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1、高考英语专项听力模拟训练五原因(why)听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why was the woman late?A. She missed the bus. B. The traffic was too busy. C. It was raining.2. Why didnt Ella get the book?A. There wasnt such a book in the library.B. She

2、 didnt want to borrow the book.C . She was too busy to go to the library.3. Why cant the man go and play tennis right now?A. Because he has too much work to do.B. Because he doesnt like playing tennis at all.C . Because he has an appointment with his dentist.4. Why does the man want to return the sh

3、irt?A . He likes another one better. B. The size is wrong. C. The color is ugly.5. Why doesnt the woman accept the invitation?A . Because she has some other arrangements.B. Because she doesnt like to do so.C. Because she is busy with her work.6. Why didnt the man watch the football game yesterday?A.

4、 Because his mother didnt like football.B. Because he wanted to watch the movie.C. Because he listened to the music with his mother.7. Why did the woman complain?A. The room was too small. B. It was too cold in this room.C . There were too many people smoking in this room.8. Why did the woman rememb

5、er James so well?B. He had a funny face.A . He was late for school on the first day.C. He was the first person she met at school.9. Why does the man leave early?A. Because he is too tired.B. Because he is catching a flight.C. Because he does not like to stay.10. Why did Nick call Sally?A. To ask if shes got the ticket. B. To see whether she is busy.C . To invite her out for a concert.答案: BCCAAACABC


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