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1、一、 选出下列单词或词组中不同类的一项。(5分)()1、A. wait B.stop C. left D.go()2、A.bike B. book C.bus D.subway()3、A. south B.north C. turn D.west()4、A. store B.cinema C.library D.straight()5、A.riding B. diving C.hobby D.collecting二、 读一读,选一选。(10分)()1、If you go by car, by bike or on foot,you must know the_.A.light B.book C

2、.traffic rules()2、Red means“_”()3、Is it far _here?()4、The hospital is _the left.()5、Im going _3oclock.A.on B.in C.at()6、Im going to buy a magazine _plantsA. about B.at C.in()7、Walk straight _three minutes.A. at B.for C.in()8、His bobby is_A.paint B.painting C.paints()9、What _he like to do?A.does B.is

3、 C.do()10、One boy _playing football.Three boys_playing basketball.A.like;like Blike;likes Clikes;like三、连线(7分)1、2、3、4、5、6、7、A.You can go by train.B.You can go straight.C.Go at a green light.D.Where is the cinema?E.Im going to plant trees.F.Im going to read a magazine this evening.G.We are going to bu

4、y a post card next week.四、我会选(6分)A, Where is it ?B.How can I get there?C .Thank you very much.D.What are you going to do there?E.Is it far from here?F Thats OK.G.When are you going?B:It s near the bookstore.A:_2_B:Yes, it is.A:_3_B:You can take the No.302bus.Get off at the hospital,and then turn lef

5、t. YA:Im going to buy a post card,and send it to my cousin.B:_5_五、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打T错的打F,并在图中标出各人的座位。(22分)This is a classroom. You can see some boys and girls in it .Do you know the boy in a white T-shirt? His name is Jim. He sits beside the window.The boy behind Jim is Liu Lin . He is a Chinese boy.He

6、likes stamps. He has many Chinese stamps.The girl next to him is Lucy . She is English. Her twin sister is Lily. They are in the same row but they are in different groups(组).Look at the girl in a red dress.She is Li Ying.She sits between Jim and Helen,She is Helens good friend.( )1.Jim sits beside the window.( )2.Liu Lin sits behind Jim.( )3.Lily sits next to Liu Lin.( )4.Lucy and Lily are in the same row.( )5.Li Ying sits between Jim and Helen._


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