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1、考研英语语法难点精析一every表示”每隔“的用法(1)“every other+单数名词”意思是“每隔一。”如:every other day 每隔一天 every other tree 每隔一棵树(2)“every+基数词+复数名词”或“every+序数词+单数名词”意思是“每隔。”(较英语数词少一个)如:every three days=every third day 每隔两天(或者译为每三天)因此every two days=every other day 每隔一天(或者译为每两天)(3)“every few+复数名词”意思是“每隔几。”如:every few days(每隔几天)二【

2、too.to 结构表示肯定含义的情况】 我们知道too.to结构一般表示否定含义,意为太.以致于不能eg:He is too old to work.但too.to在下列情况下却表示肯定含义:(1)当too前或to前有否定词构成双重否定时.eg:English is not too difficult to learn.英语并不太难学.He is too wise not to see that. 他很聪明,不会不懂这一点.(2)当too后是glad, pleased, happy, delighted, satisfied, ready, willing, kind, apt, good,

3、true, easy, near, careful, well, early, delicious, eager, anxious等形容词或副词时.eg:They are too anxious to leave.他们急于离开.He is too ready to help others.他总是乐于助人.与这些词连用时,too前还常加上only,all,but,just,simply等副词,意思不变,因为这些词加上too后与very同义.eg:Im only too glad to see you .见到你非常高兴.They are but too pleased to hear the ne

4、ws.他们听到这个消息,非常高兴.(3)与cannot连用时.eg:You cannot be too careful(=You can never be careful enough) to do your homework.你做作业越仔细越好(=无论怎样仔细也不过分).(4)当不定式在句中作定语或真正的主语时.eg:There are too many problems to be solved.有很多问题有待解决.It is too much to say that he is a fool.三alive、live、living和lively的用法 lively 有“活泼的、快活的、生动

5、的”等意思,可以指人或物,可作定语或标语;但它没有“活着的”意思,而其他三个都有。eg:Young children are usually lively.小孩子们通常是活泼的。He told a very lively story.他讲了一个生动的故事。alive、live、living都有“活的、有生命的”意思,与dead意义相反。但live通常只作前置定语,且一般用于动物;alive、living不仅可作定语(alive只能置于名词后;living一般置于名词前,也可置于名词后),也可以作表语。eg:This is a live(=living) fish.(=This is a fis

6、h alive.)这是一条活鱼。(指动物,且作定语时,三者均可用)Whos the greatest man alive(=living man)?谁是当今最伟大的人物?(指人,不能用live)The fish is still alive(=living)那条鱼还活着。(指动物作表语时不能用live)。living主要指在某个时候是活着的,而alive指本来有死的可能,但仍活着的。而且,作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,只能用alive;作比喻义(如“活像.”、“活生生的”等)解时,要用living。eg:The enemy officer was caught alive.(作主语补足语,不用l

7、iving)那位敌方军官被活捉了。We found the snake alive.(作宾语补足语,不用living)He is the living image of his father.(比喻义,不用alive)他活象他父亲。只有living前加the方可表示“活着的人”,作主语时,视作复数。eg:The living are more important to us than the dead.活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要四ratherthan,more.than,otherthan1)rather than 用来表示“是。而不是。”,通常连接两个并列成分eg:He is an

8、artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。(2)sb/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是B,不如说是A”eg:He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。sb/sth is not more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是A,不如说是B”eg:He is not more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位艺术家,不如说他是位哲学家。注意:这里的not more.than 与疑难短语(一)

9、中所讲的不同,疑难短语(一)中所讲的not more.than所作比较的是主语和than后面的词语,而这里所讲的not more.than 所作比较的是than前和than后的词语,要注意区分。五名词作定语的情况作定语的名词往往是说明其中名词的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容、类别等。材料a diamond necklacea bamboo polepaper moneya stone bridge用途a meeting roomthe telephone polesthe railway staiontrade unionwater pipewelcome speecheye drops时间a

10、day bedthe dinner partythe Apring and Autum Periodevening suitmidday lunch地点London hotelsBeijing Universitybody temperaturethe spaceship floorthe kitchen window内容a story bookpiano lessonsthe sports meetoxygen supplythe air pressurethe grammar rules类别children educationenemy soldiersa bus driver六集体名词的

11、类与群表示一群人或物的名词叫集体(或集合)名词。为便于弄清其特点,我们不妨把它们分为表示无生命的物的“类”和表示主要是由人(有少数是低等动物)构成的“群”的集体名词。(1)表示“类”的集体名词,常见的有Clothing furniture baggage/luggage jewelry traffic information machinery merchandise produce scenery它们指同一类的许多东西,其用法与不可数名词相当:形式上总是单数,没有复数形式,作主语时,谓语用单数。如:The old machinery is out of date.这些旧机器过时了。不可直接与

12、a(n)或数词连用。表数量时用much,little,some,a piece of,an article of等。如:Each room has five pieces of furniture.每个房间有五件家具。若需用代词,用单数代词。如:Do you want to see my jewelry?It is in the box.你想看我的珠宝吗?它在我的箱子里。(2)表示“群”的集体名词常见的有Peeple police cattle poultry vermin clergy militia 七需要用名词复数的短语英语中有些以名词为核心的短语,使用时需用该名词的复数形式。常见的主要

13、有如下三类:表示“交往关系”的短语be friends with sb. (和某人是朋友)keep friends with sb. (与某人保持友好关系)make friends with sb. (与某人交朋友)be on good terms with sb. (与某人关系良好)be on bad terms with sb. (与某人关系不好)keep on good terms with sb. (与某人保持友好关系)make terms with sb.(与某人达成协议)have friendly relations with sb. (与某人有友好关系)break off all

14、 relations with sb. (与某人绝交)“交换、交流”之义的短语shake hands with (与某人握手)exchange/change seats with sb (与某人交换座位)exchange greetings with sb. (与某人相互问好)change trains (换火车)take turns (轮流)有些约定俗成的短语take pains (煞费苦心)at (the) pains (下苦功)make arrangements (安排)make preparations for (为。作准备)keep up ones spririts (振奋精神)in high spirits (情绪高昂)八与-ly副词同义的介词短语in angry= angrilyin despair= desparinglyin admiration= admiringlyin common = commonlyin fact = acruallyin fear = fearfullyin fai



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