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1、The Age of America n NaturalismBy the end of the nin etee nth cen tury, America n writers were feeli ngthe fully impact of the scie ntific moveme nt beg un by the In dustrial Revoluti on. After the Civil War, Americachangedeconomically, socially and culturally.Among all the importa nt factors leadi

2、ng to this greattran sformatio n,in dustrialism, scie nee and the new philosophy played the most importa nt roles.America n urba ni zati on went hand in hand with in dustrializati on. Because of the In dustrial Revoluti on, railroads were spreadi ng across America creat ing tow ns. Thus, the urba n

3、populatio n soared. In I860, one sixth of the populati on was urba n; in 1900, one third. The sudde n growth of great urba n cen ters created new social and econo mic problems.Althoughindustrialismproduced financial giants, at the same time itcreated an in dustrial proletariat (贫民阶层)en tirelyat the

4、mercy of exter nalforces beyo nd their control (处于外界环境的控制之中,对自己的命运无能为力 ).Thereappeared a great nu mber of slums where the city poor lived a life of in security, suffering and violenee. The evils of slums appeared for the first time in American life. Labor organizedand gained force. The AmericanFeder

5、ation of Laborin creasedits membership , socialist groups arose , and strikes wereprevale nt . Naturally , sharp con flicts existed betwee n capitalism and socialism,natio nalismand imperialism (民族主义与帝国主义),and Christia nity andinnu merable other philosophies and religi onsOne of the most far-reachin

6、g intellectualeventsof the last half of thenineteenth century was the publication ofOrigin of Species (物种起源,1859) byCharles Darwin (1809-1882). This book , together with DarwinDescent of Man(人 类的由 来,1870) had a strong impact in the developmentof Westernthought . In the two books Darwin hypothesized

7、(提出假设)that over the millennia, man had evolved from lower forms of life. Human beings werespecial , not because God had created them in Hisimage , as the Bible taught ,but because they had successfully adapted to cha ngingen viro nmen taicon diti ons (能够适应不断变化的外界环境)and had passed on their survival-m

8、akingcharacteristicsgenetically(把这种适应能力作为基因的一部分传给后代).The twoimportant books were interpreted as a depressin 负面的)philosophical pictureof man merely a result of more or less complex comb in ati ons of inherited attributes (遗传 的特质)and habits conditioned by social andeconomicforces . Meanwhile,Sigmund F

9、reud s (奥地利心理学家弗洛依德)scientific theoryof psychoanalysis was also interpreted in thislight : Man was seen as a victim ofhis unconsciousand of childhoodtraumas(童年创伤)and experiencesoverwhich he had little control. In literature . characters were driven by impulsesthey could not articulate .Herbert Spenc

10、er (1820 1903) grafted(移植,接合)Darwin biologicalthesis onto a Social model and developed the theory of social Darwinism - the weak and stupid would fall victim in the natural course of events to economic forces . These ideas were then applied to society. People began to believe thatA huma nhuma n soci

11、eties grow and develop in the same way as ani mal onesbeing bel ongs en tirely in the order of n ature and does not have a soul or anyother mode of participation in a religious or spiritual world beyond nature; sucha being is therefore merely a higher-order animal (高级动物)whose characterand fortunes a

12、re determ ined by two kinds of forces (人的特质由遗传决定,行为受环境所制约和支配 traits and compulsive in sti nets, especially hun ger 积的驱动力),and sex ,is then subject to (,heredity and environment). A pers onwho in herits pers onal,the accumulative drive(累受控于)the social and economic forcesof the family,the class ,and t

13、he milieu (出身背景 )into which that person is bornDuring the 1890s, a youn ger gen erati on of America n writers attempted toachieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and econo mic classes who were domin ated by their environment and heredity.These writers (the “ na

14、turalistsf6rmpda new literary school known asAs a literary moveme ntinto the twentiethcenturyno velist Emile Zola ( 左拉,“ naturalism,naturalism rose in the 1890s and continued well.The term “ Naturalism ” waeated by the French1840 1902) . In studying human life, he used thediscoveries and knowledge o

15、f modern scienee. He believed that people were notreally “ free Rather their lives, opinions and morality were all con trolledbysocial , economicand psychological causes . Zola addressed the naturalist eleme nt as see n in the novelIn short ,we must operate with characters, passions , human and socialdata asthe chemist and physicist (化学家,物理学家)work on inert bodies(无生命的 / 惰性物体)as the physiologist(生理学家)works on livingbodies.Determinism (决定论) governs everything. It is scientific investigation; itis experime ntal reasoning that combats (反对) one by one the hypothesesof the idealists (理想主义者) and



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