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1、UNIT 1 Nice to meet you !课程名称:英语使用教材及出版社:英语基础模块1第2版高等教育出版社教学课型:技能课 课时:共9课时教学目标:语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用在不同场景下的简单问候语,能够使be动词的一般现在时介绍个人及他人信息。语言技能目标:听学生能够听懂在不同场景下的简单问候语。说学生能够在不同场景下用简单的问候语问候他人。读学生能够读懂名片上的信息。写学生能够根据个人情况做出自己的名片。学习策略:学生学习将事物归类排序的能力。文化意识:学生掌握中文人名与英文国家人名的不同排序规则。情感态度:学生了解不同的职业,并初步确定自己的求职意向。单元任务:学生能运用

2、所学语言拟定自己未来的名片。教学重点:学生能够理解并运用在不同场景下的简单问候语。教学难点:学生能够使be动词的一般现在时介绍个人及他人信息。学情分析:学生处于中职英语学习的第二年,英语基础和技能仍然较薄弱,通过第一年自编教材的学习,口语技能和英语基础知识有一定的训练和提高。教学方法:活动教学法、任务教学法、情景教学法教学准备:PPT、Audio file for listening教学过程:Period 1-2:Words & ExpressionsStep 1 Lead-inT greets Ss: Nice to see you again! Last term, we got alon

3、g well with each other. I hope we can spent a happy term from now on. T help Ss read all the new words correctly.Step 2 New contentT helps Ss have a general idea of the usage of some important words.1. firsta. 第一的,最先的 (置于名词之前时,通常与the或ones连用)eg. the first month of the year 一年的第一个月 the first three pag

4、es of the book 这本书的前三页 It was my first visit to Europe. 那是我第一次去欧洲。 Linda is the first in her class. 琳达是班上第一名。b. 一流的,最重要的eg. be of (the) first important 是最重要的 first and last 总括起来,总之Fall in love at first sight. 一见钟情。2. number a. 数字a high / low number 大的/小的数目an even / odd number 偶数/ 奇数lucky number 幸运数字

5、b. 数量the number of + n. 的数量eg. The number of students in our school has increased. 我们学校的学生数量已经增加。a number of + n. 许多的,若干的eg. I have a number of letters to read. 我有许多信要看。 I have seen the movie a number of times. 那部电影我已经看过好多次了。3. agea. 年龄 He and I are (of) the same age. 他与我同年级。 at the age of twenty 在2

6、0岁的时候b. 时代the Middle Ages 中世纪c. an age, ages(口语) 长时间Its been ages (an age) since we met. 我们好久好久不见面了。4. addressa. 致辞,演说,演讲 (较speech正式的说法)eg. an opening (a closing) address 开幕(闭幕)致辞 She gave an address of welcome. 她致欢迎辞。b. 称呼,尊称,头衔(Mrs. , Dr. 等,也可称为form of address)5. E-mail = electronic mail 电子邮件6. co

7、mpany 伙伴A man is known by the company he keeps. (谚)观友见其人。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。7. patienta有耐心的,能容忍的 (with+n. )对人;(of+n.)对事物eg. You should be more patient with others. 你应该多容忍他人一些。 He was patient of hardships. 他能忍受苦难。反 impatient 名patienceStep 3: Consolidate and expandT help Ss complete the following exercise.Tran

8、slation:1. 三月的第一天 (the first (day) of March)2. 那是我第一次看冰雪奇缘。 (It was my first time to see Frozen.)3. 一见钟情。 (Fall in love at first sight.)4. 幸运数字。(lucky number) 幸运儿(lucky dog)5. 稀有动物的数量正在减少。(The number of rare animals in the world is reducing.)6. 那部电影我已经看过好多次了。(I have seen the movie a number of times.

9、)7. 在他50岁时,他终于买下了一个大房子。(At the age of fifty, he bought a big house finally.)8. 好久不见。(Long time no see./ Havent seen you for a long time./ Its been ages since we met.)9. 校长致辞欢迎新同学。(Headmaster gave an address of welcome to new students.)10. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。( A man is known by the company he keeps.)11. 一个好的医

10、生应该对病人多一点耐心。(A good doctor should be more patient with patience. )Step 4: SummaryT make a short summary of what weve learned today. Step 5: HomeworkRead the new word many times to memorize them.Review the usage of important words and complete the exercise.课后反思:Period 3-4: Listening and SpeakingStep

11、1: Lead-inT lead Ss review new words and expressions we have learned last period.T make a command on Ss exercise.Activity 1: Listen and tick.T greets Ss: Hi, xxx. / Hello, xxx. / Good morning, xx. Ss get a general idea of greeting.Ss listen to the recording and tick out the boys sentences.Activity 2

12、: Read and match.T ask Ss: Can you tell me when and where are the talking?Ss work with their desk mates to find out the answer and match the given sentences to the pictures. Step 2: New contentActivity3: Think and answerT introduce herself : My name is Chen Zhuo. Chen is my last name. Zhuo is my fir

13、st name. T ask Ss: Hello, whats your name?/ Hi, may I have your name, please?T introduce Ss: She is xxx. X is her last name. xx is her first name. She is xx. Her last name is x. Her first name is x.Ss think about the two questions:1. What does “last name ” mean in Chinese?2. What is the last name of

14、 an English name?T explains: 英美人姓名的排列顺序是名在前姓在后,与中文顺序相反。名字成为first name, 姓称为last name。如Ben Brown, 我们可以直呼其名Ben,或称他为 Mr. Brown。Activity 4:Listen and tick.Ss look at the picture carefully.Ss listen to the recording and tick out the right names.Activity 5: Listen and complete.Ss listen to the recording an

15、d fill the form.T checks the answers of activity 4-5.Activity 6: Listen, read and underline.Ss listen to the recoding and underline the sentences about asking ones personal information.Ss read the dialogue by following the recording.Key phrases and sentences:1. I see. 我明白了。2. Where are you from?= Where do you from? 你是哪儿人?你从哪里来?Im from Beijing. = I come from Beijing. 我是北京人。我来自北京。Step 3: Consolidate and expandActivity 7: Practice and act. Ss make a similar dia


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