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1、Unit 3A healthy life课时跟踪一练而就.完形填空(2020届山西五校高三联考)It is easy to do a good deed. There are so many 1 to practice lovingkindness in the daytoday happenings that 2 life, like letting a car pull out in front of someone and then 3 a door, wearing a smile. There are also other things you can do: surprising

2、someone by 4 their bills or writing notes of love, 5 and thanks for families, friends and strangers. It 6 for a happy life and joyful heart. Last night coming home from work, I found a young man who 7 near my home in the dark in the middle of the street looking 8 and exhausted. This young man suffer

3、ed from a mental illness. My first 9 was to call the police or go and get his father to 10 that, but he came to me before I could do either. And we talked. When I asked if he was OK, he 11 answered straight away that he was having an anxiety attack and had taken some 12 for it. He was walking to cal

4、m down himself because of the reaction.I could realize the 13 of walking to calm down and shared the importance with him. I told him that I was 14 for his walking in the streets when it was 15 . He told me that he had a flashlight and would 16 it on to help. After five minutes of 17 , he headed home

5、 as his father pulled up.I went home 18 about our communication, and still worried about his 19 while he would be walking at night afterwards. What more could I do? I wished he had some type of reflective device on to make him more visible to 20 so I went online and ordered him some.【语篇解读】本文介绍了作者在回家

6、途中遇到了一个患有焦虑症的年轻人,这个年轻人吃完药后在街上散步以缓解药物反应,作者和他交流了一会儿,回到家后仍担心年轻人在黑夜中的安全,于是作者上网给年轻人订购了一些反光装置,让司机能够看见他。1A.standards BopportunitiesChonors Drequests解析:选BA项意为“标准”;B项意为“机会”;C项意为“荣誉”;D项意为“要求”。根据上文“It is easy to do a good deed.”可知,有很多机会可以做好事。故选B。2A.set down Bwatch overCmake up Dbreak off解析:选Cset down意为“记下”;wat

7、ch over意为“留意”;make up意为“组成”;break off意为“(使)分离”。根据上文中的“daytoday happenings”可知,每天发生的事情组成了生活。故选C。3A.holding Bknocking onCcleaning Dshutting down解析:选AA项意为“支撑,举着”;B项意为“敲”;C项意为“打扫”;D项意为“关闭”。根据上文中的“letting a car pull out in front of someone”及语境可知,此处指为别人支撑门。故选A。4A.ignoring Bchecking Creducing Dpaying解析:选DA项

8、意为“忽视”;B项意为“检查”;C项意为“减少”;D项意为“付钱”。根据下文中的“their bills”可知,此处指“为别人付钱”。故选D。5A.excitement BapologyCappreciation Dregret解析:选CA项意为“兴奋”;B项意为“道歉”;C项意为“欣赏”;D项意为“后悔”。根据本句中的“love”和“thanks”可知,此处指为家人、朋友和陌生人写一封带有爱、欣赏和感谢的便条。故选C。6A.counts BcaresCallows Ddecreases解析:选AA项意为“重要”;B项意为“关心”;C项意为“允许”;D项意为“减少”。根据下文中的“for a

9、happy life and joyful heart”及语境可知,这对于快乐的生活和愉快的心灵是重要的。故选A。7A.debated BworkedCwhispered Dwandered解析:选DA项意为“辩论”;B项意为“工作”;C项意为“低语”;D项意为“徘徊”。根据下文内容可知,一个年轻人在作者家附近徘徊。故选D。8A.inspired BpuzzledCenjoyable Dastonished解析:选BA项意为“受到鼓舞的”;B项意为“困惑的”;C项意为“令人愉快的”;D项意为“惊讶的”。根据下文中的“exhausted”及语境可知,这个年轻人看起来困惑又疲惫。故选B。9A.ca

10、ution BsightCthought Dimpression解析:选CA项意为“谨慎”;B项意为“视野”;C项意为“想法”;D项意为“印象”。根据下文中的“to call the police or go and get his father to”可知,作者的第一个想法就是报警或让年轻人的父亲来解决。故选C。10A.acknowledge BaccuseCsupport Dhandle解析:选DA项意为“承认”;B项意为“指控”;C项意为“支持”;D项意为“处理”。根据上文中的“go and get his father”及语境可知,作者想让年轻人的父亲来处理。故选D。11A.hones

11、tly BamusinglyChesitantly Dproudly解析:选AA项意为“诚实地”;B项意为“好笑地”;C项意为“犹豫地”;D项意为“自豪地”。根据下文中的“he was having an anxiety attack”可知,这个年轻人诚实地回答道。故选A。12A.food BrestCmedicine Dpatience解析:选CA项意为“食物”;B项意为“休息”;C项意为“药”;D项意为“耐心”。根据上文中的“he was having an anxiety attack and had taken some 12 ”可知,这个年轻人患有焦虑症,刚刚吃了一些药。故选C。13

12、A.waste BvalueChorror Dexcuse解析:选BA项意为“浪费”;B项意为“重要性”;C项意为“害怕”;D项意为“借口”。根据下文中的“walking to calm down and shared the importance with him”及语境可知,作者意识到散步使他冷静下来的重要性。故选B。14A.concerned BeagerCready Dvital解析:选AA项意为“关心的,担心的”;B项意为“渴望的”;C项意为“准备好的”;D项意为“至关重要的”。根据下文中的“his walking in the streets when it was 15 ”及语境

13、可知,作者告诉他自己担心他在黑夜中独自散步。故选A。15A.cold BsilentClonely Ddark解析:选DA项意为“寒冷的”;B项意为“安静的”;C项意为“孤独的”;D项意为“黑暗的”。根据上文中的“in the dark”可知,他在黑夜中独自散步。故选D。16A.put BturnCcarry Dmove解析:选BA项意为“放置”;B项意为“使转动”;C项意为“携带”;D项意为“移动”。根据上文中的“had a flashlight”可知,他可以打开手电筒求助。故选B。17A.conversation BargumentCprayer Dpleasure解析:选AA项意为“对话

14、”;B项意为“争论”;C项意为“祈祷”;D项意为“快乐”。根据下文中的“about our communication”可知,作者和他进行了五分钟的谈话。故选A。18A.worrying BcomplainingCcaring Dthinking解析:选DA项意为“担心”;B项意为“抱怨”;C项意为“关心”;D项意为“思考”。根据下文中的“about our communication”及“still worried about”可知,作者回到家后,思考他们刚刚的对话。故选D。19A.occasions BsecurityCorbits Dinsurance解析:选BA项意为“机会”;B项意为

15、“安全”;C项意为“轨道”;D项意为“保险”。根据下文中的“while he would be walking at night”可知,作者担心年轻人的安全。故选B。20A.parents BworkersCdrivers Dpedestrians解析:选CA项意为“父母”;B项意为“工人”;C项意为“司机”;D项意为“行人”。根据上文中的“make him more visible”及语境可知,作者希望年轻人有某种反射装置,使司机能看到他。故选C。.语法填空(2020届湖北省武汉市高三调研)Maybe you have the most powerful passport in the world, or perhaps you carry


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