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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上同等学力申硕考试英语语法词汇经典练习(60题)选择题:1. Anyone who can study abroad is fortunate; but, of course, it is not easy to make the_ from one culture to another.(A).transaction(B).transportation(C).transmission(D).transition标准答案:D试题解析:考点:词义辨析 解析:transaction: 交易;办理;transportation: . 运输;运输工具;transmission:

2、传送;播送;传递;transition:过渡;转变;转换。翻译:能出国留学很幸运,但是,当然,要从一种文化过渡另一种文化不容易。2. Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality into all our cars, because our first_ is bringing you pleasure for years to come.(A).prestige(B).benefit(C).privilege(D).priority标准答案:D试题解析:考点:近义词

3、辨析 解析:prestige: 威望,声望;声誉;benefit: 利益,好处;privilege: 特权;优待;priority: 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事。 翻译:熟练的技术人员和先进的技术使得我们的汽车具有卓越的品质,因为我们优先考虑的是在未来岁月给你带来快乐。3. The camel is _ by the ability to go for quite a few days without water.(A). summarized(B). symbolized(C). characterized(D). represented标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:sum

4、marize:总结;概述;symbolize: 象征;characterize: 描绘的特性;具有的特征;represent: 表现;代表。翻译:骆驼具有好几天可以不用喝水的特征。4. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _.A. for longB. once in a whileC. for goodD. once upon a time标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词组辨析 解析:for long: 长久;once in a while: 偶尔;有时;for good: 永久地;一劳永逸地;once up

5、on a time: 从前。翻译:他是如此憎恶战争以致他决定永远离开军队。5. What I am telling you is strictly_. Do not let anyone know of it.A. secretiveB. specialC. individualD. confidential标准答案: D试题解析:考点:词义辨析 解析:secretive: 秘密的;偷偷摸摸的;special: 特别的;专门的;individual: 个别的;个人的;confidential: 机密的,应保密的。翻译:我现在告诉你的事情是保密的,不要让别人知道。6. Julie is one

6、of those women who always_ the latest fashions.A. put up withB. come up withC. get on withD. keep up with标准答案: D试题解析: 考点:词组搭配 解析:put up with:忍受;容忍;come up with: 提出;想出;get on with: 于友好相处;keep up with: 赶得上;和保持联系;翻译:朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一。7. If a cat comes too close to its nest, the mocking bird (initiates) a

7、set of actions to protect its offspring.A hastensB triggersC devisesD releases标准答案: B试题解析: initiate “开始,创始;发起”; hasten “催促;使赶紧;加速”; trigger “触发;引发,引起”; devise “设计;发明;想出”。 release “释放;发射”翻译:如果有猫太靠近它的巢,这只知更鸟就会发起一系列动作来保护它的后代。8. Music often_ us of events in the past.(A). remembers(B). memorizes(C). remi

8、nds(D). reflects标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:remember:记得;牢记;纪念;代问好;memorize:记住,背熟;remind:提醒;使想起;常用于remind sb. of sth.句型中;reflect:反射,照出;反省。翻译:音乐经常让我们想起过去发生的事情。9. Hermans success is due to his hard work and his ability to (formulate) plans which will get work done efficiently.A fulfillB approveC conceiveD

9、 conduct(E).标准答案: C试题解析:。formulate “规划;用公式表示;明确地表达”; fulfill “履行;满足;实现”; approve “批准;赞成”; conceive “构思;持有;以为”。 conduct “管理;表现;引导”。翻译:Herman的成功是由于他努力工作和能制定计划使工作有效完成。10. Today black children in South Africa are still (reluctant) to study subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.A a

10、nxiousB curiousC opposedD unwilling标准答案: D试题解析: reluctant “勉强的;不情愿的”; anxious “渴望的;担忧的”; curious “好奇的,有求知欲的”; opposed “敌对的;相反的”; unwilling “勉强的;不情愿的”。翻译:今天南非的黑人小孩仍然不愿意学习他们长期以来被禁止学习的科目。11. He was _ enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made.(A).intelligent(B).efficient(C).proficient(D

11、).diligent标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:intelligent: 聪明的;理解力强的; efficient: 有效率的;生效的;proficient: 熟练的,精通的; diligent:勤勉的;用功的。翻译:他很聪明,能从我的手势理解我提的问题。12. Many new_ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.(A). opportunities(B). realities(C). necessities(D). probabilities标准答案: A试题解析:

12、 考点:词义辨析 解析:opportunities: 因素;机会;机遇;realities: 现实;实际;真实;necessities: 必需品;probabilities:可能性;机率。翻译:那些受过高等教育的人将会有很多新机会。13. When the big bills for mothers hospital care came, father was glad he had money in the bank to _.(A). fall short of(B). fall through(C). fall back on(D). fall in with标准答案: C试题解析: 考

13、点:词组辨析 解析:fall short of: 达不到;缺乏;fall through: 落空;失败;fall back on: 借助于,求助于;fall in with: 偶然遇到;赞同。翻译:当拿到妈妈的医疗账单时,爸爸庆幸他还可以求助于存在银行的钱。14. Children usually (take after) both parents because they inherit characteristics from both the mother and the father.A. inheritB. likeC. assembleD. resemble标准答案: D试题解析:take after “与相像”; inherit “继承”; like介词 “像”; assemble “集合,聚集;装配”; resemble “类似,像”翻译:孩子通常像父母,因为他们从父母两者继承了特征。15. People of (diverse) backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business or education.A. differentB. distinctiveC. similarD. separate标准答案: A试题解析: diverse “不同的;变化多的;多种多样的”; diffe


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