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1、单词: 1. review;review 2. broadcast;broadcast / broadcasted;broadcast/broadcasted3.consumer;consume4. record;recorder;record;recording 5. electric;electronic;electricity 6. apply;application;applied 7. de mand;demanding 8. spring;sprang;sprung;spring 9. delight;delight;delighted;delightful 10. variety

2、; vary;various 11. convenience;convenient 12. ownership;own 13. selection;select 14. measure / measure ment;measure;measures 15. weigh;weight 16. suitable;suit 17. elegant;elegantly 18. guarantee;guarantee19.actual;actually20. equal;equality 21. associate;association;associated 22. necessarily;neces

3、sary; necessity 23. worrying;worry;worried 24. shape;shape 25. caution;cautious 26. assume;assumption 27. expose 28. acknowledge 29. unwilling 30. advancement;advance 31. profit 32. personally;personal 短语: 1. be superior to 2. come onto the market 3. wind up 4. make a recording of 5. apply to sb. fo

4、r sth. 6. demand to do sth. 7. spring up 8. to ones (great)delight / much to ones delight 9. a variety of 10. be convenient to sb. / to ones convenience 11. have faith in 12. accompany sb. to . . . 13. stand for 14. in that case 15. be suitable for 16. take measures to do sth. 17. for the time being

5、 18. guarantee to do sth 19. guarantee sb. sth. / guarantee sth. to sb. 20. be equal to 21. be capable of 22. be associated with 23. be familiar with 24. in particularModule 7 Unit 2 单词: 1. historian;history;historical / historic 2. physician;physical;surgeon 3. chemist;chemical;chemistry; chemical

6、4. trial;try 5. standardize;standard 6. thin;thin;thick / fat 7. block;block;block 8. length; long;lengthen; shorten 9. purify; pure 10. note; note 11. powerful; power 12. wonderful; wonder; wonder; wonderful 13. rapidly;rapid 14. potential;potential;potentially 15. split;split;split;splitting 16. h

7、andful; hand 17. arrangement;arrange 18. pleasure;pleasant;please 19. adjustable;adjust 20. magic ( ) magic / al ; magician 21. fine;fine;fine 22. probability;probable;probably 23. addict;addiction;addicted 24. relief; relieve 25. receptionist;reception 26. insert 短语: 1. open up 2. in contemporary s

8、ociety 3. put through 4. decide on 5. in large quantities 6. mass pro duction 7. millions of 8. look around 9. turn up 10. put off 11. fill in 12. block . . . from doing sth. 13. split up 14. a handful of 15. secondary school 16. let out 17. a high probability 18. put up with 19. look down upon 20.

9、name . . . after 21. to ones relief 22. be / become addicted to / addict oneself to 23. on the point of 24. make arrangementsModule 7 Unit 3单词: 1. analyze;analysis;analyses 2. value;valuable 3. package;pack 4. leader;lead;leading 5. useless; useful;use;user 6. respondent;respond;response 7. appearan

10、ce;appear 8. popularity;popular 9. remain; keep 10. address; address 11. uptodate; update; outdated 12. advantage; disadvantage 13. accurate; accura cy 14. occur; occurred; occurring 15. present; presentation; present 16. admire; admirable 17. guide; guide; guidance 18. differently;different;differe

11、nce 19. patient;patience;patient 20. legal;illegal 21. evident; evidence 22. relevant;relevance 23. reasonable;reason 24. specific Module 7 Unit 4单词: 1. distant; distance 2. transport 3. carriage; carrier 4. tunnel 5. convenience; convenient; inconvenient 6. separate; separately 7. connect; connecti

12、on 8. advanced 9. reliable; rely 10. puzzle; puzzle puzzling / puzzled 11. permit;permitted 12. union;unite 13. official 14. beyond 15. speed;sped ment; 16. departure 17. punctual 18. concentrate 19. invite;invitation 20. distinction 21. expansion;expand 22. Postpone短语: 1. pick up 2. drop off 3. cau

13、se / do damage to 4. choke off 5. lead to 6. link up 7. at a discount 8. in the hope that 9. take notice of 10. make better use of 11. make up for 12. news flash 13. speed up 14. wash away 15. under repair 16. in addition to 17. arise from 18. be aimed at 19. traffic jam 20. a couple ofModule 8 Unit

14、 1 单词: 1. wise; wisdom 2. adapt; adaptation 3. simple; simply; simplify; simplicity 4. civil; civilization; civilize 5. educate; education; educated; educator 6. acquaint; acquaintance; acquainted 7. normal; abnormal 8. resist;resistance 9. pity;pity;pitiful 10. spin;spin;spun;spinning 11. mistake;m

15、istake; mistook;mistaken;mistaken 12. scarfs / scarves 13. poetic;poem;poet;poetry 14. type;typical;typically 15. crime;criminal;criminal 16. exhibit;exhibition 17. company;companion 18. compare;comparison 19. literature;literary 20. constitution;constitutional 21. generous;generously;generosity 22.

16、 tension;tense; tense 23. twist;twist 24. abrupt;abruptly;abruptness 25. constant;constantly 26. reminder;remind 27. shabby;shabbier;shabbiest;shabbily;shabbiness 28. rigid;rigidly;rigidness 29. civil;civilly 30. theme 31. wealth;wealthy 32. statue;statue 短语: 1. in print 2. be well received 3. have a place in the world 4. have a good reputation for 5. by his death 6. make an abrupt decision 7. set sb. free from 8. have a prejudice against / be prejudiced against 9.


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