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1、Section 川 Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking基础训练I 单词拼写1. They told me my car needed a new电池).答案:battery2. He pushed the play按钮)again and ran the tape.答案:button3. I selected a文件)and pressed the Delete key.答案:file4. (2019 全国卷 n )lf you have a membership card, I can give you a 20%d.答

2、案:discount5. (2019 天津高考)The professor warned the students that on no ashould they use mobile pho nes in his class.答案:accountn单句语法填空1 . (2019 天津高考)A war injury has made his left ha nd stop (function).答案:functioning2. It(confirm) that the meeting will take place next week.答案:has bee n con firmed3. (20

3、19 全国卷 I )lt turns out that just looking at green, growing things canreduce stress, lower blood(press), and put people into a better mood.答案:pressure4. You can go online freely without Wi-Fi(password) in our school. 答案:passwords5. This app allows you to stream your favorite TV(programme)答案:programme

4、s川单句写作1. 猜什么事!我的身份证找到啦!Guess what My identity card.答案:has been found2. 按哪一个按钮可以复制文件?Which butt on can I?答案:press to copy the file3. 请建议几个APP帮我保持体形。Please suggest a few apps to help.答案: me get in shape4. 借助那个程序,已经制定了健身计划。With the help of this app,.答案:a fitness plan has been made5. 钱已经打到你银行账户了。Money.答

5、案:has been added to your bank account思维训练I 完形填空(2019山东省诸城市英语能力提升练)My mother was a responsible teacher and she retired. So I decided to give her one of my old computers to help her pass the time. She had a little bit of computer _?1_, so I just set it up for her and let her _2_ with it on her own.As

6、time went on, I _3_ the computer was hardly touched. She said she did nt know _4 to use it. I decided to teach her. I sat and _5_ everyth ing and she seemed OK with what I said. Unfortunately, my sister called me at that moment _6_ we talked on the pho ne for an hour. Then whe n I saw her aga in, sh

7、e was sitt ing in front of the computer, looking quite _7. The screen saver 屏幕保护程序 )had appeared and she did nt know how to _8_ it off. She had tried _9_ every key and it did nt work. I told her, “Jus 10 the mouse a little. What I meant was that she just n eeded to move the mouse around to _11_ the

8、computer up. What she did was to 12_ the mouse and start shaking it around in mid air until the 13_ went completely black. I could nt help laugh ing because of her funny _14_ . The more I laughed the _15_ she got.She thought that I was a(n) _16_ teacher and she decided to figure the thing out hersel

9、f. Well, at least I helped her overcome her 17_ of break ing somethi ng and en couraged her to _18_ a little.About a week later, I found a home made 19_ card with a mouse on the front making a funny face 20_ to my door. It said, “Thankor the computer less ons. Love, Mom. ”篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者教退休的

10、母亲玩电脑的有趣故事1. A.theoryB. knowledgeC. tech no logyD. history答案:B 根据下文中的 She said she did nt know _4_ to use it. I decided to teach her.可推知,作者的母亲对电脑所知甚少,此处指电脑知识 (knowledge)。故 选B。2. A.watchB. trainC. playD. see答案: C 根据上文中的 So I decided to give her one of my old computers to help her pass the time.”可知,作者

11、给母亲一台自己的旧电脑是让退休的母亲玩电 脑,打发时间。play with . “玩”。故选C。3. A.foundB.heardC.thoughtD.ignored答案:A 随着时间的推移,作者发现(found)电脑几乎没被碰过。故选 A。4. A.whyB.whenC.howD.where答案:C 根据下句“decided to teach her”可推知,母亲并不知道怎么(how) 使用电脑,于是作者决定教她。故选C。5. A.learnedB. describedC. explainedD. discussed答案:C 根据空处前一句 “decided to teach her.和空格

12、后的 and she seemedOK with what I said ”可推知,作者给母亲讲解(explained)了相关的电脑知识。故选Co6. A.andB. butC. becauseD. since答案:A 根据语境可知,空处应填连词and,表示“然后,接着”。故选A。7. A.amusingC. interestingB. relaxedD. discouraged答案:D 结合语境可推知,母亲不会玩电脑,感到很泄气(discouraged)b故选 D 。8 A.getBbreakCcutDturn答案:D 根据空格前的“The screen saver屏幕保护程序)had即pe

13、ared及 常识可推知,电脑出现屏幕保护程序,母亲不知道怎么把它关掉。 turn off “ 关 掉 ” 。故选 D 。9A.hittingBfeelingCchangingDremoving答案: A 根据空格后的 “and it didnt work ”可推知,母亲因为不懂得怎么关 掉屏幕保护程序,于是就按(hitting) 了每一个键。故选A。10A.hangBshakeCrubDpush答案:B根据语境可推知,作者教母亲稍微晃动(shake)鼠标即可。下文中的Start shaking it”也是提示。故选 B。11A.cleanBwakeCbringDtake答案: B 根据语境可推

14、知, 作者是让母亲移动鼠标, 唤醒电脑。 wake up “唤 醒”,符合语境。故选 B。12A.put upBcut offCpick upDput away答案:C 根据空格后的 “start shaking it around in mid air”可推知,母亲听 了作者的话就把鼠标拿起来(pick up),在空中摇晃。故选 C。13A.screenBcurtainCcoverDwindow答案: A 根据语境可推知,母亲不会玩电脑,拿着鼠标乱晃,结果电脑屏幕(screen全黑了。故选 A。14A.adjustmentBimitationCexpressionDaction答案:D 根据

15、语境可知,作者被母亲搞笑的行为(action)给逗乐了。故选D15. A.ruderB.happierC. angrierD.better答案:C 根据下段首句可知,作者越笑,母亲越生气(angrier)。故选C。16. A.impatientB.humorousC. carefulD.helpful答案:A 根据空格后的 she decided to figure the thing out hersefl可推知,退休前身为老师的母亲对作者教自己玩电脑这件事很有看法,认为作者是一个没有 耐心的(impatient)老师。故选 A。17. A.sadnessB. pressureC. fearD. depression答案:C根据语境可推知,作者帮助母亲走出了害怕(fear)损坏东西的阴影, 鼓励母亲再尝试一下。故选C18. A.replyB. observeC. answerD. experiment答案:D experiment “尝试”,符



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