2022年高二英语同步辅导Unit10 Frightening nature 人教版

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1、2022年高二英语同步辅导Unit10 Frightening nature 人教版1. 单元内容介绍与分析2. 重点词汇和短语的用法3. 难点句的解释与分析知识总结与归纳:(一)单元内容介绍与分析:1. 本单元的中心话题是“自然灾害”,具体涉及火山爆发、飓风和台风等。2. 听力(Listening)部分提供了一则天气预报。这个听力练习要求学生结合听力材料和所给的地图,弄清其主旨大意和性质,并且尽可能多地从听力材料中获取细节信息。3. 阅读第一部分是一篇关于一次灾难性经历的叙述性文章。文章作者根据本人记忆和叔叔的笔记,描述了意大利南部的维苏威火山于公元79年爆发的情景,特别记叙了作者的叔叔在本

2、次灾难中所表现出来的勇敢和无畏精神。通过对该文章的阅读,丰富了学生有关本单元主题的语言和信息。4. 阅读的第二部分提供了一篇关于台风的记叙文,要求学生在阅读的基础上进行大胆、合理的想象,续写故事的结局。目的在于丰富学生的想象力的同时,帮助学生掌握描写的写作技能。5. 交际用语:练习表达“焦急、害怕”等情感的交际用语。6. 语法:掌握英语省略句的使用方法。三. 重点词汇和短语的用法:1. 运用构词知识理解掌握下列单词:frightening;threat;terrify;erupt;courage;arrival;unbelievable;unfortable2. 重点单词的用法:(1)bury

3、:埋藏,掩藏,埋头于,专心致志于About two thousand years ago a volcano in southern Italy erupted and buried two small towns under meters of hot ash and mud.She was sitting with her head buried in a newspaper.注意以下几个常用的短语:bury the hatch:言归于好bury / hide ones head in the sand:闭眼不顾事实bury oneself in:埋头于,专心致志于(2)attention

4、:注意;常用短语如下:draw / attract / catch ones attention:吸引某人的注意pay attention to:注意May I have your attention, please.常用的交际用语:各位,请注意。(3)rise:升起,上升,起床,上涨,(不及物动词,无被动式)We watched it rising from a mountain at such a distance we couldnt tell which one, but we later learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius.She rose to gr

5、eet her guests.Great cheers rose from the people outside.The people rose up against their oppressors.注意对比raise:(及物动词)提高。He raised his voice so that he could make himself heard in the crowd.(4)sight:情景,视觉,视野。The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.What a b

6、eautiful sight those roses make !e and see the sights of London.注意:in / out of sight:看见/ 看不见;catch sight of:突然看见。lose ones sight:失明。(5)urge:催促,力劝;强烈要求He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain urged him.What were the cause that has urged Germany into war ?The teacher urged

7、us to hand in our exercises.He urged me to stay for dinner.Let me urge the importance of this measure.(6)immediately:立刻,马上,直接地Helped by two slaves he stood up, and immediately fell down dead.I recognized her immediately I saw her .3. 重点短语的用法:(1)knock about(2)live through(3)in circles四. 难点句的解释与分析:1.

8、We watched it rising from a mountain at such a distance we couldnt tell which one, but we later learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius. 我们看着它从山上升腾起来如此远的距离使我们看不出是哪座山,但后来我们得知是维苏威火山。tell意思是“区别”。又如:Human taste buds can tell the difference between four basic flavours.It is often difficult to tell identical tw

9、ins from each other, even when they are standing side by side.2. The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.一看到这种情景,叔叔身上的科学精神被唤醒了,他要靠近火山去看个究竟。这句话带有拟人修辞成分:由sight唤醒the scientist in my uncle。这种手法在英语中十分常见。例如:The study says there must be a plete overhaul of air t

10、raffic control system.at hand意思是“在手边”;“在跟前”。又如:I havent the dictionary at hand, but I will show it to you later.I want you to be at hand during my interview with the applicants.3. Her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius, and there was no way out except by boat.她的家位于维苏威山脚下,除了乘船没有出路。way out(克服困难的)办法,出路。

11、例如:He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one.In fact, Im sure thats the only satisfactory way out.4. Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went.灰尘和烧黑的石块落进了小船,他们越是靠近,石块也越来越黑、越来越多。注意the more,the more结构的用

12、法。例如:The more you practice,the more perfect you will be. 越实践就越熟练。5. He had to wait for a good wind, blowing the other way than the one that carried my uncle right in.他要等待合适的风向,此风向与我叔叔来时的相反。the other way意思是“另一个方向”;相反。又如:He turned the other way when he saw the police ing.He thought it would be easier

13、to go there than to e back, but it was just the other way,right意思是“径直地”;“立即地”。又如:The ship went right to the bottom, He turned on the TV right after he came into the room.6. He looked more asleep than dead.他看上去好像没有死,而像是睡着了。morethan 与其说,不如说。例如:Dont be too hard on him. He is more misled than stupid .7.

14、 You can pick out the important bits, for it is one thing to write a letter, another to write history, one thing to write to a friend, another to write for the public.你可以从中挑选重要的片段。写信跟写历史是两码事,写信是给朋友的,而书则是为公众写的。句型“It is one thing to do,another to do”意为“是一回事,又是另回事”。例如:It is one thing for you to stay he

15、re,another for me to ask you to stay here.Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.到达后,叔叔拥抱庞培,并尽力给他打气。upon或on后跟表示动态的名词或动词-ing形式,表示“在(做某事)时,当(某事发生)时”。例如:Upon arrival, they went in search of a hotel. She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first place .【典型例题】1. You ought to stay. , your mother is ill, For another, your father is out.A. Besides B. AnyhowC. For one thing D. Worse still答案:C分析:由后面的for another及全句意义可知,第一空表达的是“首次,一次”的意义。2. Her brother to leave her in the dark room alone when she diso


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