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1、校区:西便门科目:英语年级:六年级 总第 次课学生:杨蒙曦编号:教师:啜晨曦 日期:12.09 数词【课标导航】课程目标层次要求基数词 序数词其他用法【知识梳理】数词语法讲解一)数词概述英语的数词可以分为基数词和序数词两大类。基数词表示数目的多少,如:three,thirty,forty-nine等。而序数词表示的则是这些数目的顺序,如:third,thirtieth,forty-ninth等。数词与不定代词很相似,其用法相当于名词与形容词。中考对数词的考查主要是数词的“复数形式”的应用、分数的构成形式以及词形变化中的基数词转换为序数词。当表示确切的数目时,hundred,thousand,m

2、illion等数词用单数形式;表达不具体的数目,如成百上千,成千上万等时,hundred,thousand等数词用复数形式,且在其后加介词of。英语中的分数是由“基数词+序数词”构成的。分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,分子大于“1”时,作为分母的序数词要用复数形式。基数词转换为序数词常在词形转换中考查,要特别记住某些序数词的一些特殊变化形式。如:onefirst, twosecond, threethird, fivefifth, eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth, twentytwentieth等等。(二)基础知识梳理1基数词1)基数词表示数量。

3、1319的基数词都以-teen结尾,如:thirteen,nineteen等。2090十位数的整数都以-ty结尾,如:twenty,ninety等。2)表示两位数词时,十位与个位之间要加连字符。三位以上的数词,在百位数与后两位数之间,要用and连接。如:four hundred and ninety-seven。注意,千位数与百位数之间用逗号分开,如:five thousand,three hundred and twenty。3)在表示一个具体的数目时,hundred,thousand,million都要用单数形式。如:several hundred,two thousand,ten mil

4、lion等。在表示大概数目时,则用hundreds of,thousands of,millions of。4)数词与其他词构成复合形容词时,其中的名词要用单数形式。如:an eight-cent-stamp, a three-month-old baby。 1 -How many students are there in your school?-There are over_students in our school.A. two thousands B. two thousands ofC. two thousand D. two thousand of 2_ visitors fr

5、om Australia will come to Visit China next week.A. Two hundreds B.A hundred ofC. Hundreds of D. Three hundreds of2序数词1)序数词表示顺序,使用时一般前面要加定冠词。基数词变序数词有一定的规律,下面的口诀可帮助你记忆:基变序有规律,123特殊记。th要从4加起,8减t,9去e。ty变成tie,ve要用f替。若要变为几十几,只变个位就可以。2)有时序数词前不用定冠词,表示“再一、又一”的意思。如:Soon the Greens had a second child-a son.很快格

6、林夫妇又有了一个孩子一个儿子。 1. This is _ lesson, so I dont know all your names.A. our first B. our the first C. the our first D. the first our3分数,小数和百分比1)表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时,分母须用复数形式。如:1/2上读作one half或a half, 1/4读作one fourth或a quarter,2/3读作two-thirds, 3 2/5读作three and two-fifths。2)读小数时,小数点前的基数词与前面所讲的基数词读

7、法完全相同,小数点读作“point”,小数点后只需将数字一一读出。如15.07读作fifteen point zero seven。3) 百分数的读法为:先读基数词,再读百分号。如5%读作five percent。4年份和日期1)年份的读法为每两位数读一个词。如:1950读作nineteen fifty1800读作eighteen hundred2000读作two thousand2)日期的读法有两种(1)先月后日,日子要读成序数词。如:9月29日可读作September (the) twenty-ninth(2)先日后月,在月份之前加Of。 如:9月29日也可读作the twenty-nin

8、th of September3)年月日同时出现,年代放在最后,年代前用逗号隔开。如:2005年2月1日可写成the first of February ,2005或February( the) first, 20055时间和钟点6:00读作six (oclock)7:30读作seven thirtyhalf past seven9:45读作nine forty-fivea quarter to ten2:15读作two fifteena quarter past two 7:30读作seven thirtyhalf past seven9:45读作nine forty-fivea quart

9、er to ten2:15读作two fifteena quarter past two6编号的表达1)事物名词(不加冠词)+基数词。如:Lesson One,Part Three,Channel Five,Gate Nine,,World War 2)定冠词+序数词+事物名词。如:the first lesson,the third part,the fifth channel,the ninth gate,the Second World War7加减乘除的英语表达plus/and加,minus减,time/multiplied by乘,divided by除。如:1)12 +8=? Ho

10、w much is twelve plus/and eight?2)4011=29, Forty minus eleven is/equals twenty nine.3)36 =18, Three times six is/equals eighteen.4)567=? How much is fifty-six divided by seven?【强化训练】&【课后作业】(注:本专题根据学生的程度及上课接受情况适当选择部分进行上课练习,部分做为课后作业。)一. 单项填空 1. _ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.A. T

11、wo-third B. Second-third C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds2. Wu Dong won the girls _ race in the school sports meeting last week.A. 100 meters B.100-metres C.100 metre D.100-metre3. The homework for today is to write _ composition about your father.A. a five hundred word B. a five-hundred-wordsC. a-fiv

12、e-hundred-word D. a five-hundred-word4She has a _ daughter.A. six-years-old B. six-year-old C. six year old D. six years old5_ is the most difficult of _.A. Lesson Eight. Book Three B. The lesson eight.the book threeC. The eighth lessonthe threebook D. Theeight lessonthe third book6. It will take th

13、em _ to finish the course.A. one and a half years time B. a year and a halfs timeC. a year and a half of time D. a year and a half time7. (改错)This story took place in the 1950.A B C二、完型填空。A.Mr Bush comes from 1 .He is now 2 a middle school in our city. He has sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for him to talk with every student 3 English. He enjoys 4 black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food 5 ,too. He doesnt 6 drinking milk. He likes playing basketball, but he 7 play well. His son and I 8 in the same class. 9 name is James. We are 10 .(



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