.4My aunt is a_. She likes_(write) s

4、tories for children.5My sister likes_(play) the piano. She wants to be a_(piano) in the future.6He wants to take care of_(children) teeth.7Music_(make) me happy.8Dancing makes people_(health) and beautiful.5. 想一想,写出尽可能多的答案。1You want to, you can go to the_.2The baby is, she is now in_.3Daming wants t

5、o see, he can go to the_.4I want to, I can go to the_.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空或根据首字母填空。1There are some cats_(run) on the grass. (there be sb doing sth.有某人在做某事)2She_(swim) very fast and shes a good_(swim).3_Helen good at_(dance)? Yes, she_.4Its often_(sun) in spring here.5If you want to buy a football, you can

6、 go to the s_shop.6He laughs_(happy). He is a_(happy) boy.7Nancy is a_girl. She dances_(beautiful).7. 根据提示完成单词或词组。1Where did you go_(上周日)?2John_(读书)yesterday.3I_(感冒)yesterday.4John cleaned his room_(前天).5Im happy you_(感觉好多了)now.8. 单词分类。singing football asks likes basketball reading lives playing kun

7、g fu1-ing :_2-s :_3sports :_9. 填空题。1My grandma_(watch) TV every day .2Ann often_(watch) TV at home. She_(watch) again last night.3He wears shorts_Australia.4Danny_(buy) three balls.5Swimming is_(easy) for me. I cant swim.10. 根据汉语写出句子中所缺的单词,每空一词,注意单词的形式。1你能告诉我去动物园的路吗?Can you tell me_the zoo?2刘涛擅长溜冰。L

8、iu Tao_skating.3我妈妈晚饭后经常去散步。My mother often_after supper.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I_(have) a party last Sunday.2I did my homework and I_(do) other things.3I had_(a) interesting holiday.12. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1What_the boy_(do) now?The boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.2What is our granddaughter doing? She_(list

9、en) to music.3Its5 oclock now. We_(have)supper now4_Helen_(wash )clothes?Yes ,she is .5Its twelve oclock. The students_(eat) in the dining room.6Where is Mr Wu?He_(look) after her father at home.13. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1There are a lot of_(animal)on the farm.2You_(should)take books out of the reading ro

10、om.3Yang Ming_(visit)the science museum yesterday.4My father often_(watch)CCTV news after dinner.5Look at Li Yan! She_(play)a nice song on the piano.14. 填空题。1What is she wearing?She_a red sweater and a_.2What_she wearing?She_wearing a dress.3Mum and I_(shop) in the supermarket now.4What is my sister

11、 doing?_.5What is my father doing?_.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The first day, we_(go) to a big shop. We bought some gifts for our friends.2Tom often_(read) a book in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, he_(read) a magazine.3She_(visit) the science museum the day before yesterday.4What_(do) your mother_(do) this morning?She_(cook) good food.5_(do) your sister_(have) a trip this summer holiday?16. 填空题。根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1Shall we m_at the gate of the zoo?2What are you_(使用)?3Li Shan_last weekend.4I



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