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1、复合不定代词/不定副词语法一、复合不定代词/不定副词Some oneanyonenooneevery oneSomebodyany bodyn obodyeverybody某人某人/任何人 没有人每人/人人Someth ing anything no thi ngeveryth ing某事/某物某事/某物 没有任何事物一切/事事(以上三行为复合不定代词)Somewhere any whereno whereeverywhere某地某地/任何地方没有地方处处(这一行是复合不定副词)SomeoneAnybodyNothi ngEverywhere复合不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式1、例: E

2、very one knows me here2、形容词修饰不定代词时形容词在后There is something new in todays newspaper3、Some以及Some构成的复合不定代词不定副词多用于肯定句,请示的疑问句、建议的疑 问句、否定疑问句和疑问点不在 Some上的疑问句 请求的疑问句:could you /I动原/be?May I 动原/beWould/Do you mi nd动in g你介意做某事吗?Would/will you please动原?请你做某事好吗? 建议的疑问句:Would you like to 动原What/how about +动ing?做某

3、事怎么样Why donwe/you 动原。?Why not 动原。?Shall we动原。?我们做某事好吗?否定疑问句用some: why don you eat some bread? Can you see some books on the desk Where did you plant some trees?否定疑问句表肯定,问点不在 some 上文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑欢迎下载支持.4、any以及any构成的词多用于否定句、疑问句、if条件句和含否定词的句子中注意any以及any构成的词在否定句中不可做主事而应换成相应的no one=n obody nothi

4、ng1) If you wan a ny thi ng ,please let me know2) He is too busy to see anyone come in3) The boy is too heavy for anyone to carry4) Anyone doesntknow me here改错:No one knows me here5、any以及any构成的词在否定句中为完全否定no t any=nono t any one/an ybody-none/n obodyno t anything=nothingno t any where=no where,I cant

5、 see any thi ng in the room=I can see no thi ng in the room6、any以及any构成的词也可用于肯定句Any:任何一个any on e=a nybody 任何人 anything任何事物He is taller tha n anyone else in my classYou can take any og them7、Every以及Every构成的词在否定句中为不完全否定 He knows everythi ng 改否定句: He knows no thi ng而不能改成He doesnt know everything他不是事事都懂

6、(否一半)8表示人的复合不定代词用人称代词、物主代词替换时一般用复数形式,有时用单数, 根据上下文来定 If anyone invites you, you have to meet them on time前面用三单,后面是宾格复数 them) 拓展思维:宾格是人称代词,人称代词有主格宾格之分,主格有l,he,she,it, you, we,they.宾格有me, him, her, it, you, us, them.主格的要放在主语位置,宾格的要放在宾语位置。主语位 置都知道,一般在句首,如lam a teacher.在英语中,宾语有两个位置,一个在动词后跟宾 语,注意不是所有的动词都需

7、要跟宾语。另一个在介词后跟宾语,如:1,1 give him a book.这里的give是动词,him是give的宾语(宾语的作用是使谓语所表达的意思完整和清楚),因为him的位置是宾语,所以,如果在这个位置上用的是人称代词,就得用宾格,而不能用 主格的he. No one kn ows me here,do they?前 面用三单,后面是复数 they) Every one is doing their homework now If anyone calls me,tell him /her to call back after 8:009、表示人的复合不定代词,不能与表示范围的if短语

8、连用,如果连用则变为Some on e(somebody变为 some one ofAnyone(anybody)变为 any one ofNo one(nobody)变为 noneEvery on e(everybody变为 every one of变完之后此时不但可指人,还可指物 some one of us was late just now You can eat any one of them10、 表示事物的复合不定代词,用人称代词、物主代词替换时,用it its11、no one=nobody/none12、noone回答 who引导的问句,none回答how many引导的问句

9、13、 none做主语时,谓语用单数形式,None做主语时,谓语可单可复 who is in the room?Nobody How many people are there in the room?NoneNone(没有人)of us go/goes to school by busNoneof us isa cookNoneof us arecooks不定代词专项练习1. He cant hear you, because there isnoise hereA. very much B. too much C. much too D. so manyB. too much只能修饰不可数

10、名词,much too修饰形容词或副词,very much可修饰动词;many只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词。2. name is Han Meimai.A. Herself B. Hers C . She D . HerD . her作物主代词,意为“她的”,注意her还可作she的宾格。3 . All of us were in vited, butof us cameA . n either B . none C . bothB. 句意:“我们都接到邀请,但我们谁没来。” none是all的反义词,表示“(三者以上的) 没有一个(人或物)。”4 . The weather in S

11、han ghai is differe nt fromA . Baotou B . Baotou weather C . that in Baotou D . those of BaotouC . that作为代词。代替主语 weather. A项错误在于Baotou与前面的主语 weather不相对应, 无法比较。代词that既可代替不可数名词,也可代替单数可数名词。5 . There isntwater in the cup.A . any B . many C . some D . theA . any用于疑问句和否定句,some用于肯定句。6 . -Is thispen?-No,is

12、on my desk.A. your; my B. yours; my C. your; mine D. yours; minemine是名词性物主代词,可作主语、C. your是形容词性物主代词,只能作定语修饰名词; 表语和宾语,但不能作定语。7. The bottle is empty. There isin it.A. anything B. something C . nothing吻合的。C. 空白处填nothing是与前一句的 empty相呼应、8 . -Look! We havesugar.-Really? Lets go and buy some.A . few B . a f

13、ew C . little D . a littleC.从后一句“ 不可数名词, 疋,后者冃疋。9 . There isnt的意思是“少”,有否定含义,只能修饰“去买些糖”可知“糖不多了”。Httiea little是“一点”,有肯定含义。few和a few是修饰或代替可数名词,前者否milk in the fridge. Youd better buy some.A . no B . any C . someB. 肯定句中用some,疑问句和否定句中用any。10 . - “There isntwater here. Could you getfor me”-“All ringht. ”A

14、. some; some B . any; any C . some; any D . any; someD. 前一句是否定句,故用 any ;后一句是说话者恳请别人做某事,希望对方同意,并认为 对方能同意,故用someo11. Today,trees are still being cut dow n somewhere in the world.A . much too B . too much C . many too D . too manyD . too much只能修饰不可数名词,too many只修饰可数名词;A项只修饰形容词或副词;C 项本身就是错误的。12 . There a

15、re lots of En glish books here, andof them is easy to un dersta nd.A . both B . all C . every D . eachD . every和each都作“每一个”讲,但every只能作定语;each既可作定语,还可作主语、 宾语、同位语等成分。both和all作主语(代替可数名词),谓语动词应用复数。13 . Is the shirt on the bed _ A _ ?A . yours B . your C . you14 . Mr Gree n taughtEn glish last year.A . our B . we C . usC .代词作宾语应用标本宾格,us是we的宾格。15 . These sweaters are too small for me. Please


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