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1、 新视野大学英语学生词汇自学手册 史梅 姜华Unit 1Section A Learning a Foreign LanguageSection B Keys to Successful On Learning 学 习 目 标一、核心词汇四级核心词汇:arise, benefit, challenge, charge, commit, commitment, communicate, embarrass, ensure, expand, frustrate, participate, prefer, reflect, reinforce, reward, satisfy, share 六级核心

2、词汇:intimidate reap二、重要短语:allow for , be well worth sth., become aware of, come across, in addition, keep up with, now that, play a role in 三、疑难句子:Section A和B中的难句释义、译文及句子结构分析四、阅读技巧1:猜度词义五、真题测试1:与本课词语和语法项目相关的历年四、六级及考研真题自测。一、重点词汇Section A (一)四级词汇1. (L1)reward:n. C,U 报答,奖赏;报酬,酬金报应 vt. 给或为给予奖赏使满意或高兴;酬劳【用

3、法】a for doing sth.因做某事而得到酬金 give a to or for给或为给予奖赏 sth.酬谢某事 rewarding:值得的,提供或可能提供满意或高兴的e.g. a) Have you got the reward? 你得到酬金了吗?The dictator met a due reward.这个独裁者得到了报应。 b) He was rewarded for his behavior.他的行为获得了奖赏。 c) This is a rewarding job.这是一份有价值的工作。【词义辨析1】award, reward,prize,bonus 这三个词都可以作名词。

4、award意为“奖、奖品”,为可数名词,指对某些突出的成就给与的奖励,其奖品可以是钱或物。reward 意为“酬劳,奖赏”,可作为可数名词或不可数名词,通常指对工作、服务的酬劳,帮人找回失物或捉拿罪犯等功劳的奖赏。prize意为“奖金,奖品,奖”,其意义几乎与award相同,但语气不如award不正式。bonus意为“奖金”,指给雇员的工资以外的一笔钱或相应的东西 e.g. a) The award for this years best actress went to her.她是今年的最佳女演员得主。 b) He was awarded the Nobel Prize for litera

5、ture.他被授予最佳诺贝尔文学奖。 c) He has received no reward for his service.他没有因为服务而获得报酬。 d) Those who put in many hours of overtime will receive a percentage of their salary as a bonus.那些付出许多加班时间的人将得到相当于其工资的一部分作为奖金。【词义辨析2】 award, reward这两个词都可作为动词。award作为动词时,意为“授予,给予,判给”,通常指官方或法院根据有关规定把钱财奖给或判给某人。后面可跟双宾语。reward作

6、为动词时,意为“为(某事)酬劳(某人)”,其后一般以人或人的行为作宾语。reward后跟with 用来说明以何物作为报酬。 e.g. a) The university awarded him an honorary degree.这所大学授予他名誉学位。 b) How can I reward your kindness? 我如何酬谢你的好意呢?2. (L2)frustrate:vt.阻碍,挫败 使受挫折 使沮丧,使灰心 【用法】 sth.使某事受到阻碍 sb. 是某人沮丧或灰心 e.g. a) Their attempts to speak to him were frustrated b

7、y the guards. 他们想和他谈话的企图因警卫的阻挡没有成功。 The weather frustrated our plans.天气破坏了我们的计划。b) Its this constant lack of funds that frustrates me.我感到很沮丧是我老是缺钱。3. (L4)junior:adj.年少的,较年幼的 资历较浅的,地位较低的 n.年少者地位较低者,晚辈 (美国中学或大学的)三级学生 【用法】be to(注意:该词没有比较级和最高级形式,本身就包含有比较意义) e.g. a) She teaches a junior class.她教一个低年级班。b)

8、 He is the junior partner in the firm.他是这家公司地位较低的股东。He has junior position in the company.他在这家公司担任一个低级职务。 4. (L6)positive: adj.积极的,有效的明确的,不容置疑的确定的,有信心的 e.g. a) You should give her a positive answer; positive criticism.你应给她一个肯定的回答 b) I am positive that I gave you his address.我肯定把他的地址给你了。5.(L8)senior:

9、adj.资格较老的,地位较高的 年长的 n .较年长的 (中学或大学的)毕业生【用法】be to sb比某人年长.(to是介词)e.g. a) She teaches a senior class.她教一个高年级班。b) She is senior to everyone else in the company.她在公司里的地位比其他人都高。6. (L9)former: adj .较早发生的过去的在前的,处在前面的前者的前任的 【用法】the the latter前者后者 e.g. a) In former times the British army kept lots of soldier

10、s at Fort William in Scotland.从前英国陆军经常把大批士兵派驻在苏格兰的威廉堡。 b) The owner of that shop is Mr Brown the former owner was Mr Johnson.那家商店的主人是布朗先生,以前的店主是约翰逊先生。 c) Of swimming and football he much preferred the former.在游泳和足球中他更喜欢前者。7. (L17)unlike: adj. 不相象的;不同的 (比如数量上)不相对的 prep.区别于;不像e.g. a) Shes unlike the r

11、est of her family.她不同于她家里的其他成员。b) For twins, they are very unlike.作为一对双胞胎,他们很不一样。 【近义词】alike: adj .同样的,相似的;类似的 adv.一样地 like: prep .相似,类似:具有的特点;相像;相似 same: adj.相同的:同一个的;相同的 pron.(前面与the连用)同样的人;同一件事 (the as)e.g. a) The 2 sisters are very alike.两姐妹非常相像。b) I wish I could sing like her.我希望能像她那样唱歌。c) We h

12、ave lived in the same house for fifty years.我们50年来一直住在这栋房子里。8.(L30)opportunity: n.机会;时机【用法】have to do sth.有机会做某事e.g. I have been offered a job. Its a great opportunity.我找到了一份工作,这是一个很好的机会。【词义辨析】opportunity, occasion, chance, break这组词的一般含义是“时机”或“机会”。不管在口语中或者在文学作品中,这几个都是常用的词。opportunity表示某时机符合自己想干某事的意愿

13、、目的、雄心甚至野心。occasion含有opportunity所能表达的这样一层意思:某时机能激发或唤起某人的某种行为。chance表示幸运或偶然的时机。break作为“时机”解时,一般要求修饰语,如:a good break, a bad break,即“走运”或“坏运气”。e.g. a) Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.或许这两种想象中都有一定的真实成分,但是我们中很少有人有机会去发现它。b) Th

14、is sort of thing is usual on occasions like this.这类事情在这种场合是常见的。 c) Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures men down to the depths of the earth.可能正是寻觅幽静的去处,或者找个猎奇的机会的欲望引诱着人们进入地球的深处。 d) That fellow gets all the breaks; he has been working there for only six months and has already been


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