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1、同 步 培 优 一 年 级 上词汇总结:文具:book ruler pencil schoolbag身体部位:face ear nose mouth动物:dog bird tiger mon key cat数 字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten颜色:yellow blue black red gree n水果:apple pear banana orange句型总结:1. show me2. I have3. Touch your4. This is my5. What s thist s a6. How manyare the

2、re7. What colour is it8. Do you like重点句子:Good morning! Im Miss wu. Whats your n ameHello! My n ame is Bill.Good afternoo n. Miss Wu. Hi, Bill. Bye, Bill. Goodbye.Unit 1 SchoolI have a ruler. I have a pen cil. I have a book.Unit 2 FaceTouch your mouth. This is my mouth. Touch your no se. This is my n

3、o se.Unit 3 An imalsWhats this Its a tiger.Whats this Its a dog.Unit 4 NumbersHow many tigers are there Five. How many birds are there Nine.Unit 5 coloursOh, a bird! What colour is it Its yellow. A dog! What colour is it Its black. Unit 6 FruitDo you like bananas Yes, I do.Do you like pears No, I do

4、nt.同步培优一年级下册词汇总结:教室:chair desk blackboard on in un der房间:light bed door box n ear beh ind玩具:pla ne ball bear car train食物:rice no odles vegetables eggs chicke n fish饮品:juice tea milk water服装:shirt T-shirt skirt dress socks shorts句型总结:1. Where is the ruler2. What sbehi nd the door3. Ca n I have a car4

5、.1 m hungry . I want5.1 m thirsty . Do you want6. Put on your7. Look at my8. I like your重点句子:Unit 1 ClassroomWhere is the rulerOn the desk. Its on the desk.Unit 2 RoomWhats behind the door A chair. Whats under the desk A bird.Unit 3 ToysCan I have a car Sure.Can I have a bear Sorry, no.Unit 4 Foodrm

6、 hun gry. I want rice and vegetables. here you are.rm hun gry. I want no odles. Here you are.Unit 5 DrinkDo you want tea Yes, tha nks.Im thirsty. Do you want waterYes, please. No, tha nks. I want juice.Unit 6 ClothesI like your skirt. Thank you.I like your T-shirt. Thank you.同步培优二年级上册词汇总结:家庭:father

7、mother brother sister gran dmother gran dfather 男生女生:classmate friend girl boy man woman朋友:big thin tall short pretty han dsome社区:bookshop zoo school supermarket park hospital公园:boat tree lake flower grass hill节日:Father Christmas Christmas tree card present句型总结:1. Who s he/she He/She is my .2. What

8、Syour n ame3. What does he look like4. Where are you going5. There is a6. There are7. H appy Birthday !8. H appy New Year !9. Merry Christmas !重点句子:Unit 1 My FamilyWhos he He is my father.Whos she She is my mather.Unit 2 Boys and GirlsWhats his n ame His n ame is Panpan. Whats her n ame Her n ame is

9、 Can dy.Unit 3 My FriendsWhat does he look like He is tall.What does she look like She is pretty.Unit 4 the Commu nityWhere are you going rm going to the zoo. Where are you going rm going to the park. Unit 5 In the ParkThere is a boat on the lake.There are trees in the park.There are birds in the pa

10、rk.Unit 6 Happy HolidaysHere is a prese nt for you. Thank you.同步培优二年级下册词汇总结:游戏娱乐:play football fly a kite ride a bike swim make a model plane make asno wma n天气:rai ny cloudy snowy windy sunny umbrella季节:hot warm cool cold spri ng summer autu mn wi nter时间:eleve n twelve thirtee n fourtee n fiftee n t

11、wenty thirty forty fifty一天:get up eat breakfast go to school eat lunch go home eat dinner go to bed一周:Mon day Tuesday Wedn esday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun day句型总结:1. Can you2. What s the weather like3. What s your favourite seas on4. What time is it5. Whe n do youevery day6. What day is it today字

12、母学习:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z重点句子:Unit 1 PlaytimeCan you play footballNo, I cant. Can you ride a bike Yes, I can. Can you swim Yes, I can. Unit 2 WeatherWhats the weather like today, Dad Its sunny.Wow! Lets go and play football.Whats the weather like in Shan ghai Its rainy.

13、Unit 3 Seas onsWhats your favourite seas on Auto mn. Whats your favourite seas on Sprin g. Its warm and win dy. I can fly a kite in spri ng.Unit 4 TimeWhat time is it Its 7:40.What time is it Its 11:30.What time is it Its 2:50. Its playtime. Lets play football.Unit 5 My dayWhen do you eat breakfast

14、every day At 7:10.When do you get up every day I get up at 6:40.Unit 6 My WeekWhat day is it today Its Su nday.Great! Lets play football!What day is it today Its Mon day. Lets go to school !同步培优三年级上册词汇总结:自我介绍:my your name new years old 身体:head arm leg foot hair hand body 食物:bread cake ice cream meat

15、 potatoes tomatoes fruit 宠物:a rabbit a duck a small chicke n a long sn ake a turtle 服装:cap coat trousers sweater jacket shoes gloves 月份:Ja nuary February March April May June July August September October November December句型总结:1. How old are youI am nine years old .2. Which class are you in I m in class two .3. What sthe matter My foot hurts.4. What do you want for dinnerI want some meat and potatoes.5. What does it look like It



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