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1、Unit 5教师寄语It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收学习目标1.知识目标:Grasp the words and sentence structures in section A2.能力目标: 谈论产品的产地,制作材料等话题,学习和掌握被动语态的用法。3.情感目标:学习文化知识,陶冶爱国主义情操。学生自主活动材料基础检测一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. I want to go to F_ to learn French.2. May I use your m_ phone to make a telephone?3. Two thirds

2、 of the s_ of the earth is covered with water(被水覆盖).4. You dont need to buy things from big cities,you can buy them in our l_ shops.5. Everyone is not perfect,so everyone can hardly a_ making mistakes.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Children under 18 _(not allow) to drive a car.2. Tea plants _(grow) in Anhui.3.

3、 The _(postman) bring letters to peoples home.4. The car _(produce)in German.5. American flags _(not make) in China.三、单项选择。( )1 .I want to buy a pair of basketball shoes_ in America. A. makeB. to make C. making D. made( ) 2. (2020湘潭中考模拟)_most of the toys were American brands,they were all made in Ch

4、ina. A. But B. If C. As long as D. Although( )3. He is only seven,_,he knows a lot. A. even though B. but C. however D. though( )4._ you eat,you mustnt waste your food. A. What B. How C. No matter what D. Which( )5._ China good at_ these everyday things? A. Is;make B. Is;making C. Does;make D. Does;

5、making能力训练:【2020重庆市B】Keep quiet, please! Talking _ during the meeting.A. is not allowed B. is allowed C. doesnt allow D. allows【2020杭州】To my great surprise, the famous athletes story _ differently in the newspapers. A. was reported B. reported C. was reporting D. reports【2020宜宾】The terrorists (恐怖分子)

6、 in Xinjiang _ last month. A. are caught B. was caught C. were caught D. is caught 【2020南昌】 Many students _ chances to show themselves in class because the class size is too big. A. dont give B. arent given C. havent given D. wont give【2020天津】28. Look at our new school. It _ last year. A. built B. w

7、as built C. is built D. will be built【2020广州】He is very surprised that all the houses in the village _ white. A. paint B. paintedC. are painting D. are painted【2020宁波】I heard that Line I of Ningbo Subway _ last month. A. was tested B. is tested C. tests D. tested【2020嘉兴】Tell me one thing youre proud

8、 of your junior high school, Tony. I _ as captain of the school football team. A. choose B. chose C. am chosen D. was chosen【2020泰安】Hurry up ! Once the concern starts. Nobody _ to enter the concert hall. ht A. allows B. allowed C. is allowed D. is allowing 【2020威海】Tom! I looked for you everywhere at

9、 the party last night. Oh, I _ to the party. A. am invited B. was invited C. am not invited D. wasnt invited【2020临沂】Three bridge _ over the river five years ago. A. built B. build C. were built D. are built 综合训练:阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分) Its lunchtime. Youre hungry and want to get your favorite meal in the r

10、estaurant, but there are a lot of people waiting at the door. Dont worryin cyber world (网络世界), you can get your meal just by a few clicks. “Shopping has never been so easy. 23 With just a single click on your mouse, anything that you ordered online can be taken to our door in no time.” said Bian Jin

11、g, who is twenty years old. She took part in an online survival (生存) competition held in Beijing. Each competitor had to buy enough food and drink online to last them for 100 hours using the little money given.“I dont want to spend too much time shopping, so I would do it online rather than in an or

12、dinary store,” said a girl from a middle school.” Its easy to find the things you want online.”The shoppers who go online can also find lower prices and wider choices of things they want to buy. But many teachers and parents are worried that the online shopping is becoming too popular.“Its not a goo

13、d way for middle school students to spend their money from their parents,” said a teacher. “I dont like them to shop online.” “24Theres also the danger that theyll lose the money at online stores because some of them just want to cheat shoppers.” another teacher said.Most parents, though, dont want

14、to pay the bills when their children spend too much on the Internet. “I hate having to pay unexpected bills,” said a father. “But my son always surprises me with them.”A. 根据短文内容简要回答下列问题。21. What was the online survival competition about? _22. Tell at least two of the advantages of online shopping. _B. 将短文中划线的两个句子译成汉语。23. _


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