人教版必修2同步检测:unit 4 wildlife protection第2学时含答案

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料英语必修1(人教版)第二学时Learning about Language一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1How many jobs should be done in order to protect _(danger)wildlife?答案:endangered2In the _(distant),the sky was beginning to brighten.答案:distance3He suffered from headaches and _(lose)of appetite.答案:loss4Wear clothes that provide enou

2、gh _(protect)against the wind and rain.答案:protection5This is a matter of _(important)and it cannot be settled carelessly.答案:importance6He came to tell us that the work had been_(success)completed.答案:successfully7Everybody burst into_(laugh)when the clown appeared in the funny hat.答案:laughter8I would

3、 like to express my _(appreciate)and thanks to you all.答案:appreciation二、词语活用用die of,die from,die away,die down,die off,die out等词语完成下列小段落。The laughters of the hunters 1._and a big shewolf together with two baby wolves rushed out of the thick trees looking for food. Luckily for them,they saw a pig and

4、 killed it immediately. They were excited to have meal to eat,but their excitement 2._when they saw how thin the pig was. The mother knew clearly that the wolf family were 3._. Some 4._hunger,some 5._ unexpected death as they were being killed by human beings.She also knew for sure that her family w

5、ould 6._if nothing was to do to protect them.答案:1.died away2.died down3.dying off4.died of5died from6.die out三、动词专练 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.The man owns forty maps,three of Great Britain _(include)答案:included2.The_(fly)bird in the sky gave him some hint that he would never give up looking for his sky.答案:flyi

6、ng3.The antelope stared at Daisy,_(look)very sad.答案:looking4.Some species will die out soon because they_(kill)by human beings now.答案:are being killed5.A new library_(build)and is to be completed in half a year.答案:is being built6.The little girl burst out_(laugh)when she saw the funny elephant.答案:la

7、ughing7.Every species has its own way to protect himself from_(harm)by his enemies.答案:being harmed8.Customers couldnt accept the_(increase)price and expected the government to bring the price down.答案:increased9I really appreciate your_(give)me so much help.答案:giving10.How I longed_(have)a chance to

8、study abroad.答案:to have四、完成下列句子1他举起手臂护住面部免受这一击。He raised his arm to _his face _ the blow.答案:protect; from/against2他当时有生命危险。He was _losing his life then.答案:in danger of3我们同邻居和睦相处。We live _with our neighbours.答案:in peace4当歌手出场时,大厅里爆发出欢呼声。The hall _ when the singer appeared.答案:burst into cheers5由于大肆捕杀,很多动物已经灭绝了。_being hunted madly,many animals have _.答案:As a result of;died out6孩子们总是留心老师说的每一句话。The children always _everything that the teacher says.答案:pay attention to


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