(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块五 Unit 20 Humour课下作业复习(详细解析)

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1、大纲版(湖北版)2011高考一轮英语复习课下作业复习板块五 Unit 20 Humour.多项选择1(2008江西高考)Jack is late again.It is _ of him to keep others waiting.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical解析:its typical of sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的特征。句意:杰克又来晚了。让别人等是他的一贯做法。答案:D2When you perform the play,you must read the script and follow the stage _.Aconstru

2、ctions BintroductionsCdirections Doperations解析:stage directions“舞台说明”。答案:C3Wait till you are more _.Its better to be sure than sorry.Ainspired BsatisfiedCcalm Dcertain解析:由后句“确定比后悔好”可知:一定要等到更有把握的时候。答案:D4Chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside China.Aenjoyment BappreciationCentertainmen

3、t Dreputation解析:enjoyment娱乐,高兴;appreciation感激;欣赏;entertainment娱乐;款待;reputation 声誉。句意:中国艺术已经赢得国外许多人的赞誉。答案:B5When our car broke _ on the way,only one man tried to help us,the rest just looked on _ total silence.Aup;as Bup;inCdown;as Ddown;in解析:break down“出故障,坏掉”;in total silence“默不作声”;look on“旁观”。答案:D

4、6The speaker from Scotland had such a heavy _ that I could hardly understand anything.Avoice BsoundCaccent Ddialect解析:a heavy/strong accent“很重的口音”。voice“嗓音”;sound“声音”;dialect“方言”。答案:C7The boy was _ losing his life,but the doctor helped him _.Ain danger of;out of dangerBin the danger of;out of danger

5、Cin danger;out of the dangerDdangerous;out of the danger解析:in danger of“处在危险之中”;out of danger“脱离危险”。答案:A8The story of how I got my new job,and came to be _ with my boss is a funny one.Aon good term Bon good termsCin good terms Din good term解析:be on good terms with与某人关系融洽。句意:我如何得到新工作,如何同老板和谐相处的故事很有意思

6、。答案:B9He looks honest,but _ he is a cheat.Afortunately BactuallyCnaturally Dobviously解析:句意:他看起来诚实,但实际上,他是个骗子。答案:B10My father loves his dogs so much that I even think he _ them as members of our family.Alook up Blook onClook for Dlook into解析:考查动词词组。look on.as意为“将看作成”。答案:B.阅读理解A(2010福建省厦门市质检) Kids in

7、a Sudanese refugee(难民) camp stir up a cloud of dust as they kick around a football.NBA superstar Tracy McGrady watches from a distance before offering to buy the kids a grass pitch for 1,000.Perhaps he sees a Ronaldinho rising up out of the African soil.Or maybe he just wants to do somethinganything

8、to give these children some hope.But he is told,politely,that grass is not what the kids need.This scene appears in 3 Point,a new documentary,which shows the Houston Rockets star coming facetoface with the reality that life is more than sport.McGrady,29,writes on his website that he traveled to Afri

9、ca because he was tired of only reading about it in news.“Who were the faces behind the statistics?”He said.“I needed to see it for myself.”And he did.He stepped out of his large house and flew to a place torn to bits by war and famine.He slept in a tent.He kept away from minefields.He talked with p

10、eople who have been suffering.And he swallowed his pride.But no one should blame McGrady for wanting to buy the kids a pitch of grass.Sport gave him a chance,so perhaps he thought it would do the same for the refugees.McGrady was eyed by NBA managers as a teenager and he didnt bother going to colleg

11、e.Instead,he leaped right into the NBA.Since that move,basketball has given him a handsome living,but one very far removed from the lives of ordinary people.As McGrady would learn in Africa,most people see sports as just a break from lifes difficulties.They dont mistake it for life itself.Only McGra

12、dy knows how this Africa trip changed him,but Id bet that,at the very least,it has given him a new sense for what is truly meaningful.McGrady doesnt own an NBA championship ring.He hasnt risen to the heights of Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan.But,perhaps,now he knows he doesnt have to in order to trul

13、y make a difference in the world.1Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWhile in Africa,McGrady behaved considerately.BThe trip to Africa has changed McGradys life totally.CMcGrady should be blamed for wanting to buy kids grass.DMcGrady suffered as much as the African kids in his

14、childhood.解析:考查具体细节。根据文章第一段可知A项正确。B项错在change his life totally;C项错在should be blamed;文中并没说他童年的不幸遭遇,故D项错误。答案:A2What does the underlined word “eyed” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?AWitnessed. BSelected.CExamined. DResearched.解析:考查词义猜测。根据原文,麦克格雷迪在少年时就被NBA负责人(eye)选中,因此他并没上大学,而是直接跃入NBA。答案:B3After becoming an NBA player,McGrady _.Aleads a different life from ordinary peopleBlives far away from other peopleCwas once removed from NBADrefused to go to college解析:考查推理判断。根据第七段最后一句“basketball has given him a handsome living,.lives


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