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1、Introduction to Modern Control TheoryWhen differential equations are encountered, they are linearized and subjected to whatever constraints are necessary to establish useful input-output relationships. A recognition of the applicability of well-known methods in other fields of knowledge. Optimal con

2、trol theory often dictates that nonlinear time varying control law be used, even if the basic system is linear and time-invariant. When nonlinearities and time variation are present, the very basis for classical techniques is removed. Some successful techniques such as phase-plane, describing functi

3、on, and ad hoc methods, have been developed to alleviate this shortcoming .With an advancing technological society, there is a trend towards more ambitious goals. This also means dealing with complex system with a larger number of interesting components. The need for greater accuracy and efficiency

4、has changed the emphasis on control system performance. The classical specifications in terms of percent overshoot, settling time, bandwidth, etc., have in many cases given way to optimal criteria such as minimum energy, minimum cost, and minimum time operation. Optimization of these criteria makes

5、it even more difficult to avoid dealing with unpleasant nonlinearities. Optimal control theory often dictates that nonlinear time varying control law be used, even if the basic system is linear and time-invariantThe concept of state occupies a central position in modern control theory. However, it a

6、ppear in many other technical and non-technical context as well. In thermodynamics the equations of state are prominently used. Binary sequential networks are normally analyzed in term of their state. In everyday life, monthly financial statements are commonplace. The President state of the Union me

7、esage is another familiar example.In all of these examples the concept of state is essentially the same. It is a complete summary of the status of the system at a particular point in time. Knowledge of the state at some initial time t0 plus knowledge of the system inputs after t0, allows the determi

8、nation of the state at a later time t1. As far as the state at t1 is concerned, it makes no difference how the initial state was attained. Thus the state at t0 constitutes a complete history of the system behavior prior to t0, insofar as that history affects future behavior. Knowledge of the present

9、 state allows a sharp separation between the past and the future.At any fixed time the state of a system can be described by the values of a set of variables xi called state variables. One of the state variables of a thermodynamic system is temperature and its value can arrange over the continuum of

10、 real number. In a binary network state variable can take on only two discrete values, 0 or 1. Note that the state of your cheking account at the end of the month can be represented by single number, the balance. The state of the Union can be represented by such things as gross national product, per

11、cent unemployment, the balance of trade deficit, ect. For the systems considered in this article the state variables may take on any scalar value, real or complex. That is . Although some systems require an infinite number of state variables, only system which can be described by a finite number n o

12、f state variables will be considered here. Then the state can be represented by an n component state vector It belongs to an n- dimensional vector space defined over the field C.For Continuous-time system, the state is defined for all time in some interval, for example, a continually varying tempera

13、ture or voltage. Discrete-time system have their state defined only at discrete times, as with the monthly financial statement or the annual State of the Union message. Continuous-time and discrete-time systems can be discussed simultaneously by defining the times of interest as T. For continuous-ti

14、me system T consists of the set of times . In either case the initial time could be and the final time could be in some circumstance The state vector x(t) is defined only for those . At any given t, it is simply an ordered set of n numbers. However, the character of a system could change with time,

15、causing the number of required state variables (and not just the values) to change. If the dimension of the state space varies with time, the notation could be used. It is assumed here that is the same n-dimensional state space at all. 现代控制理论简述当使用微分方程时,要对其进行线性化并受限于一定的约束条件才能建立有用的输入-输出关系。认识到其他领域的一些有名的




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