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1、2022年考博英语-吉林大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题In the end, the police had to( ) to force in order to break up the crowd.问题1选项A.confineB.withdrawC.employD.appeal【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。confine “限制;禁闭”; withdraw “撤退;离开;收回”;employ “使用,采用;雇用”;appeal “呼吁;上诉;诉诸于”。句意:最后,警察为了驱散人群只能诉诸于武力。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题The storm was( ) an

2、d changed course constantly at sea at that time.问题1选项A.chasteB.candidC.chaoticD.cardinal【答案】C【解析】考查形近形容词词义辨析。chaste “纯洁的,贞洁的”;candid “公正的,直率的”;chaotic “混乱的,无秩序的”;cardinal “主要的,基本的”。根据句意“暴风雨时常改变方向”可知它是无秩序的,所以选项C符合题意。3. 单选题The surpassing beauty of his paintings( ) those of his contemporaries.问题1选项A.be

3、smearedB.belittledC.dwarfedD.bedimmed【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。besmear “弄脏,涂抹”;belittle “轻视”;dwarf “使显得矮小;使相形见绌”;bedim “使 模糊”。句意:他画作的非凡的美丽使他同时代的人的那些画相形见绌。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题The greatest devastation of old age is the loss of mental faculties, and with the near doubling of life expectancy in the past century has c

4、ome the mixed blessing of living longer and losing more. A few great thinkers and artists remained productive in their later years Galileo, Monet, Shaw, Stravinsky, Tolstoy but even they were not what they had been in their primes. In science, the boom falls sooner still:“ person who has not made hi

5、s great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so,”said Einstein.Imagine if we could transplant old brains into younger bodies: would our minds stay young, or would we be senile teenagers, scaling mountains and skateboarding at 120, but forgetting where we put the car keys? Is th

6、e brain uniquely vulnerable to the ravages of time? Can anything be done?Incontrovertible evidence from many studies shows that a higher level of education and greater mental activity throughout life correlate with lower cognitive losses in old age. These benefits apply to all sorts of cognitive los

7、ses, including those associated with Alzheimers. Some researchers believe that mental application in early life produces complex neural connections that provide a reserve later onothers argue that education merely gives people the means to cope with and compensate for their losses.K. Warner Schaie,

8、a professor of human development and psychology at Pennsylvania State University, has studied age-related change in more than 5, 000 people, some for more than 40 years.Comparing earlier with later recruits, Mr. Schaie concludes that the rate of mental decline is slowing,a change he attributes to be

9、tter education, healthier diet, lessened exposure to serious disease, and more mental activity. “Youve got to practice,” Mr. Schaie says, “If you dont solve problems, you no longer can solve problems. ” Retirement can be particularly hard, he adds, because for many people, work is their most challen

10、ging activity. “Retirement is good for people who,ve had routine jobs they may find something more stimulating. But its disadvantageous for people in high-level jobs, who are less likely to find something as stimulating as the job they had. ”K. Anders Ericsson, a psychology professor at Florida Stat

11、e University, confirms Mr. Schaies emphasis on the virtue of practice. Initially interested in expert performers like musicians, he found that many ostensible geniuses arent really so different from everyone else they just practice harder and longer, benefiting from sheer labor, rather than from som

12、e special gift. Professional musicians who continue to practice assiduously as they age continue to play well, while amateurs who just play for pleasure show age-related declines.Mr. Ericssons studies failed to show significant generalized benefits from mental exercise. “If you play tennis, you impr

13、ove your general fitness, but the greatest improvement is specific to tennis, not to other sports. Its the same with cognitive exercise. You have to look at your life and pick what you want to improve. ”1.According to the text, most great thinkers and artists( )2.The third passage tells us that high

14、er levels of education( ) .3.In this text the authors main intent is to( ) .4.Retirement can be good for people who( ) .5.The last paragraph tells us that mental exercise( ).问题1选项A.were productive even in their later yearsB.were most successful before the age of 30C.made contributions regardless of

15、ageD.contributed the most before old age问题2选项A.can help prevent AlzheimersB.are related to greater mental awareness in youthC.are related to lower levels of mental decline in old ageD.are only of many factors that can slow the rate of mental decline问题3选项A.underscore the difficulties related to agingB.critique different theories of mental decline in old ageC.argue that old age need not be a barrier to great accomplishmentsD.understand how people can counter the impacts of aging on mental faculties问题4选项A.have always had very busy



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