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1、我是蚱蜢我怕谁 作者:英国金融时报首席经济评论员 马丁沃尔夫 西方人都知道蚱蜢和蚂蚁的寓言故事。蚱蜢很懒,在整个夏天唱歌玩乐,而蚂蚁则忙着储藏粮食,为冬天做准备。当寒冷的冬季来临时,蚱蜢向蚂蚁乞要食物,蚂蚁拒绝,最后蚱蜢饿死了。这则故事的寓意是什么?好吃懒做只能喝西北风。然而生活比伊索寓言更复杂。如今,蚂蚁是德国人、中国人和日本人,而蚱蜢是美国人、英国人、希腊人、爱尔兰人和西班牙人。蚂蚁生产出蚱蜢想要购买的有吸引力的商品。当后者询问前者是否想要什么东西作为交换时,蚂蚁回答道:“不,你们没有任何我们想要的东西,或许除了海边的度假胜地。我们会借给你们钱,这样你们获得了商品,而我们增加了积累。”蚂蚁







8、 GRASSHOPPERS AND THE ANTS A CONTEMPORARY FABLEMartin Wolf Everybody in the west knows the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper is lazy and sings away the summer, while the ant piles up stores for the winter. When the cold weather comes, the grasshopper begs the ant for food. The an

9、t refuses and the grasshopper starves. The moral of this story? Idleness brings want.Yet life is more complex than in Aesops fable. Today, the ants are Germans, Chinese and Japanese, while the grasshoppers are American, British, Greek, Irish and Spanish. Ants produce enticing goods grasshoppers want

10、 to buy. The latter ask whether the former want something in return. “No,” reply the ants. “You do not have anything we want, except, maybe, a spot by the sea. We will lend you the money. That way, you enjoy our goods and we accumulate stores.”Ants and grasshoppers are happy. Being frugal and cautio

11、us, the ants deposit their surplus earnings in supposedly safe banks, which relend to grasshoppers. The latter, in turn, no longer need to make goods, since ants supply them so cheaply. But ants do not sell them houses, shopping malls or offices. So grasshoppers make these, instead. They even ask an

12、ts to come and do the work. Grasshoppers find that with all the money flowing in, the price of land rises. So they borrow more, build more and spend more.The ants look at the prosperity of grasshopper colonies and tell their bankers: “Lend even more to grasshoppers, since we ants do not want to borr

13、ow.” Ants are far better at making real products than at assessing financial ones. So grasshoppers discover clever ways of packaging their grasshopper loans into enticing assets for ant banks.Now, the German ant nest is very close to some small colonies of grasshoppers. German ants say: “We want to

14、be friends. So why do we not all use the same money? But, first, you must promise to behave like ants forever.” So grasshoppers have to pass a test: behave like ants for a few years. The grasshoppers do so and are then allowed to adopt the European money.Everyone lives happily, for a while. The Germ

15、an ants look at their loans to grasshoppers and feel rich. Meanwhile, in grasshopper colonies, their governments look at their healthy accounts and say: “Look, we are better at sticking to the fiscal rules than ants.” Ants find this embarrassing. So they say nothing about the fact that wages and pri

16、ces are rising fast in grasshopper colonies, making their goods more expensive, while lowering the real burden of interest, so encouraging yet more borrowing and building.Wise German ants insist, gloomily, that “trees do not grow to the sky”. Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies. Ant banks duly become nervous and ask for their money back. So grasshopper debtors are forced to sell. This creates a chain of bankrupt


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