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1、全国各地2012届高三英语试题分类汇编名词性从句【安徽蚌埠三中第一次质检】23. We dont doubt _ the boy can _ the angry teacher.A. if; apologize for B. whether; apologize toC. that; apologize to D. what; apologize【答案】B【安徽师大附中一模】4. As far as I see, _ is no possibility _ he will win the tennis match this time.A. it; that B. there; that C.

2、it; whether D. there; whether【答案】B【解析】考查同位语从句的用法及there be句型。此处that he will win the tennis match this time是possibility的同位语;【安徽师大附中一模】15. The police were seeking more information to find out _ the rich merchant.A. who was it that killed B. who it was that killedC. it was who killed D. who was it kille

3、d【答案】B【解析】考查考查强调句型及宾语从句。此处who it was that killed the rich merchant是find out的宾语从句,who是强调句型被强调的部分,又因who是连词,故放在从句首。【成都七中入学测试】3. We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best professor in the college.A. whateverB. whomeverC. whicheverD. whoever【答案】D【甘肃天水三中第一次考试】11. _ he referred to in his article was

4、unknown to the general reader. A. That B. What C. Whether D. Where【答案】B【甘肃天水三中第一次考试】20. The shopkeeper did not want to sell for _ he thought was not enough. A. whereB. how C. what D. which 【答案】C【广西桂林中学7月月考】27. One of the man held the view _ the book said was right.A. that what B. what that C. that D

5、. whether【答案】A【河南卫辉一中第一次月考】29. The beautiful mountain village we spent our holiday last year is located in is now part of Guangxi. / A. which; whereB. where; whatC. that; whatD. when; which【答案】B【湖北黄州区一中模拟四】9.Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of i

6、ntroduced the idea in 1953 aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.A. them; when B. which; that C. what; that D. which; when【解析 B 本题同时考查非限制性定语从句和名词性从句中的同位语从句,故第一空用which,第二空用that。【湖北黄州区一中模拟三】13.Meals in Spain are quite different from they have in China.A、which B、what C、that D、whom13.B解析句意:西班牙的

7、膳食与中国的有很大不同。what 引导一个宾语从句,what在从句中充当have的宾语。【湖南衡阳八中第一次月考】24. Many newspaper printed the governors statement _ would resign his position.A. that he B. was that he C. in which he D. and it 【答案】A【湖南衡阳八中第一次月考】30. There are now many museums showing _ life was like back then. A. whoseB. which C. whatD. ho

8、w【答案】C【江西白鹭洲中学第一次月考】35. It is few people, _have come to ask for the position, _fit for the job. A. who; who do I think isB. that; I think is C. that; who I think areD. who; that I think are【答案】D【辽宁葫芦岛五校8月模拟】28. Along with the email was my brothers promise _ I came first in the competition, he would

9、buy me an MP4. A. what B. that C. that if D. whether【答案】C【山东枣庄16中9月月考】17. _ is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. AAsBWhatCThatDIt17. B考查主语从句的连接词。此处what is known to us all是主语从句。【陕西宝鸡渭阳中学入学模测】13_ impressed the audience most was _ the magician Liu Qian played in

10、this years Spring Gala. AWhat; what BWhat; that CThat; what DThat; that13. A考查连词。由句意知本题考查名词性从句的连词。第一空是引导主语从句的连词,用作主语,选what,作从句的主语;第二空为引导表语从句的引导词,作play的宾语,选what,综上分析,选A项。句意:给观众印象深刻的是今年春节联欢晚会上魔术师刘谦表演的节目。【四川成都摸底测试】7Tony eventually realized his childhood dream _ he could play on one of the top teamsAwhe

11、n Bthat Cof which Dwhere【答案】B【四川成都摸底测试】20Whenever a natural disaster happens, we should offer _ help we could, to those victimsAhowever Bwhatever Cwhenever Dwhichever【答案】B【四川泸州模拟一】11. A decision has been made _ the new school building be built next month. A. why B. how C. whether D. that【答案】D【浙江杭州学军

12、中学第一次月考】29. _ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.A. WhatB. Though what C. In spite of whatD. However what【答案】C【重庆万州二中第一次月考】31. The word “media” basically refers to _ we commonly call newspapers, magazines, radios and t

13、elevisions. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. where【答案】C【江苏宝应安宜中学期初调研】12. _ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. A. AnyoneB. The oneC. WhoeverD. Who【答案】C【广西柳州二中第一次月考】33.The fact that smoking is harmful to health is _ most smokers admit AwhatBwhich Cwhere Dthat【答案】A【吉林长春外国语学校第一次月考】26 _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail accountA What is requiredB What requiresC It is requiredD It requires【答案】C【浙江温州十校期初考】40. We should consider the students request _the school library provide mo



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