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1、2023年秋季英语演讲稿(2篇) 书目 第1篇英国财政大臣奥斯本在英国保守党2023年秋季年会英语演讲稿 第2篇英国首相卡梅伦在2023年英国保守党秋季年会英语演讲稿 英国财政大臣奥斯本在英国保守党2023年秋季年会英语演讲稿 thank you, digby, for that warm and typically robust birmingham welcome. gathered here in this hall are the representatives of britains great party of progress. the party of enterprise a

2、nd discovery, of liberty and the law, of the wide open seas and globalfree trade. and we meet to lay out our case before the nation and to ask it to choose the future not thepast. in broad street, just around the corner from this conference, stands the statue of the goldenboys. the three great briti

3、sh pioneers: matthew boulton, william murdoch, and james watt, are studying intently their plans for thenew steam engine. its an image that captures a golden age for our country, when the spirit of invention was aliveand the marriage of business and science made everything possible. a time when we f

4、aced the future with confidence, and werent afraid of the big answers to thebig questions. i want us to be that britain. lets raise the ambition of the nation so that everyone has the chance to succeed. i believe it is perfectly possible for britain to be the most prosperous major country on earth.t

5、he most prosperous, the most dynamic, the most creative. but only if we, in our generation, provide the big answers to the big questions. only if we choose the future not the past. for anyone who doubts this is possible, just think about what weve done together these lastfour years. four years ago,

6、our economy was in crisis, our country was on the floor. but we did what we britons do best when were being counted out. we picked ourselves up, we sorted ourselves out and got back in the fight. we set out our long term economic plan and worked through it. and then two years ago in this very hall -

7、 when the clamour of our opponents was loudest andthey insisted we should abandon that plan - we held our nerve and recommitted ourselves tothe course we had set. today i can report this to you: britain is the fastest growing, most job creating, most deficitreducing of any major advanced economy on

8、earth. britain, we did this together. we made a choice to leave behind a past of spending beyond our means, a past of borrowingfrom our children. we chose the future not the past. weve come this far. the deficit falling. investment rising. record numbers of new firms. business growth faster in the n

9、orth than anywhere else. long term unemployment down. youth unemployment down. the fastest fall in unemployment on record. almost 2 million new jobs. our long term economic plan is working. these are the statistics. behind each number is a person - in fact millions of people - who because of what we

10、ve donetogether now have a job. who because of what weve done together now run their own business. who because of what weve done together are providing for themselves and their families. and everyone in this hall should be proud of that. but let me tell you: i dont stand here marvelling at how much

11、we have done; on the contrary im humbled by how much more we have to do. the debts that need reducing. the small businesses that need supporting. the jobless who need employing. the infrastructure that needs building. the better future for britain that needs securing. we here resolve: we will finish

12、 the job we have started. we know that beyond the confines of all these party conferences, britain still faces hugeeconomic risks. at home, though weve brought it down, there remains a large budget deficit and our nationaldebt is dangerously high. abroad, our biggest markets in the eurozone are not

13、growing. anyone who thinks britain can ease up should look across the channel - look to the countrieswho thought they were out of crisis, eased up and so now risk returning to crisis. and then there is the wider world beyond. the borders with russia are aflame; a terrible virus is sweeping through w

14、est africa; and were engaged in a generational struggle against barbaric islamist extremism. our armed forces are once again risking their lives to protect our freedom. let us togethersalute their courage. any and all of these events have an impact, not just on our national security but on oureconom

15、ic security. these are big questions - but theyre not the only ones we face. we are also living through an economic upheaval as big as the industrial revolution - everysingle day new technologies, and new companies, and new economies are fundamentallyshaking up the established way of doing things. its extraordinarily exciting, and we as conservatives applaud the power it


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