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1、1翻译下列句子,注意斜体词的表达。1) The expansion of the higher education system has turned universities from institutions for the elite to ones for the masses.【译文】大学扩招后,大学教育便从以往的精英教育变成普及教育。2) The editor praised his paper and suggested only one change.【译文】编辑赞赏他的论文,仅在一处建议改动。3) We alone do good to our neighbors not u

2、pon a calculation of interest, but in the confidence of freedom and in a frank and fearless spirit. (Thucydides: History)【译文】惟有我们乐于助人,但不计私利得失,而是出于自觉自愿,慷慨无畏。4) He knows no more life than the child unborn.【译文】他天真烂漫,对人情世故一无所知。5) Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the m

3、aster of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties. For him who renounces everything no indemnity is possible. 【译文】人天生是自由的,可处处受到约束。那种自以为给别人当主子的人,反倒比别人更是奴才。放弃自己的自由,就是放弃自己做人的资格,放弃人的权利,甚至于

4、是放弃自己的义务。一个人放弃了一切,是不可能有任何东西作补偿的。6) It is beyond the power of medicine to cure him.【译文】他的病非药力所能治愈。7) I am disgusted she saw the man as a reminder to lock her doors. I wonder if he noticed us doing so. I wonder how it feels when people lock their doors at the sight of you.【译文】我很讨厌她一看见那人就锁上车门的举动。我不知道那人

5、是否注意到了我们的这一做法。真不知道当别人一看到你时就把车门锁上,那会是一种什么样的感觉。8) While this may be an exaggeration, there is a bit of truth in it.【译文】此话虽然夸张,却也有几分可信。9) Brilliant young scholars or inventive industrial geniuses are hampered in technical research because they hesitate to disagree with their “superiors”.【译文】才华横溢的青年学者、创造发明天才因为不愿与“师长”唱对台戏,而在科研上裹足不前。10) Its been scientifically proven that frequent kissing stabilizes cardiovascular activity, decreases high blood pressure, cholesterol and overall makes ones life better. 【译文】科学已经证明常接吻可使心血管活动保持稳定,降低高血压、胆固醇,全面改善人的身体状况。



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