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1、202X年启东中学中考模拟考试英语试卷(八)(时间10分钟 满分140分)第一部分一、听力(0分).根据所听内容找出合适的图画。II.找出合适的应答句。6.A.ot say ikethat BNo, tans .M plsureA.ie mths. Bendolrs. CYe,i ry exensve8.Goidea. .Youd betternot C.et me help you.A.Atheschools BK, seyo then CHo aut pm0A , do. .Wy not A yuleII听对话,选择正确答案。听第段对话,回答第1题。11.What s them doigA

2、.okng fr volueer.BLoong oabb-stterC.Cookingfood.2.Wha desth ma suggst ts ihte wllingto doACange dipersB aplagrud aistnt.CH the ansellsme ans听第2段对话,回答第题。13owe the anseem f after this intiwA.Neous .eul. C.Exci.14.ow maypep ha beensked for a eon nteriewA1 B.4 .8.15.tdo te ansglend waAhewant t find a jo

3、ber Mr.Bhe hpsMarkoerd theob.Se hops ak fin a job ea .I.听短文,选择正确答案。16.Whc sntciscrreccoding t the textA.Pe ioftn late fo schoooPeterand hs homworklaeCPeternever goes toschool late ornds in isomework le.1ed ased Peeradse other fried A pay B.tohave diner C.o he luc18Pete the ex morning.didnt uplte Bgo

4、t ealy Cgoup ate19Peteaw a the cassom.Aoestuets . oe .ll of the20Freds brthdaywa o A.Fdy BSturday CSunay二、选择(0分)1I hav er sen iteting filefore.A.suc Bsuch an so an Danuh2Doyou fte go the lirary - , but hveno te now.A.useto o But doing C.am us do .used todo.Did the worker noce in the lakeAsomti stang

5、e .anything strngeC.tange nthing Dtage othng4. i sill el, m goin to se.AThough;bu B.Bt;thougCThog;/ D.But;.-ha des th word“am” mea - kow.Yuma inthe dictionryAdoent;lok up it Bdont;ok for iC./;lo it up Ddont;loi up6.Tom ut to hae etafter he i hmewokAwent;finish .wnt;nisheC.wet;hd nshed DB an7.Thenube

6、r ofthe studets in our col aot 0Anumberf the fom eityAe;ome Bis;ome Cs;re D.re;cos8.H liked collectng tas h wsachid.beoe B.ftr C.while D.as soon asThi boo mkes i .A.t e ppy Bhap o fel hap Dhaily0.Whathapened toyjt nowAbie udely i m whilIas alkin th rad.hrogh B.crs Caoss D.wih11-Where you -I wen to t

7、h iece hall ustnow.A.ha;oe B.did;go C.hve;een Dhas;been to12.One f my is at the famosusicchool.drea;studing .dreams;tudyngCdeas;to sudy D.drm;stdie1-What woud you like, e or offee - .Id like soe wate.A.ot B.Either C.Neite DNone14.-Culd yo geme pen I cantfind one. -Hee youae.to write wh Bto re .tw n

8、wrting with1.Did you si das awekA.used o wo B o okCused oringDuse to woring6.I hate pople alk uch but do ltteA.ho .hos Cwh Dwho17. uck you re to eeYang Liwei a he arr!A.Wat How CWat a D.owa18It is twr otthis problemYo ot need to asthetae r lpnouh easy B.eouh eilyCeasyenough D.easily enugh1Many eople

9、 were by thesunami(海啸)n Ind.hur Bto ut C uttd Dhurtin20My brotr carefuly when wet nto isom。Ai tuing Bstudies Cstd Dwas sudyin三、完形填空(25分)(A)Taour clss viited te Museumf Natral Hisry. went tose e nw l s.t irs I want 2 ineeing dinoau skeleton(骨骼).Wy wold aye want bout sething tht ot around y moreFirst

10、we wal 4 a big room, Ilooked p-up nd up.I saw the kletnof l anmal.It almost 5 teroo.Tw huge, dkhle it head looked bkat .t w Dinour Sue.Our gude tol 7 al ot SueH told s tolook at h ad60 ofhemThy were long andsharpOnetooth loked as asmyoolruleThe guieai the dinsar teeth showed th she was a eat ter.Im gla I wst arndwhn dnoaurs we


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